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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes 1) Spacing between paragraphs is good! 2) Characters may/may not age appropriately. But when the overall reality depicted does not mesh with OUR in correlation to time passed, how then do you judge appropriate time passage for aging? Kitty Pryde had two 16th birthdays, became a mature woman and then regressed to late teens. Marvel, on average, has Christmas once every 5 years real time. You have entire story arcs that may be a day or a week in the story taking over two years to tell in comic format.
  2. Re: There are three things I can never remember. They are...um...there are FOUR thin Wasn't there a bit in an episode of Night Court about that?
  3. Re: CHAMPIONS VILLAINS -- What Do *You* Want To See? How tall is he supposed to be in CO anyways?
  4. Re: Beating Dr. Destroyer...how do (or did) you do it? Far easier to defeat the plan than the man...
  5. Re: CHAMPIONS VILLAINS -- What Do *You* Want To See? One issue with that though, would be the necessity of grading each character's threat level, which would lead to the need of creating said grading system.
  6. Re: Help name that superhero group The Craptacular B-Sides ...but Marvel already did that...
  7. Re: CHAMPIONS VILLAINS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Write ups of any and all characters referenced throughout the history of the game.
  8. Re: How would YOU apply this attack? I would apply it with a roll of three dice...
  9. Re: Simplified Endurance Management? I didn't miss that, Derek, but there really isn't a lot of middle ground. Endurance tends to be on or off. The basic argument seems to be "I don't want to have to deal with bookkeeping for the characters." Which is a major part of the Hero combat system.
  10. Re: New Gamers Or the lazy group that just assumed that a lucern hammer was a type of hammer and a cleric could use it...
  11. Re: Simplified Endurance Management? Do away with endurance as a house rule if you don't like it.
  12. Re: There are three things I can never remember. They are...um...there are FOUR thin What, or perhaps whom, is he planning on loosing his memory on?
  13. Re: Please help me understand Which is why you give the character a limited VPP. You can place limits on how/when the spells can be changed, add on Requires a Skill Roll, which also requires the character to have the skill... Also, have all possible iterations of spells fully written out prior to play, like the week before. Someone with little experience wanting to change on the fly to something not statted prior is a serious game disruption. Normally lasts how long? A week? -1/4 at most. Less than that -0 The spellcasters I've done are high-end, do it on the fly, VPPs.
  14. Re: Please help me understand If they're all defined, work the costs up. Otherwise, work all the costs up and look to a magic variable power pool.
  15. Re: New Gamers ...and you're the punter...
  16. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread You sure you haven't posted that before? Slade's looking a bit pale on the orange side...
  17. Re: Why doesn't 6e use hexes as a unit of measurement? Not important, but it definitely helps...
  18. Re: Order of the Stick ...in Elf years...
  19. Re: Why doesn't 6e use hexes as a unit of measurement? Which completely and totally destroys any internal consistency and/or logic...
  20. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Mutant Chronicles Inkheart Blade Runner: The Final Cut
  21. Re: Why doesn't 6e use hexes as a unit of measurement? If the game is internally consistent, then by extension, it is automatically fair to the players, IF the players know what to expect going in. Bringing up points, you're arguing game mechanics over internal consistency of the game world.
  22. Re: Order of the Stick http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0712.html
  23. Re: Why doesn't 6e use hexes as a unit of measurement? The use of hexes came in originally due to wargame influence. Same reason it was there in 1st ed D&D. It was continued because it was there. It is gone because someone or a group of someones decided it was no longer absolutely necessary. I fail to see where the problem is in this.
  24. Re: New Gamers Fixed that for ya...
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