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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. If you recall, in Ragnarok Thor saved his people but lost Asgard. Odin told him Asgard was the people. He was settling into the role of being their leader when Thanos came along and killed who knows how many Asgardians. Before Thanos ever snapped his fingers. Going into Infinity War, Thor was already damaged by that loss.
  2. Greywind


    “We got trouble,” Godson said upon entering the clinic. “A squad of the purple from the west.” “Monitors in the market!” Kira announced breathlessly. “They got a war machine with them. They're searching the stalls.” “Color?” Godson asked. “Blues, I think.” “Santa Monica and Inglewood,” Kris said. “How many hostiles?” Jason went over the mental map he had of the area. Godson said, “Seven to a squad. Infantry armor and blasters. One warstar with the blues. No idea if the purps have one with them.” “Warstar?” “Yeah, big fugly looking thing.” “He knows what they are. We had one on the Guardians.” Kris looked at Jason. “We lost him in New York.” “Assume they're tossing the market for evidence from the depot. What else can we expect?” “After the market, they'll turn their attention to the people and the living areas,” Kris said. “We need to hide you.” * * * * * Three monitors entered the clinic. Two bracketed the door with their backs to the wall, keeping any who might be curious at a distance. Two of the monitors that entered moved deeper and began opening cupboards. The fifth one turned their attention to Kris. “Records.” Kris handed over a data chip. The monitor slotted it into their armor and passed Kris a new one. The armor was gloss black with a splash of purple on the left shoulder. The face plate was golden yellow. “Crawlers.” Four spider-like machines came through the door. One on each wall, one on the ceiling, and one on the floor, began moving deeper into the clinic, following the two monitors. The monitor dealing with Kris took note of the sketchbook on the table. Their hand went to the cover and seemed to caress it. “That's mine,” Godson said, taking a step forward. The monitor snapped its baton up less than an inch from Godson's face. The tip glowing blue. Godson put his hands up and took a step back. Kris noted from the corner of her eye that the crawler on the floor stopped on top of the hidden compartment where Jason was hidden. “Nothing here, Commander,” one of the monitors said coming back through the clinic. The commander nodded. “Move on to the next. Your data chip, Doctor,” they said, passing Kris another. “Crawlers, out.” The one on the floor was the last to leave.
  3. Greywind


    Godson knelt at the corner of a building watching his charges play in an empty lot. It had felt good to him to be able to use his speed. To do something that helped the people around him and maybe hinder the enemy. The supply depot had been a good start, but the monitors and Tharians would push back. Sooner or later. The ball the children were playing with bounced towards him and he batted it back with an open palm. A loud whistle pierced the air and drew Godson's attention. Looking up he saw the watcher signal. “Sooner,” he said to himself, signaling acknowledgment to the watcher above. Standing up, he brushed his hands off on his pants. “Back in a bit, kids,” he told the children. He set off at a brisk pace. Not quite running. * * * * * Moving through the market stalls, Kira kept an eye out for items easily missed by the vendors and for others like herself, who might make those items disappear. When the noise started at the other end of the street, she turned and watched the monitors and their war machine deploy from their transport. The machine stood at the end of the market street while the monitors moved through the stalls, shoving vendors out of their way, scattering goods, searching. Kira realized that this was something that Doc and Jason would want to know about. She ran.
  4. Looks like a couple of generic artists from the time period.
  5. All my life, without a doubt I give you All my life, now and forever till the Day I die, you and I will share All the things this changing world can offer So I sing, I'd be happy just to Stay this way, spend each day, with you There was a time, that I just thought That I would lose my mind You came along and then the sun did shine We started on our way I do recall that every moment spent Was wasted time but then I chose to lay it on the line I put the past away I put the past away I put the past away All my life, I will carry you through All my life, between each hour of the passing days I will stay with you There was a time, that I just thought That I would lose my mind You came along and then the sun did shine We started on our way I do recall that every moment spent Was wasted time then I chose to lay it on the line I want this all my life I want this all my life I want this all my life I want this all my life I want this all my life I wanted this all my life
  6. Thought about cross-posting to Foods For Those That Don't Care Anymore.
  7. Youtube automatically embeds unless you click the "Post as link instead" option.
  8. Greywind


    Timidly tapping at the door, Trese waited. “Come in,” Marlene called. Trese opened the door. “Wow. Claimed the biggest and best for himself.” She closed the door behind her. “Thanks,” Marlene said sarcastically. She was sitting at a vanity brushing her hair. “I'd hardly call myself the biggest. Yet. Give it a few more months.” Smiling at her, Trese said, “That's not what I meant. I was talking about the room.” “Well, he did pay to have it built. And it is, technically, still his.” Trese gave her a questioning look. “What's that supposed to mean?” Grinning, Marlene said, “You'll just have to wait and find out. What's on you mind?” Moving behind Marlene, Trese reached for the brush. Marlene relinquished it. “What happens now?” “What do you want to happen now?” Running the brush through Marlene's hair, Trese asked, “What changes?” “Everything and nothing,” Marlene responded. “Thanks. That's clear as mud.” Marlene laughed. “That doesn't make me feel any better.” Marlene held her hand out. “Brush.” Trese handed it over. Marlene got up. “My turn. Sit.” Trese sat in the vacated chair. Marlene began pulling the brush through Trese's hair. “You have the responsibility to the name, to the family, and to the company. The same responsibility you had before I handed you that envelope. So, in that manner, nothing changes. Legally, Jason has obligations to you. That's changed. But at the same time you've seen how he's dealt with you since that day he picked you up in that bar.” Trese smiled at the memory. “Best thing that had happened since my mom died.” “That commonality is one of the things that binds you and Jason. Signing those papers was the final act Jason had as his father's representative. Jason carried out Charles' wishes where you are concerned with no thought about how it might affect him. Because it was what his father wanted for you. It was what Jason wanted for you.” “So, do I become Theresa Lynn Scott? Theresa Lynn Gardner-Scott? Theresa Lynn Scott-Gardner?” Marlene shrugged. “That's up to you.” “What would Jason think if I didn't use the name?” “Jason won't care,” he said coming out of the bathroom. “What matters to Jason is that you're family. You are and have been. Any concerns that you have, or that may come up, we can deal with as needed.” Trese stood and came to him. “Crying?” “Happy tears,” she said. She slipped her arms about him. Jason held her close. “Claimed the best room for yourself?” “Kris' is about the same size,” he said. “Kris needs room for her wings. What now?” “We were getting ready for bed,” Marlene said. “I should go, then.” “No reason to rush off if you still want to talk,” Marlene told her. * * * * * Dani tapped at the door. When Marlene said “Come in”, Dani turned the knob and stepped inside. “Harrumph.” “What's wrong?” Marlene asked quietly. “I came to see what was taking her so long. I didn't expect to find her in bed with the two of you,” Dani said just as quietly. “We were talking. She fell asleep.” “And Jason just happened to wrap himself around her like that.” Marlene chuckled. “He's just holding her.” She shifted a little closer to Trese and lay on her back. She flipped the covers a bit. “Come on. Room for you, too. I know how you don't like sleeping alone.” Smiling, Dani slid in beside Marlene. “Thanks.” She put her arm over Marlene and snuggled her. “Hey! Was that...?” “Yeah,” Marlene said, smiling all the more. “Cool. Any idea what you're having?” “Not interested in finding out until it pops out.” “I bet it's a girl.” Marlene turned her back to Dani and Dani settled in closer. “Don't get any ideas.” “Too late. Already had them. I've had them for years.”
  9. Yes, but that may remove any desired resultant confusion.
  10. “Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil’s pawn. Alone among God’s primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother’s land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.”
  11. Don't forget to smile and shake your head at the result.
  12. Now wait a minute, you think I'm evil if I bring a group of girls on a camping trip and don't touch them?
  13. https://www.dogmight.com/ Their shields have an option for a dice tower.
  14. Tape? Stapler? Industrial nail gun?
  15. Good. We all feel each other. Including some of us who don't know each other well enough to take such liberties, thank you. Um, I assume there is a perfectly reasonable and not at all insane explanation, yes?
  16. They could be. How much plastic surgery is needed before they're fictional?
  17. General uppity growth or, like, Love Sausage growth?
  18. That, for me, depends on who/what they are trying to sneak past. If it is standard goons/security I usually go with the player's stealth roll. If it is someone of some importance, I'll throw the PER roll.
  19. Greywind


    “Okay,” Ash said. “Dinner is done. Jason has us all sitting here drooling over it. You said you'd tell us why we're having a dinner. So, isn't it time now?” Marlene smiled. “Of course it is.” “So what's the occasion?” Trese asked. Taking an envelope from her lap, Marlene passed it to Trese. “What's this?” she asked. “You could open it and find out, Red,” Dani said. “Just a thought.” Trese cast an annoyed looked at Dani. The flap was sealed with a blob of wax. Trese studied the impression for a moment. “Charles,” she said quietly. She slipped a finger under the flap and forced the seal. Inside was a single sheet. Trese unfolded it and began reading. Tears formed and spilled down her cheeks as she read. “It's done? Finally?” Standing at the head of the table, Jason unrolled a scroll and began reading. “Let it be known across the lands, from this day forward, Theresa Lynn Gardner is recognized as one of my legal heirs and entitled to the Scott name. Along with the rights, privileges, and responsibilities bearing the name requires. Signed Charles Layton Scott.” Jason rolled the scroll closed. “Congratulations, Trese. I can no longer, officially, toss you out of the house.” “I don't know what to say,” she said quietly. The others cheered and clapped.
  20. I write when things come to me, when a scene demands to be written, or they (the characters) complain that I'm not paying attention to them. I have time, but with the past year, lacking a lot of motivation. My mother passed in March rather unexpectedly. I had to deal with Protective Services, a lawyer, a disowned adopted asshole. Mom was a hoarder, so trying to clear things out as I can. Mom never dealt with my little brother's or my father's clothing. So those are also on the 'to-do' pile. The detached garage gained a sunroof in May. It wasn't until September I had the funds to deal with that. Getting a new roof put on it and the house, along with some other things mom should have dealt with a few years ago. Some things, due to weather exposure, are destroyed and the garages need cleaning out. Both pedestrian doors to the garage are to be replaced. In the coming year or two I am also looking at new flooring/carpeting throughout the house and probably the windows.
  21. Just about every character William Atherton has ever played. Walter Peck (Ghostbusters) Thornberg (Die Hard) Prof. Jerry Hathaway (Real Genius)
  22. Hard to say, really. The Robin in BvS that was killed by the Joker was Grayson according to Snyder.
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