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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Superhero Images And antennae.
  2. Re: A bit of clarification needed with sawed-off shotguns Any explanation should be based on the situation only. The only thing that should be done is that it fit with what is going on at the time and fit cinematically. Old rounds, bad rounds, failure to properly charge, accidental discharge. The effect changes with the weapon.
  3. Re: A bit of clarification needed with sawed-off shotguns Or you've gotten a shell that got wet. Ever see The Road Warrior when his shot fizzled in the gun?
  4. Re: A bit of clarification needed with sawed-off shotguns Or a bad load.
  5. Re: Should Abort be automatic? Just because you Aborted does not mean the active defense will be successful. If the attack succeeds then the Aborting character has lost a phase with no gain. Seems pretty self-balancing.
  6. Re: Should Abort be automatic? If Abort is automatic, won't a character automatically Abort to a defense if attacked?
  7. Re: The Footprint of God (?) Methos?
  8. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?
  9. Re: Superteam Package Deals Which is why I didn't cite you by name, as you'd already indicated that you weren't.
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?
  11. Re: Superteam Package Deals So what? It can be part of the campaign ground rules that a GM hands out. It's how that GM may want to run with it. Player's have two options there: play or don't.
  12. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings They dated in the books too. Everyone had a "thing" for Diana.
  13. Re: Background Story Rewards Just so long as it avoids the "us vs GM" syndrome.
  14. Re: Background Story Rewards Played that. My brother was a fan of the franchise.
  15. Re: Background Story Rewards Balanced is between the GM and players. Not between players. Fair depends on the GM making sure that all the players are relevant at one point or another and that they get equal time. They may not get it every session but so long as one player/character isn't at the forefront constantly and all the players are enjoying the game it should be good.
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine "Or" what?
  17. Re: Background Story Rewards Rolling dice for stats is inherently unfair. Do you have any idea how many characters were killed during generation? Around here it was often referred to as "Sudden Character Death Syndrome".
  18. Re: Background Story Rewards Even the dice gods are not always fair.
  19. Re: Background Story Rewards Players always have the option of asking where the plot is going in regard to their character and have the power to say "no" if they don't like that direction.
  20. Re: Background Story Rewards I have some players that regularly give me pages of backstory to work with and some that don't bother, but complain because things from the detailed backstory come up in game. One of the players that gives me that backstory told the other player "you've got the same option with your character."
  21. Re: "Neat" Pictures Whiter shade of pale?
  22. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?
  23. Re: "Neat" Pictures Needs staining. Nice woodwork.
  24. Re: "Neat" Pictures Kind reminds me of Jackman's Logan.
  25. Re: The Guyver series conversion thread. Are you planning on doing ZX-Tole in full-fire mode, being after he absorbed Elegen?
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