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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. He was editorial at the time.
  2. She was that kind of lady Times were hard But she could come curling 'round you Like fingers But she'll leave you Crying in the night She will leave you Crying in the night She's going to leave you Crying in the night She's back in town And she's looking around Say you needed someone to depend on You're all alone She's the only one Who can come take you far away Take your breath away Come on baby She's the wrong kind a' girl She's a come-on lady She's a tarnished pearl She'll take your money She'll wreck your world Wreck your world She's a come-on baby Come-on girl. A "come-on" girl Come on ... girl She's back And she's looking around And she's looking around And she's looking around
  3. After they stopped with the metal pointed ends, they had blunt plastic ends. Getting hit in the face was painful, but at least it wasn't fatal.
  4. You mean like the bow/staff Hawkeye used in Civil War?
  5. Greywind


    Pulling the red Miata to the curb, Dani stopped and got out. She adjusted the jacket of her red pantsuit. Sunglasses covered her eyes. “Morning, boys,” she said to the group sitting on the steps. “One of you wouldn't happen to be Roger Johnson by any chance.” “Hey, babe. You can roger my Johnson.” They all laughed. “Typical. Sorry, but you couldn't handle all this hotness.” “I think I could handle you just fine, Sweets.” “I'd give you about two seconds before you were begging to let go,” Dani said smiling sweetly. “You don't want to step up to find out. Trust me, boys.” “You clowns knock it off,” Roger said coming out the door. “You Roger?” Dani asked. “Yes, ma'am.” Dani nodded. “She said you were polite. My credentials.” She held out a blue card with a pearlescent white dove in flight. Roger took it. “She said you can keep it. Something to remember the encounter by. Maybe an icon for you if things seem dark.” “So what now?” Roger asked. “Shopping trip. A new suit or two. Some shirts. Things that might help you out,” she said. “You have a lovely smile,” Roger said. “Thanks. Yours isn't bad, either. Shall we go?” “You seem awfully trusting of someone you just met in this neighborhood.” “A gentleman like yourself would step in if I were in any danger,” she said with a small curtsy. Roger laughed.
  6. Jean Grey alive was a thing until editorial decided she needed to pay for killing a couple of stars and their solar systems.
  7. Inks don't look like Austin.
  8. Greywind


    Launching herself from the roof of Spellbinder's townhouse, Kris' wings caught air with a loud snap. The evening was clear and cool. Pleasure derived simply from flying brought a smile to her lips and pushed the dark thoughts of the conversation she had had with Adalene from her mind. “Alright, Mentor. Let's see what this thing can do.” “As you wish. Primarily they are similar to the glasses the others wear. Polarized to assist against bright lights. Various other settings that range between low-light, infrared, and ultraviolet bands. There is a camera and your communications device also embedded in the goggles.” “Which is why they tend to cover my ears?” “Yes, and that, at need, they are also quite capable of extreme noise canceling.” “Nice. Just the thing to wear to rock concerts,” Kris joked. “So why the upgrade? I'm a medic. Not a fighter.” “My understanding is that with Sharon resuming a more active lifestyle, both Jason and Jordan had ideas about upgrading her equipment. They both felt that you would also benefit from new equipment even with you only being, as you imply, on the sidelines. “Your bracers have monitors that you can use in emergency situations while in the field. They contain sensors for you to get bio readings. For instance, placement of your hand upon a body will give you their temperature within seconds.” “Nice.” “Also, they generate a localized bio-field that will act like surgical gloves at need.” Turning her head from side to side, Kris noticed how the polarizing worked. “So what happens when it is done being needed?” “Then the field will dissipate and any material on it at the time will simply fall to the ground, leaving your hands or gloves unstained,” Mentor explained. “Cool, but might be some concern for clean up crews,” Kris mused. “Noted,” Mentor said. “I will look into a controlled release system. Perhaps a vocal key.” “Sounds good,” she said, soaring over the city. Her path meandered. Guardian's Tower, not the tallest building in the city, but one she knew intimately, was always a navigational beacon to Kris. Keeping that to her right she flew north, following the Hudson River. A beep sounded. “What was that?” “A warning sensor. It seems that you are being followed,” Mentor told her. Glancing around, Kris saw a helicopter in the distance. Enhanced telescopic view activated and narrowed on the helicopter. Seeing that it was a news crew with its camera pointed at her, Kris waved. “Nothing to worry about, it seems,” she said with a laugh. “Are you my co-pilot?” “At need. As long as no one starts running anything that requires my immediate attention, I will be monitoring your feed,” Mentor replied. “Sounds good,” she repeated herself. “I think I am just going to enjoy some private time and fiddle with the new toys. Keep an eye on me. Just in case.” “Always, Doctor.” Kris soared and dove, turning on a whim, simply enjoying not having any demands on her time. She noticed the sun sinking to the west. “Time to head back,” speaking more to herself than to Mentor. She flew lower, closer to the buildings. Something caught her attention. As she concentrated on it, once again the enhanced telescopic view engaged. She saw a black man climbing a fire escape to the roof of the building he was on, dragging a rope behind. Following the rope, Kris saw that it was attached to a small crate. “Curious.” Upon reaching the roof the man threaded the rope through an old pulley and began tugging on it. The crate slowly made its way to the roof. Once it was there, the man carried it to what might have once been someone's pigeon coop. He passed through the door of it. Curiosity got the better of her and she descended, snapping her wings out to ease her landing. “I'm not doing anything wrong. The building manager lets me use this space.” “Hi. I'm...” “I know who you are. You're the bird lady from the tower,” he said. “I'm clean. I'm good with my parole officer. You got nothing on me.” “Well, thanks for clearing all that up for me. Considering I only came down because I was curious. My name's Kris.” He pulled folding chair out of the old coop and set it up. “My name's Roger.” “Hello, Roger. What are you doing up here?” Roger shrugged. “I come up here to think. Watch the city light up. Sometimes to write. Mostly to think. I'd offer you a seat, but this is the only chair.” “The crate's fine to sit on, thanks.” Moving to it, she lifted herself up and slide back on it to sit. “What do you think about?” Settling into his chair, Roger fished in the crate. Kris noted it was a bag of ice packed with beer cans. “Makes it easier to get back down. The cans are usually empty and I can scatter what's left of the ice and water on the roof. Want one?” “Sure,” Kris said with a smile. Roger handed her one. “Never thought I'd be drinking with a Guardian. I come up here and think. Think about my mistakes. Think about my son. Lucas.” “Nice name. Where's he at?” “Not really sure. After I went to prison his momma refused to let me know. She wouldn't come visit. Wouldn't bring him to see me. I got an early release. Good behavior. Even got myself a degree.” He popped the top of a can. “She sprung the kid on me after I got arrested. Knew she was pregnant, but knowing he was there changed something.” Kris cracked her own can open. “Something for the better?” She took a swig. “I'd like to think so.” “What were you in for?” Roger cocked his head and looked at her. “You honestly don't know? I was running in a gang that you Guardians rousted. Guns and drugs.” “Must have been early on,” Kris said. “Five and a half years. Lucas is six now. So, I did my time. Played it straight. Got educated. Now I got a piece of paper that reads that I got a Masters in Electrical Engineering. Only no one wants to hire a con.” “Can I ask you, honestly? How serious are you about going straight?” “You haven't been listening? I told you what I've been doing. I just can't find a job.” Kris smiled and set her beer to the side. “How much do you know about me?” “You got wings and can fly. You live in a glamorous high-rise. You're a doctor. I can only assume you're rich on top of it,” Roger said. “Well off. Working towards the rich part. Do you know how I got these wings? Some evil bastards decided to kidnap me and experiment. I wasn't the only one.” “I figured you were born with them.” “No. I really didn't have a say in the matter. Before I was taken I was studying to be a doctor. Once I was able to get my head right I went back to pursuing that until it became a reality. I wanted to be a doctor because I wanted to help people. That's part of why I'm a Guardian.” Roger looked down between his sneakers. “What's that got to do with me?” “Maybe I can help. If you're serious.” “I am.” “Let me try?” Roger was lost in thought for a few minutes. “Okay.” He nodded. “Okay, yeah. What do you need?” Kris grinned. “First, got a copy of your resume?” “Not handy, but I can get one quick.” Roger got up and headed towards the fire escape. “You do that. I need to make a call.” Turning to lower himself down the ladder, he said, “You're not pulling my leg? You're not gonna fly off while I'm gone?” “Guardian's honor. I'll be here when you climb back up.” Nodding, Roger disappeared from sight. “Okay, oh genie of the information highway, how do I make a phone call on this thing?” “The gauntlet interface,” Mentor said. “I have loaded it with your contacts from your phone. Or you can simply say 'call whomever' filling in the whomever with whomever you wish to call. Or at least state it in such a way so that I will know who it is you wish to speak with.” “I see. Call Trese for me.” “As you wish.” Kris waited while the call went through. “Hey, Red.” “Hey, Wings. What can I help you with?” “Do you still have that outreach program for convicts?” “Well, not exactly. It's under review. Entirely too many weren't really interested in the straight and narrow. They wanted an easy out. Why?” “I've got a candidate. Can he be submitted?” “Like I said, the whole program is under review. It's above my pay grade at the moment.” “Gotcha.” “Sorry. Want me to call him?” “No. I'll take care of it. Thanks.” “You're welcome. Sorry that I couldn't be of more help.” Trese disconnected. “Does that mean it's a wash?” “Hey. Didn't hear you come back up. No. Just means I need to talk to someone else. Is that your resume?” “Yeah.” Kris sensed a bit of dejection in his voice. “Don't give up just yet.” Kris turned her attention to the wide band on her wrist. “Phone.” The screen lit up with her list of contacts and scrolled through them, tapping one, and waiting. “Hello?” Jason answered. “Hey! I have a question for you.” “How is the new gear working out for you?” “It's fine. Still getting used to the new bells and whistles. I talked to Red about the outreach program a few minutes ago.” “It's on hold.” Nodding, Kris said, “So Red informed me. Can I submit a candidate?” “Kris...” “Just consider him. I'll take it as a personal favor.” Jason was silent. “I will get all dressed up and come over so you can make me dinner again.” She grinned at Roger. “Boyfriend?” Kris shook her head. “Good friend.” “It means that much to you?” Jason asked. “Guardian's honor was sworn.” “Is that above or below boy scout's honor?” Jason asked dryly. “Above.” “Do you have his resume?” Kris held her hand out. “Resume, please.” Roger handed it to her. “What do I do now?” Kris heard a click from her goggles. “Did you just take a picture of it?” “Yes. Now let me see him.” Kris looked at Roger and heard the click again. “I remember him.” “Then you're doing better than I did.” “Make sure you get his information. You're his contact.” Jason disconnected. “Well...” Kris said quietly. “I assume the information on here is current?” “Yes, ma'am.” “Kris, Roger. I've got other people that ma'am me all day.” He grinned. “I assume that I have access to the pictures? “Huh?” “Yes,” Mentor answered her. “Talking to someone else. Do you have a suit? Just in case.” “No. Not one that fits anyway,” Roger said. “Not sure I can afford one right now.” “Don't worry about it. For the time being you're my personal project. If I can get in touch with you through the number you have on here,” she indicated the resume, “then we can arrange to get you a suit that fits.”
  9. Greywind


    “I didn't believe her when Sharon said you'd be sitting in,” Dan Thomas said. “At least disbelieving her is not the same thing as calling her a liar,” Jason said. “I placed a bet. I lost. I'm here paying off. One adviser at your service.” “We limited the access this time around, son. Just in case,” Charles said. Thomas seated himself. “Can we get started?” Everyone took a chair around the table. “This is Cheryl Danforth. She'll be in command of one squad.” She nodded. Her skin was the color of mocha. Blue eyes gave a hint of mixed parentage. “This is Max Spears. He'll be running one of the other squads.” Jason looked the man over and was left with the impression the man was a weasel. Jason couldn't shake it. Spears merely stared at Jason. “A quick get you up to speed, so...Jason,” he corrected himself. “This is the coordinates of the site. Satellite imaging on the left.” “Canada,” Jordan said. “Alberta. Rockies. Isolated. Cold.” Smiling, Charles said, “I do hope you've got that ride of yours well insulated.” “Brand new heaters,” Jordan said with a grin. Jason's fingers started tapping on the keyboard. “What are you doing?” Thomas asked. “He's about to show you why I wanted him involved from the outset, Daniel. You recognize the place, don't you, son?” “It's nice that you decided to do this at the office,” Jason said. A list of files lit up on a wall panel. Scrolling through them, Jason selected one. “I spent a month up there after the Sci-Tech acquisition shutting them down.” He pointed out a folder, clicked on it and it opened to display the ground layout. “While there I was also working on something of a personal project. You see the buildings, my diagram and the sat-scan. Voice command. Tell me Director, which building are you interested in?” Thomas was silent for a moment, starting at Jason. “All of them eventually. What did Sci-Tech do there?” “List all projects at the time of closure.” Jordan watched the list scroll. “Those are all biologicals. None of them should have been authorized due to human rights violations. Christ...” “It is Wainwright you're talking about, Jordan. Knowledge and science before any other concern,” Charles said. “Anyone that moved in would have some of the equipment that was too large to move or that we had no other use for.” “Wainwright wasted a lot of resources building labs to play in,” said Jordan. “Which was one of the reasons I was able to take it over. I just wish we had managed to arrest the bastard. You might want to fill him in on the squatters, Daniel.”
  10. Charlie Chan in The Black Camel Charlie Chan On Broadway Charlie Chan in Monte Carlo Behind That Curtain Charlie Chan's Secret
  11. Playing fine for me. Clear your browser cache lately?
  12. The 5th Edition Element starring LL.
  13. He just needs to replace his standard power pack with a lightsaber and it's all good.
  14. Greywind


    “Oh, god,” Beth said while laughing. “I thought I was going to lose it. I expected him to piss himself right then and there!” “What happened?” Dani asked. Marlene was grinning. “I asked him what it was that he wanted. He said he just wanted what Trese owed him.” “Keep in mind,” Beth added, “that throughout the whole meeting to that point, Jason hadn't said a word. He stared at Fowler the entire time. Then he's all 'Mr. Fowler, I would be more than happy to personally give you everything that Theresa owes you with interest.”
  15. Charlie Chan at the Circus Charlie Chan at the Race Track Charlie Chan at the Opera Charlie Chan at the Olympics
  16. Greywind


    “I like this one,” Trese said admiring her reflection in the tri-fold mirror. She turned from side to side watching how the dress moved. “You can keep it,” Marlene said generously. “I never liked how it looked on me. Not my preferred colors.” Beth watched Trese. “That's because you're such a Spring-Summer girl. Pastels, greens, floral prints are more your thing.” “Anything else you going to try on, Red?” “Nope. This one is good,” Trese stated. “How about you, Beth? Anything you want to try on?” Dani asked. Beth gave Dani a bored look. “Hoping to see me naked?” Dani grinned. “Careful, Beth. I may just institute an official skinny dipping night,” Marlene teased. “You would.” From the bedroom, Tara called out. “Trese?” “In here, Tara. We're hiding in the dressing room.” Trese turned and looked at her reflections over her shoulder. Tara came through the open door. “Whoa. That's a lot of dresses.” “Something wrong?” Marlene asked. “I don't know. Security called. A Burton Fowler showed up at the front desk about an hour ago wanting to see Trese. He had a lawyer with him. When they put his name in the system it flagged security and they called me.” Trese looked at the floor. “Trese?” Trese exhaled. “I'm fine.” She looked at Dani. “I'm fine. I should have realized he wouldn't stay under his rock forever.”
  17. "Hello, Game Police? We've got a raid situation brewing. Guy isn't playing legal."
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