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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Megamovement DCV errata ? Depends on the needs of the game in question. No. That's just one opinion Not ugly. Just a system. If it doesn't work for you, change it in your game.
  2. Re: Megamovement DCV errata ? Can't it just be arbitrary?
  3. Re: Need all of your suggestions for this power build How cold is "that cold"? At that point, it is a power. If it is a matter of little noticeable things happening whenever he's around, then it can be simply a disadvantage.
  4. Re: Need all of your suggestions for this power build Variable SFX. Lights dim. Temp drops.
  5. Re: What is the best thing to Drain to incapacitate? Body. Nothing incapacitates like a funeral...
  6. Re: Order of the Stick ...or there isn't a time limit in which the keywords need to be spoken, or they don't all have to be said...
  7. Greywind


    Re: MordSith "Normal" is relative...
  8. Greywind


    Re: MordSith Kahlan is normal. Only when she uses her ability on someone is she not normal. Actually, the person she uses the ability on becomes not normal. There's Shota. But she's a witch.
  9. Re: Best, Worst and Strangest Police Cars Interceptors have no need of perp space.
  10. Greywind


    Re: MordSith Would be a Transform. What issues?
  11. Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ? ...fixed that for you...
  12. Re: When sfx lie Why not just notate the value of DCV that represents the invulnerability? If you barely hit, by the numbers, and say DCV 10 to 8 represent the invulnerability, then the attack bounces. If you hit at 7, then you hit for effect. Just make a note on the character sheet what the threshold is for the character.
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? ...dog barking...
  14. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Yeah, but it had Riley in it. That drags the show down...
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Six-pointed star next to "Blog this Post"...
  16. Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ? Which was a construction example from the beginning...
  17. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Enya The Celts
  18. Re: My First Hero System Character: Bluebird Back story, if it is good, will be read. On the other hand, we won't know if it is good until we read it...
  19. Re: My First Hero System Character: Bluebird Don't get caught?
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Yes it is. It requires the posting of more "Help Wanted" ads...
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  23. Re: When sfx lie Normals, 5th and earlier, statted at 8, rather than 10. Depending on the GM and the stun roll, you could easily be looking at a coma or a downward slide to death.
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