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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    “I'll have the reports sent to you this evening,” Jason told Marlene through the video link. Marlene nodded. “That's fine. I'll read them over and get in touch with you if I have any questions about any of it.” “Alright.” Marlene was reaching to sever the link. “Marlene?” “Yes?” “How are you?” Marlene hesitated. “I'm fine, Jason.” She cut off the connection. “Well,” Beth Gilbert said. “That was rather... abrupt. ”Marlene felt herself blush under the gaze of the raven-tressed woman. “Anything that you want to talk about.” Marlene felt her insides clench up, and then she nodded. “Can we? Please?” Beth smiled warmly. “As long as I'm talking to my friend and not the boss. Since it's personal, I assume you don't want to do it here.” Shaking her head full of strawberry blonde hair, Marlene said, “No. How about my place?” “Your place? I thought you'd be staying at the mansion.” “My place, Beth.” A knock came from the office door and both women looked towards the redhead that popped her head in. “If the meeting is over and you're interested, Tara, Jessica, and I were going to go get something to eat.” “I'm sorry, Trese,” Marlene said. She dropped her gaze to the report laying on her desk in front of her. “But I already have plans for this evening.” Trese frowned. “Okay. Beth?” Beth smiled at Trese as warmly as she had smiled at Marlene moments ago. “Sorry, Trese. I'm the one she's got plans with. Maybe next time.” Trese shrugged. “Sure. Maybe next time.” She closed the door quietly. Beth turned her head back to Marlene. “Problems with Jason and Trese?” Marlene sighed. “My place, Beth. Seven?” Beth nodded. * * * * * It was a little after seven when Beth rang the doorbell to Marlene's house. It was a Colonial Blue two-story home with a full basement situated in the same neighborhood as her parents' house. Beth wasn't sure why Marlene bought it and when asked, Marlene always claimed it was her sanctuary. When she was Charles' personal assistant, Marlene had lived in the mansion, the same as Beth when she had worked closer with Jason. Beth shook her head at the thought. Jason rarely worked closely with anyone except Warren, Ash and Kris. Shifting the bag in her arms, Beth was reaching for the doorbell when the door opened. “Hi, Beth,” Mrs. Palmer greeted her. “Let me get the door.” Marlene's mother was what Beth suspected Marlene would look like in another twenty years; still beautiful, but with lines around her eyes from smiling. It was easy to tell they were related. “Thanks, Mom,” Beth said, stepping into the house. “What'd you get?” Marlene asked. “Hunan chicken. The special,” Beth replied. Marlene rubbed her belly. “I don't think I can handle that.” “That's probably why I got the beef in garlic sauce. Other than that, white rice, fried rice, spring rolls, and they gave me a tea sampler.” “Any of the teas you two don't want to try send my way,” Meredith Palmer said. “If you need anything, call.” “I will,” Marlene said. “Bye, mom,” they both said, not quite in unison. Beth took the food into the kitchen, retrieved plates and bowls. Marlene pulled out the silverware. “So where do you want to start?” Beth asked. “Spring rolls look good.” “So, you're going to be like that,” Beth said. Marlene stopped and looked at Beth. “I'm sorry,” she said quietly. “I don't intend to be. I've just had so much to deal with since I got back and no one to really confide in.” “I'm here,” Beth said. “I've always been here. A phone call away regardless of what side of the country you're on.” “I know. It was bad enough when it was Jason that disappeared and having to deal with that...Shyft.” Beth nodded and began pulling food out of the bag. “He disappeared again.” “What?” “For five weeks or so after the explosion.” Opening up a carton, Beth poured the rice into a bowl. “White or fried?” “White is fine with the garlic sauce.” Opening another carton, Beth dumped her chicken over the fried rice. “He didn't tell anyone where he was going. Went north. Way north. Ended up in Quebec.” Marlene spooned some rice on a plate, then covered it with beef and vegetables. Two spring rolls joined her dinner. “What was he doing up there?” “Looking for you. He spent a goodly amount of time looking for anyone who could tell him anything that might lead him to where you were. At least according to him.” Marlene took her plate to a table for two near the window. She sat in one of the chairs and looked out the window. “He didn't say anything.” Grabbing a packet of tea, Beth tore it open and dropped the bag into a mug. She slipped it under the coffeemaker. “While you were gone, Jason seemed to have two settings. Focused or depressed. Focused when looking for you. Depressed when he couldn't look for you or didn't have any leads.” “He slept with Trese,” Marlene said quietly. Beth took her bowl and her mug. She sat opposite Marlene. “Did he? When was this?” “January.” “Let me think. January was when Angelique's father barged into your office and started making demands. Now that I think about it that was also around the time that Jason made all the scars on Trese's back disappear. Kris came into town for that. She stayed for about a week. “I remember that because Roan tried to resign. That was the day that Jason told me what he'd been doing. Insofar as looking for you, that is.” “What did you do?” Beth smiled. “Played the best friends' card, blew up at him, and broke down in my office. I told him to find you and to bring you home. Your mother came to the office to talk to him about you. You need to hide your journals better.” “Sorry. The cabin burned down and Jason never rebuilt it. That was where Sandy kept her sensitive ones.” Beth nodded. “Your mom found and started reading. Learned from you what Jason was.” “Shit. I bet that went over well.” Shrugging, Beth said, “That's when he gave mom your necklace. So by it she'd know when you were found. After Kris left Leah came into town. I think that was the following week.” She took a sip of her tea. “Hmm. Not bad.” “What is it?” “Cherry something. I didn't really look. Just sampled. Want one?” “Yeah. Just nothing too exotic.” Beth got up and fetched the tea. She handed it to Marlene. A mug went under the coffeemaker. Beth cycled it for hot water. “Leah went back to modeling. Got resigned. She had a couple of jobs out here so crashed with Jason for the week. That was the second time he disappeared.” “With Leah?” Shaking her head, Beth said, “There was a malfunction with the doohickey that Jason had Melner working on. It misfired and Jason disappeared. At least according to him and the building's monitors. There was two of him reported returning.” “Two?” Marlene shook her head. “Why didn't he say anything to me?” “I could ask you why you're not talking to him,” Beth countered. “He was overprotective. I was stifling. Smothered. I needed to get my head together.” Beth brought the mug to Marlene. “And have you?” “Not really. There are other concerns.” “Like the fact you're pregnant?” Marlene was shocked. “You know?” “You rub your belly as much and as often as a pregnant woman does. And since Jason healed Kris, Trese, and Sharon, I figured he did you, too. It is his, isn't it?” Marlene looked down at her plate and nodded. “Does he know?” Marlene shook her head. “You're not being fair to him.” “I know.” “Anything else?” “I lost my engagement ring.” “He would tell you that it was just a ring and replaceable.” Marlene smiled. Beth's phone rang. She looked at the screen before accepting. “Hey, Trese. She's here.” “My phone is off.” “What? TV! Now!” “What's wrong?” Marlene got up and headed towards the front of the house. “Super News Network,” Beth said trailing Marlene. “Thanks, Trese.” She disconnected.
  2. To a lot of things you aren't equal to a meal. A ration would, at best, be an appetizer.
  3. Disney has acquired The Transformers. The Autobot leader shall now be known as "OptiMouse Prime".
  4. Greywind

    Basic Thugs

    Senior Hench get names and their own character sheets.
  5. And who is at the heart of the Ukraine scandal? Biden by way of his son.
  6. The Ultimate Brick will show you almost everything you want.
  7. Various people and groups assert that U.S. president Donald Trump has engaged in impeachable activity both before and during his presidency,[1][2] and talk of impeachment began before he took office.[3][4] Grounds asserted for impeachment have included possible violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the Constitution by accepting payments from foreign dignitaries; alleged collusion with Russia during the campaign for the 2016 United States presidential election; alleged obstruction of justice with respect to investigation of the collusion claim; and accusations of "Associating the Presidency with White Nationalism, Neo-Nazism and Hatred", which formed the basis of a resolution for impeachment brought on December 6, 2017.
  8. The Democrats entire platform for the last 4 years has been "not Trump". Starting from the time he was elected. Their first action was to find (or make up) ground for impeachment.
  9. What's the fascination with his taxes anyway? A president releasing their tax returns has always been a courtesy. Not an obligation. How about the tax returns of those in congress that got rich while being there?
  10. What's that mantra? "A limitation that isn't limiting isn't worth any points"?
  11. Greywind


    Joe Anderson watched as Dani said her goodbyes to Jason. She held on tight and smiled when Jason brushed hair out of her face. Jason kissed her on her forehead and climbed back into the rental. Dani waited and waved until he had left the drive. When Dani made her way to the porch, Joe said, “Good friend you got there.” “One of the best,” Dani agreed. “He ditched his plans and brought me here without thinking twice.” “So, airport on Sunday.” “You get me for a few days, Gramps,” Dani said with a grin. “What's in the box?” he asked, nodding at it. Picking the box up, Dani sat on the glider with it in her lap. “Don't know yet. Part of me wants to open it and see. Part of me wants to wait a while. It's like he's still here if I don't open it.” Joe sat beside Dani. “Felt that way about your dad's stuff. But there was stuff that needed dealing with to drag it out for too long.” Joe looked at his granddaughter. “So what happened?” “Mrs. Baines argued that she had a right to whatever was in the box, key or no key. She had Bobby going to use a cutting torch to get into it.” “Figure most of whatever is in there is paper. Not bright.” Dani laughed. “That pretty much sums up Bobby.” * * * * * Sitting on the bed, Dani stared out into the dark beyond her window. The unopened box sat beside her. She focused her attention on the wick of the candle that was on the window sill. Flame leapt upwards, dancing in the slight breeze coming through the screen. “So what am I supposed to do, Cody?” her voice soft. Her grandmother's cat, Fluffers, meowed at her and jumped on the bed. She began to rub her chin along the box. “Claiming it or telling me to open it?” Fluffers meowed again and rolled belly-up. Dani smiled and began scratching the cat's offered belly. Fluffers started purring. “I suppose you're right,” she said. She reached for the key laying on the covers. Picking it up, she slid it into the lock and and turned it. Lifting the lid, Dani saw that Cody had cut a part out of the sketch of her that Jason had done at her request, and taped it into the lid. “I don't know if Jason would applaud your ingenuity or beat on you for defacing one of his drawings, Cody.” Looking in the box, Dani noted that it was mostly full, and what she could see was mostly paper. “Saved your ass, Rufus. No need to thank me.” Dani fished out the first envelope laying on top. Written in red marker was “Read Me First”. The envelope wasn't sealed. It was smudged with dirt, ink, and fingerprints as if it had seen a lot of use. She pulled a sheet of paper out of it and unfolded it. Hey Blondie, If you're reading this then I didn't come home the way I had hoped. I kept swapping the letter out. I'd write to you before each mission and use the same envelope. For good luck. The guys in my unit think it's funny that I keep a fireproof box in my footlocker. I kept telling them it was because my girl was just so hot. The drawing was nice. Really captured you. The guys didn't believe it was my girl. It wasn't until we saw your commercial that you had sent me that they started to believe. Won't be long before my girl is a movie star. There are things I want to ask about, but there's a bit of paranoia where it comes to the mail out here. They don't want us writing anything out about what we're doing or where we're going, just in case. Some of out allies out here claimed they ran into some type of earth elemental. How do we fight something like that? When asked, the Major said that we've got more guns than they've got freaks. I don't want to even think about how many guys we could lose if we have to try. I really miss you, Blondie. Anyway, on to more important things. Where I could I put you as my personal representative, I guess you'd call it. Not that I don't trust Momma to do what I want. I know you'll do your damnedest to do what I want. There's a couple of things in the box for Momma and Marissa. If you could, wrap them up and see that they get them I'd appreciate it. The wood box is for Bobby. I'm not sure if it needs wrapping. It's my pins. I got your name on my bank account. Thanks for supplying the SSN. You'll be getting my money. It isn't a lot, but I was hoping that Mari would use it to go to college or something. There isn't enough to cover Bobby I don't think. Dani put the letter aside. “If they both want to go I'll make it happen, Cody. Promise.”
  12. The style makes me think of drrushing.
  13. First step: where did he find it? Second step: contact the artist.
  14. After 2016 and the last 4 years of the Dems theatrics, I wouldn't put Clinton past them at this point.
  15. "ClintonHarris2020" Dems planning a last-minute switch?
  16. You want them to look like money flowing into your bank account.
  17. They close their eyes and ears out of fear?
  18. A winter's day In a deep and dark December I am alone Gazing from my window to the streets below On a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow I am a rock I am an island I've built walls A fortress deep and mighty That none may penetrate I have no need of friendship, friendship causes pain It's laughter and it's loving I disdain I am a rock I am an island Don't talk of love But I've heard the word before It's sleeping in my memory I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died If I never loved I never would have cried I am a rock I am an island I have my books And my poetry to protect me I am shielded in my armor Hiding in my room, safe within my womb I touch no one and no one touches me I am a rock I am an island And a rock feels no pain And an island never cries
  19. Greywind


    “Hey! Rufus!” Robert Baines looked up from where he had been about to apply the cutting torch and saw Dani. “Hey, Blondie.” The name struck Dani like a slap across the face. “You don't call me that. Not now. Not ever. I am not one of Cody's hand-me-downs that you can lay claim to.” Robert shrugged. “I didn't mean anything by it. Why do you call me Rufus anyway?” “Because it rhymes with doofus. You're always the one doing stupid shit. You're about to apply a cutting torch to a fireproof box. Did you ever stop to think that whatever Cody put in there could be damaged by your cutting?” He shrugged again. “Momma wants to know what's in it. There's no key to it, so cutting is the only option.” “What's written on the box?” “Blondie.” “And everyone in your family knows who Blondie was to Cody. Yes?” Robert shrugged again. “Yeah.” “So, you ever stop to think that just maybe Cody arranged for me to have a key to it?” Dani took the box and turned away. “Momma wants...” “Momma will know if there's a damned thing in here that Cody wanted her to know,” Dani said with finality. Cloud snorted at her as she walked by. “Hey, there, Cloudy.” Dani set the box aside. “You missing him, too?” Cloud came closer and snuffed Dani's hair. “Maybe I can talk Mari into a ride. Would you like that? You, me, and Sunny. Just like we used to do.” Cloud lowered his head. Dani placed her forehead against Cloud and felt the tears start again.
  20. One for Xander Harris from David Bowie Oh, oh, oh, Inca mummy girl Oh, oh, oh, Inca mummy girl I could escape this feeling, with my Inca girl I feel a wreck without my, Inca mummy girl I hear her heart beating, loud as thunder Saw they stars crashing I'm a mess without my, Inca mummy girl Wake up mornings where's my, Inca mummy girl I hear her heart's beating, loud as thunder Saw they stars crashing down I feel a-tragic like I'm Marlon Brando When I look at my Inca girl I could pretend that nothing really meant too much When I look at my Inca girl I stumble into town just like a sacred cow Visions of swastikas in my head Plans for everyone It's in the whites of my eyes My Inca mummy girl You shouldn't mess with me I'll ruin everything you are You know, I'll give you television I'll give you eyes of blue I'll give you men's who want to rule the world And when I get excited My Inca mummy girl says Oh baby, just you shut your mouth She says, sh-sh-shhh She says, sh-sh-shhh She says She says And when I get excited My Inca mummy girl says Oh baby, just you shut your mouth And when I get excited My Inca mummy girl says Oh baby, just you shut your mouth She says, sh-sh-shhh She says Oh, oh, oh, Inca mummy girl Oh, oh, oh, Inca mummy girl Oh, oh, oh, Inca mummy girl Oh, oh, oh, Inca mummy girl
  21. I'm surprised Sketch isn't making them to sell, him being an artist and all.
  22. Greywind


    Dani slipped her hand into Jason's and let him help her from the car. Standing up, she adjusted her black suit jacket. Her red blouse was only visible at the collar. Dani slipped on sunglasses and turned her face to the sun. “His kind of day,” she said. They turned and headed towards the gathering of people. “Part of me wants to comment on some of the people I know, but you'd have no frame of reference.” “I'm here for you. Beyond that I can be polite and make conversation as needed.” “I appreciate it,” she said quietly. “Dani!” a girl called. Dani looked and saw Marissa waving and coming closer. Mari looked a few pounds heavier than Dani recalled seeing her. “Hi, Mari. Jason, this is Marissa Baines. She's Cody's sister. She's the one that let me know about what happened. Mari, this is Jason Scott.” “Oh! The Jason you were always talking about?” Dani smiled. “Yeah. The guy with the big pool in California.” “I always wanted to visit that pool,” Mari laughed. “You'd be very welcome,” Jason said. “I hoped to catch you before everything started so I could give you something without Momma knowing,” Mari said. “She's looking this way,” Dani said, turning her head to face Mrs. Baines. She gave a slight nod in greeting. “Do you know why I like having tall friends, Mari? They can be used as a wall when you don't want someone to see something.” Jason took a few steps, bent over as if he were picking something up, and then stood erect, blocking Mrs. Baines view of Dani. “Thanks,” Dani said. Marissa pulled out a folded envelope. “A short note and the key I told you about.” “Mari, how...how did he die?” “Explosion. They didn't go into detail. At least as far as I heard. Just that he died in an explosion. Your grandfather is here. There's a seat for you near the front. I got an extra rose for you.” “Thanks, Mari,” Dani said quietly. Mari caught Dani in a quick hug. “I need to get back to the family. See you later?” “I'd like that,” Dani said. “Escort me to my seat and you can meet my grandpa,” she said to Jason as she watched Mari retreat. “He's your father's father,” Jason said. Said, not asked. They walked slowly through the crowd. “Get real. I'd need a time machine to meet mom's dad. So when I join the team what kind of view can I expect?” “I figured you'd get the view of the back alley.” Dani elbowed him in the ribs. “There's my grandfather.” When they drew close, Dani hugged him. “Hi, Grandpa.” “I was wondering if you were going to be here.” “Had to.” Dani stepped back. “Grandpa, this is Jason Scott. Jason, my grandfather, Joseph Anderson.” “Just call me Joe,” he said holding his hand out. Jason shook it. “Cody worked for me summers and weekends until he enlisted.” “Yes, I heard the horror story of the equipment barn,” Jason said. Dani elbowed him again. “No one got hurt. A pleasure to meet you.” “A pleasure, sir. Dani, I'm going to go pull up a tree. All the seats seem to be claimed.” Dani nodded and Jason turned away. She found Mrs. Baines staring at her. “Don't let her rattle you, Dani. You were more than good enough for Cody.” Dani smiled. “If it comes to it, I'll be the one doing the rattling.”
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