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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Adult Entertainment From what I've been able to find on that, Black Mask was actually rebooted as The New Black Mask.
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Looks like mustard splotches from lunch.
  3. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? Speed kills.
  4. Re: Adult Entertainment I'm not surprised, coming from you. The most I've ever had to deal with was a record company that sidelined in white slavery.
  5. Re: Adult Entertainment Right now, all I am really looking for is titles. Granted what I'm doing is a throw away line, but it's one of those little details that adds to the scene. You've got 3 agent types, akin to Viper. One of them happened to get pictures of a bad girl. Originally I was thinking a situations similar to when the cameraman in the helicopter got a picture of She-Hulk sunbathing nude on the roof of the Baxter Building. Anyways, the one with the pictures is talking about who he can possibly sell the pics to, hence the magazine titles.
  6. Back in the first run of Bill Willingham's Elementals, the character of Morningstar posed for Playboy. The character of Riptide in Liefeld's Youngblood posed for the fictional Pussicat Magazine. Given (as presented in comics) the fascination the general population has with the spandex set, I would assume that Hef, given the chance, would pursue heroes and vigilantes, possibly even villains, to pose for his magazines. I'm sure the competition would also. It would be safe to assume the lower class magazines would throw models into costumes and call it good. There might actually be magazines geared specifically towards that subject matter. What I am looking for is possible titles to such magazines. I'm working on a story, and honestly, I'm drawing blanks, so I figured I'd turn to Herodom to see what can be come up with.
  7. Re: Planting Mines and Bombs Keep in mind that a trained demolitionist will also get bonuses for architectural engineering as a skill. It helps to know where to place the charges in the structure. Such skill interactions can get you bonuses to the blast strength (with a good GM) or even advantages to the blast without requiring an ungodly large charge. Also to play quick and dirty, you could just use standard effect for the blast. When a building is blown, the main load bearing members are targeted. Usually on the lower floors or in the basement. It isn't one massive blast that will bring it down, but a series of smaller, well-placed charges.
  8. Re: Creepy Pics. His family tree is bamboo?
  9. Re: Planting Mines and Bombs How does one go about planting mimes? And do you hear them when they go off?
  10. Re: What Can We Do To Serve HERO? First and foremost? Find out if anyone around you already knows, and possibly uses, the system already. Voice an interest in seeing in it use to get an idea of the system itself. This may get you invited into a game, or get the interest in a small game. When I got my cousin interested he was kind of burned on D&D at the time and wanted to try something different. So I brought up Champions, as he had an interest in comic books. It started out with just me and him. He build one character as a test bed and liked it. He brought it up to another friend, who showed up at a later session. Eventually we had a pretty decent group going.
  11. Re: how much weight can a floor support So, what's the DEF of that floor? Most floors can take most of that without a noticeable sign.
  12. Re: how much weight can a floor support Rule of Dramatic License
  13. Re: "Neat" Pictures After all, the Tin Man is his fire hydrant.
  14. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Finished up TGAH. Started in on s10 of Smallville.
  15. Re: Background help please "A hero is made in the moment, not from questioning the past or fearing what's to come."
  16. Re: Background help please As for that, if it happens, first they'd have to take the suit from you. On the other side of things, sounds like the slippery slope to villainy.
  17. Re: Background help please If you take a step back and clear your head, you'll see that by attempting to alleviate those issues, you're actually missing out on a lot of interesting possibilities for role-playing. Yes, bad things can happen, but since you're also talking about a PC then the GM should also have ideas on how such stories would play out. Even War Machine ended up not wearing the black and silver Stark-tech suit.
  18. Re: Background help please I didn't say it was stored there. I said it "found him there". You can always substitute any other job. "Why" it was there is not necessarily a question you, as the player, need to answer. Leave something mysterious for the GM to play with to surprise you. The "little blue man" reference was to Kyle Rayner. Not Ralph Hinkley.
  19. Re: Background help please It found him while he was at work in a storage warehouse.
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures You have a taste for the rain?
  21. Re: "Holographing" a la Greatest American Hero Superman can't shrink. 'Course, neither could Ralph after setting the book "on that boulder, right over there."
  22. Re: Time-Based Experience (Seeking notions) What you can do, depending on how much time passes, is pass out the XP as usual, but only allow the players to assign one point to a given skill or power. If you want to gauge it by a college term, most hit at about 16 weeks. Depending upon the course of study, after the 16 weeks the character should have at least a familiarity with the subject (8-).
  23. Re: Who the Heck are These?!? Questions about some of the Old SuperHeroes Yep. That's Flare.
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