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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Superhero Images I shot the Sharif...
  2. Re: Cassandra's Corner But the Titans had a stronger writer and a stronger artist.
  3. Re: Cassandra's Corner Yeah, but that was just the Doom Patrol. Not like they did anything important. Except maybe leave Beast Boy alive to join the Titans.
  4. Re: Cassandra's Corner Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the GM and all players have agreed to play a superhero genre game in which adult themes would be addressed. We'll name one of the characters "Sue". During the course of the game, one of the villains manages to get Sue into a situation where she isn't fully able to defend herself. Now the villain, we'll call him "Arthur", is a despicable mustache-twirler and no deed is too dastardly. Having Sue at his mercy he decides to violate her. The GM and several of the players don't see this as particularly "wrong". It is a situation that was agreed to, mature themes. The first indication that there's a problem is when Sue's player leaves the table in tears. But, it happened. The GM's word is law. Right?
  5. Re: Cassandra's Corner That's all well and good. What I'm contesting is the "GM's word is LAW!" against the "co-operative storytelling".
  6. Re: Does anybody know a fellow named Bret Bussey? Failing that, if the book he ordered is interesting, I'll take it. ...what?
  7. Re: Law and the Multiverse Was he relieved or did the Council just try an end-around by getting two pilots with the "we gave an order. get in the air and nuke it."?
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures Could be any direction. Even left. Just spicier.
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures What If? didn't always go that way. Usually it was "what if they turned left at this point, instead of right?"
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures Why do they need Elseworlds when they have What If?
  11. Re: Cassandra's Corner That's obviously your opinion. I value my friends more than I value a game.
  12. Re: Cassandra's Corner "Co-operative" also requires the GM to work within the vision of the PLAYERS' ideas of their characters. It's the GM's world. That does not give him carte blanche to run all over the characters on a whim. I've had players, after a hard won fight sit there and go "WOW!", because it worked out just like it would have in the comics. I have had players, after a twist in a storyline, go "you know, I'm not really comfortable heading in that direction." Out of respect for them, and very likely our friendship, you do an editorial re-write and decide "that never happened like that". All it requires is to write a small bit to explain HOW it actually came out, adjusting for the player's feelings. On the other side of this, yes, actions have consequences. I'm more concerned about REAL LIFE consequences than what may happen in a game. Somehow I don't think I'd ever really enjoy playing in one of your games.
  13. Re: Cassandra's Corner The only thing I can recall about this story was that it was a fill-in issue and it was never referenced again. Which, since the guy was put into deep-freeze in one of the various sub-basements, and that after Disassembled and the destruction of the mansion that power was cut-off to the mansion, everything that happened after that doesn't matter, because with the earth being destroyed when he thawed out all the excrement that Marvel has put out was just a bad dream.
  14. Re: Cassandra's Corner Role-playing isn't a "win/lose" game. It's an "everybody has fun" game. If you enter into an area that a PLAYER can't/won't/doesn't have fun, then the GM has created a breach. If it happens often enough, the GM may find himself bleeding players, or find himself on the other end of the table because the players won't let him run anything. Any "victories" that the GM achieves in a game should be temporary. Trying to equate a game to the source material is lame. Yes, that is where we get our inspiration from, but as you put it, the GM is God. In the source material the writer still has to answer to editorial, and the company has to answer to the buying public.
  15. Re: Killing Damage to Normal Damage Most likely because Logan can call up Fury and say "Hey, Nick, you know those ninjas you've been having problems with? They won't be any longer. Can you make my trial go away? Thanks."
  16. Re: Killing Damage to Normal Damage Why? Is the need to do other maneuvers that important to the game?
  17. Re: "Neat" Pictures The Dragon Gates of Harlech House, Dublin
  18. Re: Killing Damage to Normal Damage Heaven forbid they should actually kill a character that some other writer might want to use in the future.
  19. Re: Killing Damage to Normal Damage That's certainly your interpretation.
  20. Re: Killing Damage to Normal Damage Let's see... Normals standing up to Wolverine... Not seeing a problem with the numbers. 2x AP is due to the "adamantium blades slicing through vanadium steel plate like butter".
  21. Re: Killing Damage to Normal Damage "Standard" depends upon who is running the game and who is playing in it. It is far too broad of a descriptor.
  22. Re: Killing Damage to Normal Damage Wolverine is usually given, with STR add, in the neighborhood of 3-4d6 HKA, 2x AP.
  23. Re: Killing Damage to Normal Damage Tell that to Wolverine.
  24. Re: Curious about your view on the current state of CO. (Anybody still play regularly Justice? Mercy for the rest of reality?
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