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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures Never noticed. Have to reset my cam.
  2. Re: How to Build : a Lucky Stealer Power Not really. Everyone has luck. Some just have more than others. All this requires is an understanding on the part of the GM and his permission to use the character.
  3. Greywind


    Re: Evil Not according to Cmdr. Jeffrey Sinclair.
  4. Re: "Neat" Pictures I've got a pic of one of those. It was on the hood of the car when I left my mom's house a couple of weeks ago. Happened to have my camera with me that night.
  5. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o97ww2dZ9sU
  6. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance Saturn 3 ? ST: TNG when Data boinked Yar?
  7. Greywind


    Re: Evil "You forgot the first rule of the fanatic. When you become obsessed with the enemy, you become the enemy!"
  8. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance "Very tempting. But I spent centuries in a monastery. You're wasting your not inconsiderable talents."
  9. Re: How to Build : a Lucky Stealer Power To me sucking off someone else's luck would be: if they had Luck, it would be reduced and yours would be increased. If you happen to take more than they have to start with, they end up getting Unluck as the balance. If your character has no Luck of his own, or even if he starts with Unluck, have it played up about what happens when he starts siphoning.
  10. Re: Is Speed underpriced? Pretty flowers.
  11. Re: The cranky thread Today would have been my 11th anniversary. Damn I miss my kids.
  12. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance Because social interaction is solely "role-playing" whereas all the other rolls are "game mechanic" in nature. I tend to use the social interaction rolls to establish a baseline and then go with the flow of the conversation to see where things will go.
  13. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance I've never much cared for true diceless games. Too often the characters get sublimated into whatever story the GM wants regardless. With dice there's always the chance that the dice gods will favor you.
  14. Re: Is Speed underpriced? Sooner or later the scratches add up or Brick gets lucky and tags the MA. "Compromise" falls under a third option. "Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."
  15. Re: A Game Of Questions What do you mean? An African or European swallow?
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBmueYJ0VhA
  17. Greywind


    Re: Evil Thanks. Just a story I'm working on. From my thoughts, there is such a thing as "incidental evil". This is under the "bad things happen to good people" category. But there is also as LL is saying "intent", which to my mind just throws it further down the scale. Willful, wanton, not giving a fk is a lot worse that something that just happens.
  18. Greywind


    Re: Evil I was trying to work out how the explanation would go, so I asked. Brainstorming after a fashion.
  19. Greywind


    Re: Evil "Fanfic"?
  20. Greywind


    Re: Evil Post #9 covers most of the intent of it, Assault.
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