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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. He also can control the heat output. He shook a general's hand at least once while he was still flaming.
  2. Mostly we do it in good humor.
  3. Greywind


    “Did he say what he wanted?” “Us,” Marlene said. “He'll let us know when we see him. Worried?” “What's the term? 'Called on the carpet'?” Beth said. Marlene smiled. “Relax. You've barely started. He isn't going to toss you out.” They came to where Marlene's desk was. “Looks like his secretary is out,” she said. “We'll just have to let ourselves in.” “...Hasn't been in contact with me since he left to help you,” Charles said. “Ah, girls. Daniel, if you'll excuse me for a moment.” He turned his attention to Beth. “Finding your way around?” “Yes, sir,” Beth answered. “Charles,” she amended when he raised a brow. “Good girl. And how is everything?” “Orientation is done. Human Resources is done with me. At least until they find another hundred forms or so that I need to fill out.” Charles smiled. “I've been weighed, measured, fitted for three dresses. That's just the last three days.” “Oh, but the shopping was fun,” Marlene teased. She slipped a couple of files in front of Charles. “I ran a highlighter over where you need to make your marks. I'll collect them later.” “Actually, that was why I wanted to see you. Once Director Thomas and I are done, I'll be heading over to R&D. So let Missy know I won't be home for dinner.” “Make sure you eat,” Marlene said. “Yes, dear. Could you take care of this for me? I would like it resolved before Jason gets back. Then you ladies can have a long weekend. I don't expect to see Jason before Monday.” He handed Marlene a closed zippered binder. “Yes, Charles. I will see to it,” she said with a smile. “Let's go,” she said to Beth, heading towards the door. “So, you do expect to see him,” Thomas said. “No. I said I don't expect to see him before Monday,” the girls heard before Beth pulled the door closed. “So, unexpected long weekend. What do we do with ourselves?” Beth asked. “Grab your things and we head to the house.”
  4. So far this season: A laptop A router 2 jewelry boxes that require assembly (Ugears Amber Boxes) 2 boxes of coffee
  5. Hulk stopped being an Avenger shortly after becoming one and before Cap was deiced.
  6. Find an anchor so you don't drift. This board works as that.
  7. So two new avengers take their place on the front line. They will face evil with a song of battle in their hearts. Destiny's got her hand way, way up in their puppets. It's an unpleasant tingling. The deepest of wedgies. And its only reward is... drama!
  8. Diving you? Do we need Scuba Hero to rescue you?
  9. Greywind


    “I'm sorry about the fence.” “It's okay,” Warren told Trese. “When the sun is up and the weather clears you can help fix it.” “Sounds fair,” Trese said. “Still have some things to work out on the idea. The rocket sled back worked except where we went through the fence.” “Twice,” Leah added. Kris' boots sounded on the stairs and all eyes turned to her before she came into view. Warren poured coffee into her cup. He set it in front of her as she took her seat. “What's the prognosis?” Ash asked. “Thanks,” Kris said to Warren. Looking at Ash, she said, “I don't have a clue. I've never seen him like this before.” “I have,” Dani said quietly. “When Sandy died.” “But he never made one of those...things with Ben,” Mary said. “'Power binds',” Leah whispered. Kate looked at her. “What was that?” “Something... Something Jason said to me once. When he made my first stone. He said, 'Power binds. Mine more than most.' He was linked to Ben through touch and his power.” “When Sandy died,” Dani explained, “he held on to her. Trying to will her to stay with him. To survive. He almost followed her.” “Jason disconnected us after we said our goodbyes,” Ash said. “I assume it was ease the load.” “What if... What if dad disconnected before Jason was able to?” Jen asked.
  10. The whole thing about Azrael taking over as Batman was "why doesn't Batman kill?" No one really liked AzBats either.
  11. Greywind


    All of Trese's powers are purple. There's a comment a little later in the bit that explains that it looks like a candle in a purple glass holder.
  12. Greywind


    Leah flew. At times the falling snow blinded her. She didn't know where Jason was. She only knew that he was somewhere in the direction she was heading. Leah had no idea how far out she had flown. All she had was a sense of urgency. She flew lower. A tugging sensation told her she was near. Leah slowed. Below her Jason lay on his side, his back to the wind and snow blowing over him. She landed, finding herself sink to her knees in the powder. “Honey,” she said, “next time do this in the daylight and not in the middle of a blizzard.” Leah knelt beside him. She checked him as best she could. His breathing was shallow and his pulse was weak. Her hand went to her ear. “Damn it.” She fished her phone out of a pocket. Leah called Kate. “I found him.” “Where?” Leah raised her hand and sent a blast into the sky. “Warren said he could hardly see it.” “He's not going to be running out here. The snow is too deep. I'm going to need help. He's not wearing his coat.” * * * * * “So how do we get him back here?” Warren asked. “What about those plastic sleds from when we were kids?” Jennie tossed out. “Dad used to pull us on the tractor. I think they're still tied together.” Trese smiled. “Right idea, Jen. Wrong plan.” She looked at Dani. “You ready to try something new?” Dani pulled her sweater off to reveal the top of her Hellfire uniform. “You're kidding,” Ash said. “Extra layer of insulation and I'm not burning my sweater, jeans or socks. Warren, the rest of my...” Warren held her boots and glasses out to her. “Thanks,” she said, shucking off her jeans and socks. Pulling on her boots, she asked, “What's your plan, Red?” Trese grinned and pulled on her coat. “Kate, tell Leah to give us a heading every so often.” “This I've got to see,” Ash said as everyone trailed out the door behind Trese. “Trese,” she turned to look at Marlene. “Bring him back.” “We will,” Trese assured her. Closing her eyes, Trese let her power out. She sat. She felt the wings extend to either side. The wind stopped stinging her face when the fuselage formed. “I don't know, Red. I don't think I can carry all this.” “You're only carrying me and I'll be helping this time.” “Where do I go?” Dani asked. “See the grips in the middle? Grab those. Once we get going I will close the bottom and you provide the thrust.” Warren looked at what Trese had formed. It was somewhere between a hang glider and a sea plane. “How did you come up with this?” “An idea that I had. Jason and I have been fiddling with it. Ready?” “Yeah,” Dani said. “I guess.”
  13. Greywind


    The mood in the house was somber. After the ambulance had taken Ben they had migrated to Warren's. Mary and Jennie weren't ready to deal with Ben's absence in the house. Everyone's minds were turned to their own memories of the man. Jennie sat on the couch between Marlene and Leah. Leah had an arm around her. From time to time tears would roll down Jennie's face. Mary sat in Warren's recliner rocking Aaron. Every once in a while, the boy would call out “Pa”. In the kitchen, Warren tended dinner. He held his wife when he wasn't otherwise occupied. Kris and Ash sat at the table nursing cups of coffee. Warren felt Kate shiver at the same moment he did. “Great.” “What's wrong?” Mary asked. Kris and Ash looked at each other. “Draft,” Warren answered. “Need to find out where it is coming from.” “Warren, go find Jason, please,” Marlene said quietly. “He's probably out in the barn,” Warren said. “Warren.” Jennie shifted off Leah when Leah let go of her. “Yeah?” “Open the door.” Electricity crackling around her, Leah flew at the door. In a burst of speed, Warren held it open for her. He watched as she gained altitude. “What's wrong?” he asked. Marlene answered him. “That wasn't a draft.”
  14. Probably why Dick was an older teen in Batman Forever.
  15. Richard Corben, Iconic Heavy Metal Artist, Has Died
  16. Most likely the 80s Wolfman/Perez run.
  17. I think it is a wish list item.
  18. Reminds me of V&V's Battle Above the Earth.
  19. Lots of Sabrina Carpenter Spider-Gwen, too.
  20. This answer actually varies depending on which comic we are talking about. When he first becomes Robin in issue #38 of Detective Comics back in 1940, Dick is 8-years old, per the Titans comic. As the years progress, Dick is depicted a little older the more he's introduced
  21. Greywind


    Never underestimate the power of insanity or a cool looking helicopter.
  22. Greywind


    Daniel Thomas stared at the stylized P and flaming W icon of Project Wildfire that had replaced Jason Scott when he had disconnected the video call. Information was always a useful bargaining chip and one he preferred to never have to give up. Capwell had given him a few free bites and he could only wonder where and how Bauer had managed to get hold of two Black Sharks. Jason listed almost every airfield in California wanting to know how a Russian-made helicopter could fly over American airspace undetected. He had ideas, but sharing wasn't really in his nature. He wished he had more, hell, any control over Jason. Trying to exert any could very well have the Guardians blow up in his face. It was better for him and for Wildfire to keep them as allies. It was time for him to get some advice. “Anderson, Sharon.” He waited while the computer made the connection. “Daniel,” she said in greeting when the connection was made. “Hello, Sharon. I need your help dealing with a problem.” “If I can. What's the problem?” “It isn't a what, Sharon. It's a who.” Sharon's eyes narrowed and threatened to burn a hole through him. “I don't deal with those types of problems any longer, Daniel. You know that.” “Relax, Sharon. It isn't a wetwork solution that I'm looking for.” “Oh. Who is the problem, then?” “Jason Scott.” Sharon's eyes shifted to the side. “Sharon, your eyes? You can see again?” Yes, Daniel.” “How?” Sharon focused on his image again. “Let's just say Santa decided I had been a very good girl.” “You aren't going to tell me.” “Good guess. What's the problem with Jason?” “He wants some information.” “Which you loathe the idea of handing out without getting something useful in return.” “Something like that. He's threatening to withdraw from Wildfire. He's threatening to talk to Kendall to have him withdraw.” Sharon shook her head. “Entirely possible he could do it. Jason despises you, Daniel. He sees you, at best, as a necessary evil. Just barely crossing the line into the necessary part. Wildfire has put a foot wrong with several nations. The only thing that keeps you from putting a foot wrong in ours is Alan.” “I don't know why he doesn't like me. I have such a sparkling personality,” he said dryly. “You referred to two of his closest friends as 'assets' while trying to take them back into custody. It goes downhill from there. What is it that he wants?” “Did you see the news? The tour bus on the Pacific Highway?” “Yes,” she answered. “The helicopter was targeting Scott and Capwell. His assessment was that is was a Black Shark. Capwell says that Bauer has two in his possession.” “How did one of those end up flying over California?” she asked. “And that is what Scott wants to know.” “Do you know?” Daniel nodded. “Theories and conjecture based on a contact inside Nova Research.” “It isn't what you want to hear, Daniel, but tell him what you know and what you think. It might just push you a little further into 'necessary' in Jason's mind.” The screen went blank and was once again filled with the Wildfire icon.
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