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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Not really. Everybody that throws up a version of Superman is throwing up a "correct" version if they're being honest with themselves when they write it up. But then the basic argument here seems to be everyone has to agree what is correct.
  2. Greywind


    Re: Multiform He changes so fast that only The Flash can see him do it?
  3. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.
  4. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Considering how much Supes loses when in the presence of Green K, he'd worry about a little old lady with a .22.
  5. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. First you'd have to build a SA Superman. Then you'd have to build whatever weapon they think would do the job. Problem with taking him out with one shot is targeting him first. His movement rate is second only to that of The Flash.
  6. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. There are some players that say that Max Human Normal is 20, when Olympic-class weightlifters, by the basic STR chart, can have a STR around 25. Everything is relative to the setting that the characters are expected to exist within.
  7. Greywind


    Re: Multiform I don't think Multiform is a good catch-all way of building characters. There is absolutely nothing that Superman can't do as Clark Kent that he can't do as Superman. There's no change to the character. The only difference is that "Clark" won't do things obviously, which is covered by the Secret ID Social Limitation.
  8. Re: Help me grok HERO! There's no Diamond Age of comics. The Rust Age is what happened when they shoveled too much crap on the Iron Age crap.
  9. Re: Under the Agony Star: a sword and planet campaign I do that in my Champions campaign. 'Course they are playing a lot closer to Chaos Chess.
  10. Re: Earth Girl Is it true Earth Girls Are Easy?
  11. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Or Wanted. That reality, the bad guys won.
  12. Re: Bio-Booster Armor Guyver It also works on a more simplistic threat analysis: enemy or not hostile.
  13. Re: Rogues...and Soldiers...and Assassins...and...Gallery (Dark Champions Art)
  14. Re: Rogues...and Soldiers...and Assassins...and...Gallery (Dark Champions Art)
  15. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. It depends on the character. Superman believes in the best of people and his guiding principle is to be an inspiration to others.
  16. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill She didn't rip his head off. Just made it easier for him to be sure he wasn't being followed.
  17. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_H-LY4Jb2M
  18. Re: Time Frame for Appearance of Superhumans I usually look at it as running in cycles. The heroes of myth being some of the first noted appearances of people having extraordinary gifts.
  19. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. This is basically why I won't let people play, or use myself, established characters from other sources. I don't mind homages, used plenty myself, but Wolverine ain't gonna put in an appearance.
  20. Re: Blood-Fueled Magic/Powers Eddie: Hey, let's beat it, man. I don't like it up here. Nic: What are ya, scared of heights? Eddie: I don't know. After what happened to Johnny Gobs... Nic: Hey, look, man. Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, all right? No big loss. Eddie: No man... that ain't what I heard at all. I heard that the Bat got him. Nic: The Bat? Aw man, give me a break, will ya? Eddie: Five stories straight down. There wasn't no blood in the body. Nic: No ****. It was all over the pavement.
  21. Re: Blood-Fueled Magic/Powers Then she dies...
  22. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.
  23. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Batman explained once that he took exception to the JLA Satellite, and later the Watchtower. Not because they didn't have their place, but they removed the League from the problems of the day-to-day. They put themselves into a position where they were literally looking down on people. Cosmic heroes, by their very nature, are not going to care for the little things. "Oh, hey, we rendered half your world uninhabitable? Not my problem." They don't have the connection to people. The issues they face would be at a scale that people could not comprehend them. I don't recall a Hulk/Daredevil/Thor. I do recall a movie with Hulk and Daredevil, and another with Hulk and Thor. On the other hand, I assume you took issue with this year's Avengers? I have no interest in cosmic. Honestly, characters of that power level have no business on Earth. I've never seen need for a character to have a STR that exceeds 100. I did have a player once create a character with a STR of 120. I took exception to it. His sole reason for doing it was "Because I'd never done it before." With that level you aren't punching holes in walls; you're punching city blocks over. This same player refused to have Dr. Destroyer or Menton running around simply because they were too powerful. The old Mayfair/DC Heroes always rated Superman higher as a character when he was solo. He was rated lower while running around with the League. We get the same, if inverse situation with comics when you have Batman having issues with street gangs when he's in his own books and yet capable of one-punching Darkseid if the writer thinks it's a neat schtick when the Bat is with the League. You take issues with the old Batman? That's your problem. You're tired of seeing the lower end builds? Obviously people enjoy that type of thing. Cassandra has her thread going as personal project because she enjoys it. E84 does if for the same reason. You want to see cosmic level? Start a thread and start compiling your characters. My take on Superman? Why would you want to see it? My idea of Supes is superMan. A lot closer to the Man of Steel reboot than Silver Age.
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