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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Order of the Stick http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0729.html
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Runaway Horses CD Belinda Carlisle
  3. Re: The Hero System is bland and over complicated More of dumb luck thing. I have a character, Bloodbath, made for a team to take out. Unfortunately, the team came at him one at a time. Several were unconscious. I was using the bleeding rules. Last player went down after knocking Bloodbath out.
  4. Re: I'm curious, why is Dex still more expensive than other characteristics? No rolls are really necessary. In fact' date=' in a lot of cases, going outside and tossing a frisbee or baseball around might actually be more preferable. Constitution's primary function was to prevent STUN effects. Which is why the three things you listed are Secondary or Figured. Quite regularly if the concept didn't call for a high CON score. Nothing personal, but I agree with Bigby on this. Sounds like it would suck unless the intent is a really simplistic game.
  5. Re: The Hero System is bland and over complicated I've run games where the heroes got bloody and were lucky to still be standing when the battle was over. The players loved it.
  6. Re: I'm curious, why is Dex still more expensive than other characteristics? CON Rolls happen. BODY Rolls happen. Not all poisons act the same way. If at some point there isn't a chance for either roll, then the GM isn't fully utilizing the system.
  7. Re: Order of the Stick Think it is from earlier in the story.
  8. Re: Order of the Stick http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0728.html
  9. Greywind

    Armor Wars

    Re: Armor Wars Because the heroes are tops in their field and their tech is proprietary and usually not for sale.
  10. Re: The ThunderCats Project Cheetarah made it clear. She was a sprinter. She's fast, but only within a narrow window. Lion-o was able to beat her because he was capable of sustained running. Basically, Cheetarah's LTE usage sucks.
  11. Re: DC Guidelines versus DEF Guidelines Some characters do go outside the average.
  12. Greywind

    Armor Wars

    Re: Armor Wars ...is now, anyways...
  13. Re: Dave's Louisville Heroes Campaign You should copyright somma dem words.
  14. Re: Bygone Champions - Early Editions Why? "I weel keel ewe!" being far too common?
  15. Re: Bygone Champions - Early Editions I can. I just need to find the right box of comics.
  16. Greywind

    Armor Wars

    Re: Armor Wars No. Titanium Man was Eastern Bloc. Based on the plans created by Anton Vanko, who created the original Crimson Dynamo. Mauler and the Raiders had been improved by Hammer using stolen Irontech. Oh, wait, all of those villains existed prior and were only improved by Hammer using the stolen Irontech. Go figure.
  17. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2iFqcFcdBU
  18. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbCWOC5szfk&feature=channel
  19. Re: So..what characters from earlier editions have you updated to 6th? "Flounder"
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQxJjX3RAUs
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