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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?
  2. Greywind

    Armor Wars

    Re: Armor Wars Stark popped the missle, fired, turned and started walking. Then the tank blew up. They never showed how or where it impacted the tank.
  3. Greywind

    Armor Wars

    Re: Armor Wars And we saw how good HammerTech was...
  4. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?
  5. Re: So..what characters from earlier editions have you updated to 6th? None.
  6. Greywind

    Armor Wars

    Re: Armor Wars One only needs to look at the history of the Crusades and see how many knights didn't actually make it there.
  7. Re: First Character of My Creation.. What do You All think of It?? ...36 dd
  8. Re: 6e questions - still no move after attack, expensive movement, defense favored, e
  9. Re: The ThunderCats Project [ATTACH=CONFIG]36091[/ATTACH]
  10. Greywind

    Armor Wars

    Re: Armor Wars Looked like a flak burst to me.
  11. Re: The ThunderCats Project Lion-o, bullheaded, Sword of Omens, claw/sheath/grapple line. Cheetarah was a sprinter, staff. Tygra, invis., whip. Panthro, driver, chuks. Kit/Kat, hoverboards, splodie pellets Snarf, obnoxious
  12. Re: Cutting the Drama Out of Character Creation I've been thinking of using the old "What Rough Beast" updated, as an introduction in a supers game, letting the players start with the UNTIL agents that go in before the heroes are called in.
  13. Re: Looking at characters in Champions 6E Everyone should have a base mental defense level.
  14. Greywind

    Armor Wars

    Re: Armor Wars Bruce Wayne: [about the prototype Batsuit] Tear resistant? Lucius Fox: This sucker will stop a knife. Bruce Wayne: Bulletproof? Lucius Fox: Anything but a straight shot. Bruce Wayne: Why didn't they put it into production? Lucius Fox: Bean counters didn't think a soldier's life was worth 300 grand. So what's your interest in it, Mr. Wayne? Bruce Wayne: I wanna borrow it. For, uh, spelunking. Lucius Fox: Spelunking? Bruce Wayne: Yeah, you know, cave diving. Lucius Fox: You expecting to run into much gunfire in these caves? Bruce Wayne: Look, I'd rather Mr. Earle didn't know about me borrowing it... Lucius Fox: Mr Wayne, the way I see it, all this stuff is yours anyway.
  15. Re: Hero Dice ...collector's item, but still in demand. That explains why I was never able to get any
  16. Re: Sx help: Name that pistol! Preemptive on them coming back as zombies?
  17. Re: [Request] West Coast Avengers Write Ups That's certainly one opinion.
  18. Re: A Comment on 6E Presentation Mine always slaps me when I call it "easy"...
  19. Re: Battletoads! They can't stretch if their mouths are closed?
  20. Re: Battletoads! Stretching.
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Heroin overdose. I don't recall anything said about it being intentional.
  22. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Astro Boy vol. 1. Contains the first 10 episodes.
  23. Re: CHAMPIONS VILLAINS -- What Do *You* Want To See?
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