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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures I'm getting titles without pics for the first three. Not even the red X.
  2. Re: "Now I will RULE the CITY!!!" How does that work? In an Avengers issue, believe it was early 150's, Beast was talking to Dr. Doom. Doom was monologuing and Beast interrupted: "...and ruuuulle the world! The only problem is, you guys keep trying and none of you have any idea what you'd do with it if you succeeded."
  3. Re: Civilians Miniatures? Nothing screams "heresy" like killing rare, ultra-rare, and chase figures...
  4. Re: What does a Time Elemental do? A time elemental can do whatever it wants. It has all the time it needs to move, collect whatever items it may need, and to make all the necessary skill rolls.
  5. Re: (5E) Help with shotguns The end with the holes gets pointed at the enemy.
  6. Re: What does a Time Elemental do? Has temportantrums?
  7. Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not ...the Corps is Mother. The Corps is Father...
  8. Re: Bigger Been reading Willingham's Elementals, have you?
  9. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread ...and there I was, with my pants on fire.
  10. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread Oh... my... God. He has... a... gun.
  11. Re: I killed a PC. ...right after the cheap razzing by the other players...
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures Yeah. Always liked that.
  13. Re: "Neat" Pictures And you'll probably be hearing from someone soon...
  14. Re: Was Tony Stark's player a bonehead? There was an Avengers issue where Wonder Man used Stark's briefcase as a ballistic. Before Tony could change... EtA: Avengers 192
  15. Re: Healing based sensory stuffs Enhanced senses
  16. Re: How do you build a vampire template in 6E? Old school radiation accident was 50 points that just disappeared so that a player could rewrite his character.
  17. Re: How do you build a vampire template in 6E? Not if you expect consistency. The baseline character (pre-change) will be augmented and given several new disadvantages. There is no reasonable/explainable way to "heal" a vampire. According to all source material I've ever seen concerning mythic vampirism, regardless of regional consideration, the only way to fix a vampire, once changed, is to kill them. Within a fantasy milieu, you have wish spells. Within modern or super-heroic milieus you have a stake in the heart and decapitation, or fire.
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures Yeah, but when the Shoveler went out with Destiny, she ordered the lobster...
  19. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Greatest Hits of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
  20. Re: Time Travel in Sci Fi and Games....The Good, The Bad, and the Oh so Ugly... Well, it was a way for him to figure out whether or not he was good in bed...
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? How Can We Be Lovers If We Can't Be Friends http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ele7YCI2-2Y
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