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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: LETS DO IT AGAIN: Arguing over characteristics
  2. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. http://www.stornart.com/commission.html
  3. Re: Images and Invisibility Have someone with senses like Wolverine's or Daredevil's rip him a new one...
  4. Re: Why Watched? But Watchers observe and record. They never interfere.
  5. Re: LETS DO IT AGAIN: Arguing over characteristics About the time Claremont and Marvel started dropping plotlines like the Punisher dropped mobsters...
  6. Re: LETS DO IT AGAIN: Arguing over characteristics Only if they're on good terms with Mr. Fantastic... Cap wore spandex and scale mail. Spider-Man is quite proud of the fact he sewed his costume himself. The only special tech Cyke ever needed was his visor, constructed of a ruby quartz lensing system.
  7. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...
  8. Re: Heroic v. superheroic genres and the use of powers [Kosh]Yes.[/Kosh]
  9. Re: LETS DO IT AGAIN: Arguing over characteristics
  10. Re: Why Watched? hmmmm just shy of 7 years dead when he was resurrected...
  11. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Yes, I would have to say you did.
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj-x9ygQEGA
  13. Re: Sources of inspiration for a game Well, one major overlooked tendency of the Golden Age, was lack of continuity. Everything was single episode. Nothing really related to any previous story.
  14. Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.? I use U.N.T.I.L. as needed, although I have a similar organization in Project: Wildfire.
  15. Re: Sources of inspiration for a game Legos and Lincoln Logs?
  16. Re: Physical might: Strongest characters in comics and other media, and benchmarks Nefaria was Power Man/Goliath/Atlas multiplied by a factor of 100 after he was repowered. He also had Whirlwind's speed and Living Laser's power multiplied the same. Then he became a depowered old geezer...
  17. Re: Help finding a Demon Why not just get them out of The Algernon Files?
  18. Re: Double Sucker Attack Yeah. I remember when Vigilante did it to Sabre and Cannon.
  19. Re: Boomerang Shouldn't that be Marvel's Boomerang or DC's Captain Boomerang?
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures Needs a repaint to look like Mr. Incredible...
  21. Re: [CHAR]Mindwrecker I thought it was just moving a bit faster than the rest of them.
  22. Re: [CHAR]Mindwrecker Your SPD tag is out of line...
  23. Re: "Now I will RULE the CITY!!!" How does that work? Which Graviton appearance was that? His first time out, he lifted the research facility that he'd taken over when he gained his powers, and moved it over NYC. Then later with a wild burst, he pulled the entire mass of earth and buildings into himself, making a massive ball that the strongest heroes available had to catch and toss into the bay.
  24. Re: What does a Time Elemental do? Pair of ducks?
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