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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Depends on the player and the level of trust between him and the GM.
  2. My ring finger is clean. I remain un-betrothed, my bachelorhood intact. A solitary figure seemingly sentenced to singleness.
  3. Monday morning you sure look fine Friday I got travelin' on my mind First you love me and then you fade away I can't go on believin' this way I got nothing but love for you Tell me what you really want to do First you love me, then you get on down the line But I don't mind, I don't mind, yeah I'll be there if you want me to No one else that could ever do Got to get some peace in my mind Monday morning you sure look fine Friday I got travelin' on my mind First you love me and then you say it's wrong You know I can't go on believing for long But you know it's true You only want me when I get over you First you love me, then you get on down the line But I don't mind, no, I don't mind, yeah I'll be there if you want me to No one else that could ever do Got to get some peace in my mind But you know it's true You know you only want me when I get over you First you love me, then you get on down the line But I don't mind, no, I don't mind, yeah I'll be there if you want me to No one else that could ever do Got to get some peace in my mind
  4. They became time travelers and became the Borg.
  5. Taking a break from Charlie Chan. Started watching Absentia.
  6. Yeah, nice plan, but I don't think they really thought everything through when they came up with it.
  7. Thanos' snap didn't take half the people. It took half of all living organisms.
  8. Greywind


    Kris watched Kari pull the doorman's luggage cart through the door. Boxes were piled up on the flatbed and several garment bags were hanging from the bar. “How went the shopping trip?” Kari closed the door, made her way to a chair, and plopped in it. “Three dresses. Different colors. Different styles. Four pair of shoes. Lots of sexy unmentionables that I'll need to find a significant other to make proper use of. Several packs of hosiery.” “And the date part?” Kari rocked her head back and closed her eyes. “He was a complete gentleman the entire time. Wolfgang's for lunch.” “So you're all ready for tomorrow night?” “I have to decide which dress to wear. He got me an appointment for my hair in the morning. So I'll be ready. I'm just not sure I'm ready.” Kris smiled at her twin. “Relax and enjoy. It isn't like it's a full service date.” ***** “So, how was your evening out? Kari pulled off her sunglasses and set them on a table. Her wrap she draped over the back of the couch. “Honestly, it was fun. I met some interesting people. Apparently, there is talk in Hollywood about making a movie about the Liberty Brigade or some such. The actor that's been in talks to play Torpedo was there. And his date was the one that's been in talks to play the White Witch.” Kari was grinning. “So it wasn't as bad as you were afraid it was going to be.” “No.” Gathering a few things, Kris stuffed them into a messenger bag. “Should I ask why you're getting home so late?” Kari's grin grew wider. “I woke up naked in Jason's bed this morning. The day got a little more interesting after that.” “Uh huh.” “What?” “You woke up in Jason's bed. Wearing your stockings...” “Pantyhose,” Kari corrected. “...panties, and one of Jason's shirts.” Kris gave Kari an amused smile. “You passed out on him afterwards. He took you to his apartment because it was closer than either here or the tower.” “My version sounded better,” Kari said with a pout. “Rehearse it for a bit and tell your friends you slept with a billionaire. I have to go.” “I thought you had the day off?” Kris slung the messenger bag around her shoulder. She caught the strap she flipped between her wings and reattached it to the bag. “Staff meeting. I should only be gone a couple of hours unless something comes up. You okay?” “I guess,” Kari responded. “Jason asked me to model for him. Something about the painting he did of you.” “And?” “I'm still getting used to the idea that he's not going to hurt me again.” “Hey, he didn't hurt you. Not directly. And he didn't mean to hurt me when it happened.” Kari nodded. “I need to get out of this dress and cleaned up.”
  9. Several allies weren't happy when they found out they had been kept out of the loop.
  10. New Avengers roster first happened in issue 16 when "Cap and the Crooks" became the team. Cap, Scarlet, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye.
  11. Greywind


    Haymaker with ranged weapons is simply taking the extra time/effort into a well-aimed shot. Particularly if hit locations aren't being used.
  12. Well, there was The Broca Divide... Colonel Jack O'Neill: [about Sam] She, uh, she tried to seduce me. Dr. Daniel Jackson: Oh. You poor man.
  13. Charlie Chan in Honolulu Charlie Chan in Reno Charlie Chan at Treasure Island Charlie Chan in City in Darkness
  14. The sensation you are feeling is the quickening.
  15. Greywind


    The light beside the door was green. There was no training session active. Ash cycled the release and walked in. She was mildly surprised to find that the program was still running. Water splashed beside the pier. The moon would hide behind the shifting clouds. All the myriad little sounds that one could not normally hear when the piers are active and people are working were available. Ringer sat with one leg dangling off the pier. Her back was up against a piling. Ash watched her for a moment before crossing the distance. “How did it go?” she asked. Ringer simply shook her head. Ash knelt. “How many times did you try?” “Fifteen? Twenty? Mentor has all the results.” “Mentor?” “Ringer ran the scenario twenty-one times. Her high score was fifty with a total run time of six minutes and three seconds.” “How many fatalities?” Ringer dropped her head. “Twenty-one fatalities,” Mentor answered. “I never had a chance,” Ringer said. “Even with my abilities, I never had a chance. He just wouldn't stop coming.” “Now you know why I wanted you to stay here.” “How did you guys do?” Ash smiled. “We won. He's in custody. Wildfire is taking him to super max until his hearing. We recommended that it be a virtual courtroom. Keep him segregated and everyone else safe.” “Any casualties?” “Come on,” Ash said standing. She turned towards the door. * * * * * “What is that? It looks like a bacta tank.” “Mask off,” Lisa told Jenny. Jenny pulled it off. Lisa pulled a glasses case from her coat pocket and handed them over. “Thanks.” Jenny put her glasses on. Lisa handed her a bucket. “What's this for?” “Just hold on to it for now,” Lisa said. “What is all this?” Jenny asked. Kris watched the monitor. “It's a protein bath. It will give the patient's body something to feed off of while it does its thing. That's the answer to your first question. The answer to the second question is that it is the rest of your object lesson.” Kris touched a control panel and the tank lit up. Jason was suspended inside. One thigh had been torn open like a large wild animal had taken a bite out of it. His chest, arms, and face were crisscrossed with various wounds. “Jason kept Bloodbath occupied until the rest of us could get there. Your brother took a couple of nasty hits,” Ash told her. Jenny opened her mouth to say something, turned around, and made use of the bucket.
  16. Dogbert. The second D is a typo.
  17. Sunflowers and your face fascinate me You love only the tallest trees I come running down the hill But you're fast You're the winner Long distance winner Not unlike the blue white fire You burn brightly in spite of yourself I bring the water down to you But you're too hot to touch You love somebody Save their soul Tie them to your heaven Erase their hell Love the lifestyle if you feel it Don't try to change them You never will Sunflowers and your face fascinate me You go into the dusty pink day I come calling unto you But you run You're the winner Long distance winner
  18. "Sorry. You need to be using one of OUR devices to read our stuff. So go buy one now!"
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sad_Puppies
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