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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. It's like somebody slaughtered an Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue.
  2. Yinsen: We met, you know, in a technical conference in Bern. Tony Stark: I don't remember. Yinsen: [chuckling] Of course not. If I had been that drunk, I wouldn't have been able to stand, let alone give a lecture on integrated circuits. They wanted to tap into the Demon in a Bottle story.
  3. I was beginning to think she was immortal. Dawn Wells, ‘Gilligan’s Island’s’ Mary Ann, Dies
  4. In the cool of the evenin' when ev'rything is gettin' kind of groovy I call you up and ask you if you'd like to go with me and see a movie First you say "no", you've got some plans for the night And then you stop, and say, "all right" Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you You always keep me guessin', I never seem to know what you are thinkin' And if some fellow looks at you, it's for sure your little eye will be a-winkin' I get confused, 'cause I don't know where I stand And then you smile, and hold my hand Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you Spooky spooky yeah, yeah If you decide someday to stop this little game that you are playin' I'm gonna tell you all that my heart's been a-dyin' to be sayin' Just like a ghost, you've been a-hauntin' my dreams So I'll propose on Halloween Baby, love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you Spooky, yeah, yeah
  5. Imaginary lovers Never turn you down When all the others turn you away They're around It's my private pleasure Midnight fantasy Someone to share my Wildest dreams with me Imaginary lover you're mine anytime Imaginary lovers, oh yeah When ordinary lovers Don't feel what you feel And real-life situations lose their thrill Imagination's unreal Imaginary lover, imaginary lover You're mine anytime Imaginary lovers never disagree They always care They're always there when You need satisfaction guaranteed Imaginary lover, imaginary lover You're mine all the time My imaginary lover You're mine anytime
  6. And when exactly did your sister get unbelievably scary?
  7. Every night that goes between I feel a little less As you slowly go away from me This is only another test Every night you do not come Your softness fades away Did I ever really care that much? Is there anything left to say? Every hour of fear I spend My body tries to cry Living through each empty night A deadly calm inside I haven't felt this way I feel Since many a year ago But in those years and the lifetime's past I did not deal with the road And I did not deal with you, I know Though the love has always been So I search to find an answer there So I can truly win Every hour of fear I spend My body tries to cry Living through each empty night A deadly calm inside So I try to say goodbye, my friend I'd like to leave you with something warm But never have I been a blue calm sea I have always been a storm Always been a storm Ooh, always been a storm I have always been a storm We were frail She said, every night he will break your heart (Storm) I should have known from the first I'd be the broken hearted, (storm) I loved you from the start (Storm) Save us And not all the prayers in the world Could save us
  8. Greywind


    Sitting on the glider, coffee in her cup long since gone cold, Mary waited for the dawn. The first of many sleepless nights to come. It was still snowing, but the wind had died down. The snow came down more or less straight with a few swirls here and there. She hoped to catch a glimpse of the sun before it rose above the clouds. The doors creaked open and Jason stepped out. He had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. Closing the doors quietly, his steps were slow and uncertain as he crossed the porch. Stopping at the top of the steps, Jason leaned against the post. “You aren't planning on wandering off into the snow again?” Mary asked quietly. “Good morning,” Jason said with a pained smile. “No. I was in a dark place. I needed to see some light.” “Sun isn't up yet. No guarantee we'll see it. How do you feel?” “Shaky,” he answered. “Why don't you come sit?” With some effort, Jason removed himself from the post and shuffled across the porch. “You should have put your coat on.” “Left it at your place,” he said, settling onto the glider. Mary watched him for a moment. “I figured you'd still be in bed with your women. All four of them.” Jason gave her a questioning glance. “Ben told Leah to take care of you. Then he told Marlene to take care of you and her girl. And the one Angelique conjured up. Sandy?” “I wish I had seen her,” he said quietly. “I only have...dreams of her. Marlene wrapped herself around Leah when I extricated myself.” Mary smiled. “You know you're going to have a daughter.” Jason nodded. “How?” “I was granted...a gift, I guess. I saw her. With Aaron. They were at the lake. She was playing Sandy's guitar. He was skipping rocks.” Jason pulled the blanket closer. Mary saw his hands shake. “Christmas is going to be difficult,” Mary said quietly. Jason reached for Mary's hand and held it gently. “It doesn't have to be. It'll hurt and the hole will be there, but we'll all gather. We'll remember Ben. Warren will pick up for him and carry on the family traditions. We'll tell stories and share laughs.” “You held on while we said our goodbyes to him. Did you get to say your own?” Jason shook his head. “Not until after he was gone.”
  9. When you can, go for the cybernetic upgrades.
  10. So, you finally admit you are Old Man in disguise...
  11. Because there is no wrong answer. Just answers that some won't/don't agree with.
  12. Is it the assumptions of the system or the assumptions of the people at the table? Take NCM, for example; as has been stated, some people take that as a hard line maximum for normals. Whether or not that normal is a superhero, a PC, or whatever. While others look at it as merely the point at which stats start to cost double for that character. And for other it is barely a blip on the radar because either the players don't use it or the GM doesn't. Look at all the different philosophies of the members here that have tossed out for making Batman. What matters in the end is how YOU would build him for use within your world/game.
  13. But the sun is going down and Batman only comes out at night.
  14. Holy hell woman, you're evil incarnate! Start acting like it.
  15. Panda is the brains behind Panda Express. Raccoon had a small mishap in a city he took over and named for himself.
  16. Phil Jimenez modeled his style off Perez.
  17. He fathered Franklin, which lead to the Heroes Reborn atrocity.
  18. Greywind


    Jacksonville NC: “I can't believe she lives there!” “You're judging,” Beth said. “She has to live somewhere.” “I know. I'm not judging her. I'm judging that...that...apartment building,” Marlene said. “It violates almost every code of human decency.” Beth rested her elbow on the door and buried her fingers in her raven hair. “I think that after her sister disappeared she fell on difficult times.” “I know,” Marlene said quietly. “More than likely her life is about to change.” * * * * * “Kari? Kari Tyler?” Marlene called. The girl came to the counter. “Now's not a good time. I'm working.” “Tyler! Back on the line!” someone called out. Kari turned to head back to the fryer. “It's about Kristina.” Kari stopped in her tracks. “Tyler!” Hard-faced, Kari turned back to Marlene and Beth. Voice trembling, she asked, “What about Kris?” “Tyler! Back to work!” “They want to talk to me about my sister!” “She's dead. Get used to the idea and get your ass back to work!” Kari glared at the woman giving her orders. She took her cap off and dropped it on the floor. Kari then stripped off her over shirt and it joined the cap. “I quit, bitch!” She climbed over the counter. “Never liked working here anyway,” she said. “Let's go some place quiet where we can talk,” Marlene said. * * * * * “Who are you?” “My name is Marlene Palmer. I work for Charles Scott.” “The industrialist?” “Yes. We are here at his behest. Actually, at the behest of Jason Scott.” Marlene smiled up at the waitress while she poured the coffee. “Do you know what you want?” she asked. “Club sandwich with fries,” Marlene replied. “Sounds good,” Beth said, closing her menu. “Two club sandwiches with fries,” the server noted. “And for you?” “Burger and fries.” “I will get it taken care of,” she said collecting the menus. Marlene smiled her thanks. “What's that have to do with Kris?” Beth glanced at Marlene. “Right now she's in Colorado. Not too far from Denver.” “She's been found? When? Where?” “Easy,” Marlene cautioned. “We can't go into all the details. We don't actually know all the details. She was found and Jason took her into his care.” “Care? Is she alright? What...what happened to her?” Marlene opened the brief she had carried in and pulled out a photograph. She passed it to Kari. Kari stared at it for a long time. Tears slipped from her eyes. “She's got wings,” she said quietly. “Yes,” Marlene said. “I knew they did something to her. My back hurt for months. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me. Chiropractors didn't help. Nothing. I knew it was her!” Beth asked, “How did you know?” “Kris and me, we're symptomatic twins. We know when the other one feels something intense. Like pain.” “Sympathetic,” Marlene corrected. “Yeah, that. When can I see her?” “Well,” Marlene said with a smile, “we're going to eat lunch. Then we're going to take you to your...” “Apartment,” Beth added, elbowing Marlene. “Apartment. You can pack what you need and we head to the airport. Hop on a private plane. Fly to Denver International. Steal a company car and drive to where Kris is. That work for you?” Marlene asked, smiling. Kari was the first to finish eating.
  19. Shenanigans. I think those were actually Skrulls.
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