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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Zl'f portrait by Storn So she was given her name by a Russian with a French accent. Happens all the time.
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Stormtrooper_armor Nothing in there about "power".
  3. Re: Using DEX instead of STR for precision attacks. I'd just use a form of Martial Arts and call it good.
  4. Re: How powerful of an attack would it take to hurt this guy? Define "normal".
  5. Re: The Laundry Knights What was the cat doing in the "bad"?
  6. Re: A bit of clarification needed with sawed-off shotguns Technically you could have a side-effect on the ammo. After all wet power won't fire. Shotgun shells were wrapped in cardboard.
  7. Re: Sunburst 5E (HC Circle of Justice) Correct spelling is "Michael"
  8. Re: GM vs Player narrative authority It was recorded in the historical documents of WKRP that Johnny Fever's reaction times improved with the amount that he drank.
  9. Re: Creepy Pics. I'd guess photoshop since they're all the same guy.
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2012/06/13/peterbilt-teams-up-with-local-motors-for-contest-to-design-big-rig-future/?intcmp=features
  11. Re: GM Help: That Player I Want to Strangle She's been there.
  12. Re: Background Story Rewards Now you're going to get the "this is a hobby, not a job" discussion going.
  13. Re: Zl'f portrait by Storn "ze Elf"
  14. Re: Regulators Well, since one CP is one XP the whole question is rather moot...
  15. Re: Idunn, Goddess of Youth...Trolling for powers. And at some point, Eris got hold of one and used it to cause problems in Greece.
  16. Re: Background Story Rewards So by that logic then, every player, every session receives the exact same amount of XP regardless of their contribution or lack thereof. Otherwise someone would be penalized.
  17. Re: Background Story Rewards Not all characters started as the same exact moment in time, regardless of whether or not they start together in the game. I often use background stories, giving the player XP for it. The characters aren't (always) in competition with one-another. One player doesn't like writing up character backgrounds and all answers are police-statement short. The same player often comes up with crazy ideas that work and is an excellent RPer, regularly getting an XP ahead here and there. This often makes up for the beginning bonus that other players are willing to write backgrounds for.
  18. Re: GM vs Player narrative authority Going straight from the player's mouth I'd say the GM was being kind.
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