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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Transform Anothers OIF Actually it was a situation closer to Aahz. It was a demon that had been cursed.
  2. Re: Need a name for batlike hero Midnight Chicken
  3. Re: Source Search Thanks, John. I'll have to see if I can find a copy. I've been meaning to pick up the first Dresden omnibus but money might be an issue. I might have to drag myself to the library and see if my card is still good.
  4. Re: Source Search Thanks, Doc. The work schedule involved with the one player is driving things right now, making f2f time to sit and discuss the basic premise problematic. I'm waiting for a phone call or an email. I want to see what they have in mind before going too deep into planning. I don't have a problem with something like X-Files, but with a mage in the offing, I don't know if I want to go with government. I do like the idea of two people involved in the fringes of society doing, similar to Sam and Dean. Just not sure I'd want to dive into the "Heaven and Hell" aspects of Supernatural. The ex left her urban fantasy books when she left. I've been looking at those, but a lot of them seem to be "the world knows". I'm not sure about how I feel about the public-at-large knowing about things that go bump in the night. The reason I'm looking at heroic level is that it is something that I haven't done in a long time.
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Started watching The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Got about 36 minutes in only to find that the disc is damaged. At least it was only $5.
  6. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmGat-c7zSI&feature=related
  7. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=4lrqs_ViPS8
  8. Re: Transform Anothers OIF Depends. I've seen demonstrations where a bullet is stopped by a breast plate, and yet an arrow will still penetrate it. You want to look to comics there have been numerous times that it was shown that Iron Man's armor got f'd up during a battle. The character that I had built for it used a RKA that was limited by the fact that it wouldn't do damage to organics. Trashed a car. Trashed a wall. Trash a hero's power armor. Didn't hurt her at all
  9. Looking to start a game for a couple of friends. Game will be 5R. First proposed to me was horror. My problem is that horror, to be effective, requires atmosphere and a certain amount of reality separation/denial that personally I've had a hard time ever feeling in an RPG. Even games made for it like Chill. So, discussing characters and type of campaign X-Files was brought up by one person and Dresden by another. She's thinking Mulder and he wants to play a wizard. Also looking at this being heroic is scope. I've got 4 seasons of Supernatural plus various movies to reference. I'm going to see about borrowing a copy of WW's Hunters. Maybe a copy of Chill. If this goes the way the talks were I can see the wizard's staff being a magical END battery. Maybe a lot of his points/spells wrapped up in charms/trinkets. I don't have a problem with him having a VPP as it would be a matter of us building things before hand, maybe some of the really heavy spells being rituals, requiring foci/specific locations and whatnot. I'm really thinking urban fantasy/pulp type here. Thoughts? Ideas?
  10. Re: Revisiting Surprise Move. A surprise move also would depend on the character. The Scarlet Witch, who's main thing is "strike a pose and point" would get a surprise modifier for anyone that new her and her attack paradigm when she hauled back and belted them.
  11. Re: Sustained Modes ala "Dragon Age"
  12. Re: Greatest American Hero type character???? No, the issue that defines "stupid" is the armchair superhero that has days to reflect on the story and says "this would have been the best way to deal with it..." instead of literally having milliseconds to make that monumental decision then living with the consequences.
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyqo520y2uM
  14. Re: What do you think of supervillain teams? The greatest villains believe they are, in truth, heroes.
  15. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Was that you that was looking in through my window?
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures You have to live near the Lonely Mountain.
  17. Re: Order of the Stick It's also a fantasy world. Who said the actual names had to reflect reality?
  18. Re: "I know a guy" Person has to still be alive?
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