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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures Looks like where they filmed Tomb Raider.
  2. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Kick-Ass Cellular Hellboy II: The Golden Army
  3. Re: Thrown weapons that return Blast...
  4. Re: Order of the Stick http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0791.html
  5. Re: Superhumans and their families The largest group I usually deal with consider themselves a large dysfunctional family regardless of blood ties.
  6. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 Typo in slot 3 of the Multipower. "haing" instead of "having".
  7. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 I don't know. I was thinking your wife appreciates Black Falcon and her look because it is based on her
  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Thor
  9. Re: Its not really a base, but... Must be a perspective thing. I don't see Dr. Strange, Hulk, Sub-Mariner, and the Silver Surfer as street level.
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures I'm not sure The Bronze was actually a bar on account of the HIGH SCHOOL students that hung out there, but I understand they served a mean coffee and muffin.
  11. Re: overmentalizing That doesn't make the system flawed. It makes the interpreter (mindreader) flawed.
  12. Re: Order of the Stick http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0790.html
  13. Re: overmentalizing The problem being, while people misremember the brain actually doesn't. It just holds the data. The person, the conscious mind is what interprets that data.
  14. Re: Enraged Pricing Technically, once he goes berserk, if the spirit is controlling him, he should be a villain and be turned over to the GM for running.
  15. Re: Removing Body (or Stun) Following genre conventions in a Champions game death, even if it happens, is a non-issue. Nobody ever truly stays dead anymore. Not even Bucky.
  16. Re: Removing Body (or Stun) Since one represents "knocked out" and the other represents "dying" the system works as is.
  17. Re: Removing Body (or Stun) 1) Have you actually tried playing the system first? 2) Different effects are tied to each stat.
  18. Re: overmentalizing Depends on the status within the campaign of PsiCops.
  19. Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books? Why -10?
  20. Re: Enraged Pricing Usually middle ground that was destroyed during the berserk...
  21. Re: overmentalizing Using the Head hit location?
  22. Re: overmentalizing Mindbomb. A high level mook is a one-trick mentalist of a killing damage shield variety whenever his mind is raped.
  23. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? ... and the sequel Clueless
  24. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Was finally able to get Buffy s5. I've been watching that.
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