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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: How do you build a vampire template in 6E? Which is why it falls easier under "plot device" than "game mechanic".
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Enchanted: The Works of Stevie Nicks in its entirety.
  3. Re: Superhero Images [ATTACH=CONFIG]34601[/ATTACH] An older piece of drrushing's.
  4. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? There's a Spy (in the House of Love)
  5. Re: Hulk write-up from Game Trade Magazine 2003 Actually, more like, he fails on an 18...
  6. Re: Hulk write-up from Game Trade Magazine 2003
  7. Re: Hulk write-up from Game Trade Magazine 2003 Dr. Strange first noted it.
  8. Re: Hulk write-up from Game Trade Magazine 2003 Yes.
  9. Re: Hulk write-up from Game Trade Magazine 2003
  10. Re: Hulk write-up from Game Trade Magazine 2003 No. It is only 1/4 of the article. Only one that really matters on this board tho.
  11. Re: Hulk write-up from Game Trade Magazine 2003 [ATTACH=CONFIG]34572[/ATTACH] Apparently, this page is the only one that survived. I can scan the other side, but I can't find the second page of write-up.
  12. Re: Eye Contact required I rarely sit down and do a character straight through. I have time to work out the little intricacies in the power builds before I actually try to get the software to agree with me. Primarily, the software does a nice character sheet at the end.
  13. Re: So how did you guys learn the system? Osmosis. I regularly fell asleep reading the books, and ended up using them as pillows.
  14. Re: Hulk write-up from Game Trade Magazine 2003 I've got them. I'll have to scan it. I can have it to you later today.
  15. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Tales of Tomorrow vol 1
  16. Re: Working Notes for my Campaign Conversion to 6E ...if it doesn't, you just initiated the meltdown of the board...
  17. Re: Working Notes for my Campaign Conversion to 6E Rep = black star at the bottom of the post.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... That's why I never kiss'm on the mouth.
  19. Re: The character should fit on one side of one sheet of paper in 12 point type Don't go confusing things by bringing logic into it.
  20. Re: The character should fit on one side of one sheet of paper in 12 point type
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? The International
  22. Re: Ranged HA - What so bad about it Imposed maximums of damage classes and defenses have to be policed by the GM. It is his responsibility to ensure that his vision of the world is not violated. To do this, policing of the characters is mandatory. When they are created through actual game play. The Hero System is just a system whereby the characters are created and doesn't do diddly for balancing without the GM policing the characters.
  23. Re: Why people shouldn't buy Cybernetics OAF
  24. Re: Printable Skills list? Ultimate Skill
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