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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Is "ether" real? You'd have to ask the ether bunny...
  2. Re: Inherent: SFX, any? Rare cases. A character like Talisman from the Justice Machine, I might consider his luck inherent.
  3. Re: Champions Background Information ...as many as want to... The term which seems to have confused is "oxymoronic". Couldn't find a more appropriate term at the time. Right now, I just don't want to.
  4. Re: CHAMPIONS 6E -- What Do *You* Want To See?
  5. Re: CHAMPIONS 6E -- What Do *You* Want To See? Only problem with the Elementals routinely killing their opponents was that their opponents routinely came back...
  6. Re: Champions Background Information Snark runs both ways... ...and a bit of this... The game is defined, more or less, by the rule set, and not by the universe set. The game you play is based more on the game mechanics, rather than world history. The flavor of the game you run is based on the world history and the characters therein.
  7. Re: CHAMPIONS 6E -- What Do *You* Want To See? Has anyone listed "Clown" yet?
  8. Re: Champions Background Information Hero is about the only game system I've never suffered burnout with.
  9. Re: Champions Background Information Try reading. You might figure it out.
  10. Re: Champions Background Information It doesn't matter where you get your ideas. The base rule-set you use defines the actual game you are playing.
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The Story of the Moody Blues
  12. Re: Champions Background Information Nothing. From everything I've been exposed to in 30+ years of gaming, the game is defined by the system used. Not by the source of the background material. I've used DC Heroes, Superworld, Marvel Super Heroes, Champions, Foundation, Enforcers, M&M, novels, comics, TV shows, movies, etc., to come up with characters and plot ideas for my game. The game is Champions, using the Hero System. The world I run started with 2e and has upgraded successively with each edition (until now) requiring only character conversion to the new rule set.
  13. Re: Champions Background Information That seems like an oxymoron. It looks like you are running an M&M game, using the Champions background.
  14. Re: Inherent: SFX, any? Gills can be clogged or otherwise rendered inoperable.
  15. Re: Inherent: SFX, any? You don't believe in player's being disarming?
  16. Re: Inherent: SFX, any? I don't believe in absolutes either, but, let's say a FH god. There is no rational way that a mere mortal would be able, without outside assistance, to syphon the power of that god.
  17. Re: Inherent: SFX, any? ...or something so powerful, it can't be suppressed...
  18. Re: A Character Question Primarily, at this point? You post a character, asking for feedback because it had been looked at/downloaded, at yet the entire character from your explanation, was not built according to RAW. Without RAW, or inherent expectations of it, we can't give you honest responses, because of our POV is automatically skewed. Prior to this point? You didn't build according to RAW.
  19. Re: Anybody else having problems? Next weekend. Halloween.
  20. Re: 6E Telekinetic Strength You mean the SDF-1 might want to keep its arms?
  21. Re: A Character Question Technically, the 80 STR is wasted, with no END as well, unless that also feeds off one of the two reserves. Weak build.
  22. Re: Internet connection Lightning calculator on top of it. Perhaps Telepathy, affected as sight for text chats, or something similar. Or are we not throwing out ideas for the PDA?
  23. Re: Internet connection Clairvoyance, extra time depending on how hard something is to find.
  24. Re: Order of the Stick http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0687.html
  25. Re: Sentinel Learning Program ...automaton... Does not bleed. Takes no stun. No idea what pain is...
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