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HERO Member
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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Side 1: Villain(s) you intend to use. Side 2: Heroes you intend to have used. Map or what have you of where the fight will take place. Roll dice, move your pieces, see how long the fight goes in rounds/turns. Adjust the characters as needed.
  2. Run a combat sim and see how it plays out, adjust as you feel comfortable with.
  3. Greywind


    Lightning sped into his parents' home. “Where's Jen?” he asked pulling down his cowl. “Up in her room sleeping,” Ben answered. “What's wrong?” Mary asked. Warren was upstairs before she finished. Jen's door was closed and he opened it silently. A radio was playing quietly. One of her school books was open on the bed beside her. The light from the hall roused her. Squinting against the light she made out Warren's shadow. “Warren? What's wrong?” “I was worried about you. I needed to see if you were okay.” Entering the room, Warren sat on the side of his sister's bed. “Something bad happened. Something ugly.” Sitting up, Jen asked, “What? What happened?” “Warren? What happened?” Mary asked from the door. Ben was standing behind her. “I don't know. I don't know all of it. We found Amanda.” “Amanda? Is she alright?” “I don't know. I don't know what happened to her. Her whole body is welted. It looks like someone put a screen into a fire and then wrapped it around her.” “That's horrible!” Jen started to get up. “I need to go see her.” “Jen, she's in a coma. I got her to the hospital.” “Tomorrow, Jen. After school I'll run you up,” Mary said.
  4. Does Ivanova's "Sex Earth Style" count as a multiple move by?
  5. There's an active Facebook group for Hero that includes a few 'tubers.
  6. Look under "Skill Levels" on the Skills tab?
  7. Absentia s1 Stargate Universe s1-2 Charlie Chan in Panama Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise
  8. "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
  9. Greywind


    “I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to go and you were close.” Wrapping a bandage around her thigh, Warren said, “Don't worry about it. You should have asked for help.” “I am,” Spellbinder said. Kate pressed a band-aid over a cut on Spellbinder's upturned face. “Not being in the business and all, Addie, I think you're supposed to ask for help before the bleeding starts.” “I'm not a Guardian.” “Adalene Masters,” Warren snapped. She looked down at him. “Yes, you are. Whether or not you live in the tower or in your home, that doesn't matter to us. What matters is what you do.” “I need to rest so I can heal.” “And then we will discuss your situation.” “You'll help?” Warren smiled at her. “You're asking now?” Spellbinder nodded and dropped her head. She tried to stand and winced with the pain. “I don't think...” Slipping an arm around her, and then behind her knees, Warren lifted her. “Spare bedroom upstairs. It's yours until you feel better.” She nodded. Warren carried her up the stairs.
  10. There's a Taffy Winters in Champions Online.
  11. Greywind


    Sitting at the dining room table, Warren took a drink from his coffee cup before setting it down and picking up his pencil again. He applied it to the pad of graph paper. He had the layout of the chest he wanted to build for Leah. For how he wanted to do the lid Warren would have to get Jason on board to help. The graph paper helped with the basic design and measurements. Warren jotted notes along the side of the joints and supports. His plan included either a removable tray or those found in jewelry boxes that lifted up and collapsed down. He shook his head. Sometimes he over-planned these things. Picking up his coffee cup again, he heard Kate quietly singing to Aaron. He smiled. There was magic in moments like this for him. “Two hinges should do it,” he said to himself. “Locking support on either side for the lid.” Warren sighed and set his pencil down. “Just need to decide on what type of wood, stain, and varnish.” He moved to the coffee pot and refilled his cup. He paused for a moment. “There's a thought. Toy box for Aaron. Chest for Sis, Leah, Dani, Trese...” The list went on in his mind. “Especially if I can get Jason's help. Wood carving isn't one of his skills, but maybe he can pick it up fairly easy,” Warren said with a shrug. He set his cup down and picked the pencil back up when a soft knocking came from the kitchen door. Warren went to the door and opened it. Spellbinder leaned against the side of the house. Blood ran from cuts on her face and arms. “Addie?” He pushed the screen door open and lifted her when she began to slide to the porch.
  12. Depends on what the character can do with those points. That would be dependent upon their personality and drives.
  13. Kirby's style changed over the years. What it morphed into at the end I hardly call art, but his compositions were always dynamic.
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