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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Rogues...and Soldiers...and Assassins...and...Gallery (Dark Champions Art)
  2. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. I'd posit that the only definitive Superman was Simon and Shuster's. Everything else that came after they stopped doing the character was simply someone else's (re-)interpretation of the character.
  3. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance Shut up, Kosh
  4. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance So you're going by hearsay? If COM had no effect in a game, I'd say that's due to a lack on the GM's part.
  5. Re: "Neat" Pictures Eh, the one that got me was when a strap caught a guy that wasn't wearing safety glasses across the face and eye.
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures Uh, no. High school shop class watching a film about accidents with gratuitous application of gore.
  7. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill Doesn't look like the internet killed him. Stupidity did.
  8. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill Has anyone been killed by the internet yet?
  9. Re: KX's Character Thread Dive for cover.
  10. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. You complain a lot.
  11. Re: "Neat" Pictures The one time I passed out I recall waking up staring at the ceiling.
  12. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill Or use it to beat them with...
  13. Re: Creepy Pics. Video of teh bunneh.
  14. Re: A Game Of Questions Andy Griffith died. I'm sure the show can be found somewhere in re-run.
  15. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.
  16. Re: Women of the Champions Universe (Fanpictorial) Worked on Buffy
  17. Re: Time Frame for Appearance of Superhumans Not to mention that all it took was an accusation to get someone you didn't like out of your way.
  18. Greywind


    Re: Multiform And here I thought it was because he was a billionaire and could afford them.
  19. Re: You Don't Have to be Crazy to be a Superhero, but it Helps! Nite-Owl had his hangups. That was shown in the arousal that both he and Laurie felt after the fight in the alley, and the sex they had after the building fire. It does tend to take a rather different mind-set to put on spandex and throw yourself into harm's way.
  20. Greywind


    Re: Multiform "Where does he get those wonderful toys"?
  21. Re: Solution to Multipowers within VPPs.
  22. Re: Side effect: aging It sounds like a plot device for one character. Not something that really needs to be statted out. Especially for a one-shot. Over a campaign I can see it being more of an issue, like in Strikeforce Morituri.
  23. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. ...or don't call him "Superman". Your bias is showing.
  24. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill Because we were still at war... The venue of battles changed but the threat of a shooting war was still there.
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