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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Grayson started at 6 or 8.
  2. Spider-Man 3 Is Bringing Back Alfred Molina's Doctor Octopus
  3. Not having a SPD of 12 will do wonders for the character and the game in general.
  4. Only time I recall a crossover that included Robin was when Raven influenced the Titans to attack the JLA and soundly beat them. Robin's yellow cape wrapped around Green Lantern's hand and a boot to the head put Jordan down.
  5. Only place I'm aware of is Gadgets and Gear.
  6. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/cat-vasko-to-pen-female-starring-plastic-man-movie-exclusive?fbclid=IwAR3xf0gMnjW2IDVEia5hsuyxF3XEvitWUuD9yz50T9ID0KhmQbLTbzRRB_I
  7. All depends on where in his career you're asking about. Follower, minion, sidekick, main character.
  8. I'm a Pepper. Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too?
  9. Greywind


    Thanks. Helps my sanity. -------------------------- “Who are you?” “My name, Dr. Tyler, is Arthur Kayne.” Kris' eyes narrowed. “I see you've heard of me. I am not here to do harm, Dr. Tyler. Quite the contrary, actually. I realize you can raise the alarm. I won't stop you.” Arthur walked steadily, but as if he were carrying a heavy load. His cane tapped in time with his steps. He stopped by Marlene's bed. “I am sorry, dear lady, for the heartache that I have caused you. Here at the end of things I have to wonder if any of it was really worth it.” His hand reached out, but he never touched her. “Pregnant?” He allowed himself a small smile. “Really now. I didn't expect that.” He turned his attention to the second bed. “Hello, dear girl. 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.' I did not realize what would happen, Angelique. I only hoped you would rise to the occasion.” He lifted his eyes from Angelique. “Hello, Charlemagne.” “She's dying, Old Man.” “I know. Here, now, at the end of things, I pray I can make some restitution for some of the things I have done. When I am done, Charlemagne, I will need your chair.” Arthur began mumbling to himself. He pressed his hand against Angelique's chest. Her eyes opened. Something smoke-like passed his lips and came through his eyes and entered Angelique. When the exchange was done he wobbled. Charley held him easily and helped him into the chair. “What did you do?” Kris asked. She checked the monitors attached to Angelique. All the readings were getting stronger. “A life, doctor, for a life. Maintaining the balance, as it were. I am sorry, for what it is worth, for the pain I caused you.” Kris bit back the retort that threatened.
  10. Greywind


    “Still planning on going with the blue and red?” “Yes,” Trese said. “Or maybe sometimes going with red and blue. You know, how football teams wear different jerseys for home and away.” Ash gave her a “get real” look. “No heels.” “But Sparx wears heels,” Trese protested. “Sparx also flies,” Warren pointed out. “Kris flies, no heels.” “Dani flies,” Dani said. “Dani doesn't wear heels. Because Dani doesn't want to end up with two broken ankles if she lands wrong.” Trese stuck her tongue out at her.
  11. Greywind


    Kaneda watched while Jason drove the screws into the crate holding the portrait of Marlene. “Mentor let me know you had returned.” “A little while ago.” “Did you find any answers?” “I was told that I was chasing ghosts.” Jason paused, holding a screw in one hand and a power screwdriver in the other. “Which is pretty much how I described what I was doing before I met the man.” He lined the screw up with the last hole in the lid and drove it home. “Something on your mind?” Kaneda held his weapon resting on both hands. “I am not worthy. I failed.” Jason laid his hand on the sheathed blade. “I am not taking it back,” he stated, removing his hand. “We all failed her.” “When the time comes,” Kaneda said, “I want in.” Jason bowed his head in agreement.
  12. Do you want a tombstone that reads 'he lived for centuries', or one that says 'for centuries, he was alive'?
  13. So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun The near and the dear one The old and the young A very Merry Christmas And a happy new year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear And so this is Christmas For weak and for strong For rich and the poor ones The world is so wrong And so happy Christmas For black and for white For yellow and red one Let's stop all the fight A very Merry Christmas And a happy new year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear And so this is Christmas And what have we done Another year over A new one just begun And so happy Christmas We hope you have fun The near and the dear one The old and the young A very Merry Christmas And a happy new year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear War is over, if you want it War is over now La, la, ah, ah Happy Christmas Happy Christmas (happy Christmas) Happy Christmas (happy Christmas)
  14. No. We have to stay here. And there's a simple reason why. Ask ten different scientists about the environment, population control, genetics, and you'll get ten different answers, but there's one thing every scientist on the planet agrees on. Whether it happens in a hundred years or a thousand years or a million years, eventually our Sun will grow cold and go out. When that happens, it won't just take us. It'll take Marilyn Monroe, and Lao-Tzu, and Einstein, and Morobuto, and Buddy Holly, and Aristophanes, and - all of this - all of this - was for nothing. Unless we go to the stars.
  15. Then you just improperly paint posters, covers, and use the action scrolling across the screen to "hide" words in the clouds.
  16. Greywind


    Consciousness returning, Marlene stirred and realized the car wasn't moving. She pulled herself up in the seat. “Where are we?” She looked out the windows and realized they were in the mountains. The sun was up, flashing between the trees. The landscape looked familiar, but she couldn't place it. She glanced at Jason. He was smiling at her. She reached out for his hand. He gave it to her. “Where are we?” “Are you awake?” Smiling back at him, she said, “Yes.” “I need my hand back.” When she released it, Jason put the car in drive. He pressed the accelerator and the car rolled forward, a little faster than idle speed. Coming around an all-too-familiar curve, Marlene gasped. It was bigger than the old cabin. Looking at the windows above it seemed there was an entire extra floor. “Jason...” He pulled the car to the side and killed the engine. Marlene opened the door and stepped out. She walked slowly towards the cabin. The color of the wood was different from the old cabin. The porch was wider and wrapped around out of sight. Marlene walked towards the building. She turned back to Jason. “Go ahead,” he nodded towards the door. She moved up the steps slowly, her gaze taking in little details. Eye bolts were mounted on several beams above the porch. The window glass had a prismatic glare when the light reflected off of it at an angle. Double doors were closed. She reached for the handle and found it locked. She looked at Jason over her shoulder. He smiled. Marlene found her hand going to her necklace. The key came free easily at her touch. It slid just as easily into the lock. Marlene turned it. In the center of the room was a fire pit. Above it was a wide smoke catcher. Four curved couches circled it. Turning her eyes to the side, there were two square tables with four chairs around each. Double doors on the inner wall were nearby. Above the tables were two paintings. Jason's work. On the left, Sandy Wilson sat in a bay window. She was playing her guitar. On the right was a painting of herself that she had never seen before. She was also sitting in the same window, at the opposite end. If the paintings had been hung closer together she could imagine them being one piece, except the perspective on each focused on the women, and not in keeping the lines of the window panes straight. Maybe she would suggest such a painting to Jason. Just for her. She wiped the tears trailing down her face. “What do you think?” “I haven't seen all of it yet. When did you do the picture of me?” Jason set the bags he was carrying down inside the doors. “I started it after you disappeared. As a means of keeping you. After I got back from...before Christmas, I put it away.” “You never pull out unfinished work,” Marlene said. “After you left I took it out with the intention of finishing it. For the same reason. To have you close. I wanted it hung up there. To have you and Sandy close together again. In the event that I would have you here to see it.” “Why wouldn't you have me here?”
  17. Warstar This is a scan off his first or second character sheet. I've been in the process of reworking his look as my time and motivation allows.
  18. Well, no one told me about her The way she lied Well, no one told me about her How many people cried But it's too late to say you're sorry How would I know, why should I care? Please don't bother trying to find her She's not there Well, let me tell you 'bout the way she looked The way she acts and the color of her hair Her voice was soft and cool, her eyes were clear and bright But she's not there Well, no one told me about her What could I do? Well, no one told me about her Though they all knew But it's too late to say you're sorry How would I know, why should I care? Please don't bother trying to find her She's not there Well, let me tell you about the way she looked The way she acts and the color of her hair Her voice was soft and cool, her eyes were clear and bright But she's not there But it's too late to say you're sorry How would I know, why should I care? Please don't bother trying to find her She's not there Well, let me tell you about the way she looked The way she acts and the color of her hair Her voice was soft and cool, her eyes were clear and bright But she's not there
  19. George Perez's portfolio was nothing but splash pages when he was trying to get into the business. He was informed by different people that the companies didn't want to see nothing but splash. They wanted to see sequential.
  20. Xander, don't speak Latin in front of the books.
  21. Most comic books sales recently seem to be along the line of trade paperbacks of story arcs, rather than the individual issues. From B&N and the like.
  22. They are writing what they want. For some reason the editors agree with them.
  23. I've really got to learn to just do the damage and get out of town. It's the stay-'n'-gloat that gets me every time.
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