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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    Re: Costumes It's a kind of magic.
  2. Greywind


    Re: Costumes I agree with her.
  3. Re: Greywind's Characters Pulsar Jason Aaron Scott Hgt: 6'3” Wgt: 220# Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown/Red 30 STR 20 24 DEX 42 25 CON 30 20 BODY 20 13 INT 3 14 EGO 8 20 PRE 10 16 COM 3 17 PD 11 16 ED 11 6 SPD 26 11 REC 0 70 END 10 48 STUN 0 6 RUN 2 SWIM 6 LEAP Char: 194 Skills Acrobatics 14- Breakfall 14- Bureaucratics 13- CSL +4 Blast Computer Programming 12- Deduction 14- High Society 13- Paramedics 12- PS: Musician/Flute 8- PS: Artist Drawing/Painting 14- PS: Business Admin 12- Stealth 14- Tactics 13- Teamwork 14- Skills: 53 Perks Money: Wealthy Rep: Member of the Guardians 11-, +2/+2D6 Contact: Project Wildfire (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) 8- Perks: 26 Martial Arts Basic Strike Counterstrike Defensive Strike Defensive Throw Martial Block Martial Disarm Martial Dodge Offensive Strike Weapon Element: Clubs, Offhand, Staffs Martial Arts: 35 Powers Detect Energy Patterns (Sight) Discriminatory Rapid Healing: Damage Resistance (9 PD/9 ED) Nightvision Infrared Perception Blast: Energy Blast 12d6, Armor Piercing (x2; +1) Flight 21", Position Shift, x16 Noncombat, Usable Underwater (+1/4) Force Field (10 PD/15 ED) Life Support (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: 200 Years) Mental Defense 8 points Healing 3 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) Healing BODY 3d6, Can Heal Limbs (35 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-1), Others Only (-1/2) Side Effect: Pulsar must take on the wound of anyone that he heals (BODY transfer, no defenses), this also puts a 1 minute delay on his regeneration Mind Link , Specific Group of Minds, Number of Minds (x16), Psychic Bond (35 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (A form of Empathy. No messages can be sent. Those linked rarely have any indication of the power. Pulsar can feel general mindset/emotion and whether the individual is under any phsyical discomfort.; -1 1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) Power Defense 5 Zeist Pocket: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension) Cannot physically travel to the other dimension, can only store small objects (actual size/weight not known at this time, just can't do a sub-compact car) Instant Change: Cosmetic Transform 2d6 (standard effect: 6 points) (10 Active Points); Linked (Zeist Pocket; -1/2) Powers: 349 Disads DNPC: Marlene Palmer 8- (Normal; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills) Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort) Hunted: VIPER 8- (MP, H) Hunted: Various Members of the Guardians' Rogues Gallery 8- (MP, H) Hunted: Anton Darque 11- (MP, NCI, H) SL: Secret ID PS: Depressive (C, M) Note: This is Jason going into Business Unfinished Background information to be added later
  4. Greywind


    Re: Costumes Almost looks like you're confusing Liefield with Image. Kestrel was similar to Hawk with that cape.
  5. Re: Superhero settings vs People with Powers settings I liked the show just fine. Just thought the coat was ugly. I also prefer Ashley Scott as a blonde. This is the one I'm thinking of that I didn't like. The duster was fine.
  6. Re: Greywind's Characters Ash Ashleigh Kaye Parks Hgt: 5'5” Wgt: 121# Hair: Blonde Eyes: Sapphire Blue 60 STR 50 23 DEX 39 28 CON 36 12 BODY 4 15 INT 5 15 EGO 10 20 PRE 10 26 COM 8 24 PD 12 24 ED 7 5 SPD 17 18 REC 0 66 END 5 61 STUN 5 9 RUN 6 2 SWIM 12 LEAP Char: 225 Skills Breakfall 14- Combat Driving 14- Combat Piloting 14- Brawling: CSL +4 HTH Combat Deduction 12- Paramedics 12- Power: Brick Tricks 13- Shadowing 11- Stealth 14- Streetwise 13- Survival 12- Tactics 12- Teamwork 14- Tracking 12- TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Combat Aircraft, Small Planes Skills: 68 Perks Contact: Project Wildfire (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Very Good Relationship with Contact) Organization Contact 14- Money: Well Off Rep: Member of the Guardians 11-, +3/+3D6 Perks: 35 Powers Damage Resistance 24 PD/24 ED Knockback Resistance +2” Infrared Perception (Sight) IAF-glasses Nightvision IAF-glasses Flash Defense (Sight) IAF-glasses Powers: 37 Disads Hunted: VIPER 8- (MP, H) Hunted: Various Members of the Guardians' Rogues Gallery 8- (MP, H) Hunted: Anton Darque 8- (MP, NCI, H) PL: Color Blind PS: Code Against Killing C/T PS: Protective of family C/S Rivalry: Titania (Rival is as powerful, Rival is Aware) Unluck 1D6 Disads: 85 Ashleigh is, in her own words, dynamite. Her childhood was relatively normal, with her mother keeping house and her father an emotionally, and often physically, distant figure in her life. Her mother passed while she was still in high school and it fell to her to take care of the house in addition to her schoolwork. After graduation she packed her things and set her sights on a new life. The first of her fellow Guardians she met was Dove, being both subjected to VIPER augmentation experiments. The process Ash underwent is called the Avatar process. The body is altered to be stronger and more resistant to damage. Ash is spirit of the Guardians. She is the one that keeps them moving forward when things look bad.
  7. Re: Advice sought: Uncommon Sense(s) That was how Wolverine realized that "Storm" wasn't part of the group.
  8. Re: Greywind's Characters Lightning Warren Wayne Asher Hgt: 5'11” Wgt: 170# Hair: Brown Eyes: Gray 15 STR 5 41 DEX 93 15 CON 10 10 BODY 0 11 INT 1 13 EGO 6 20 PRE 10 14 COM 2 15 PD 12 10 ED 7 8 SPD 29 20 REC 28 50 END 10 26 STUN 0 23 RUN 2 SWIM 3 LEAP Char: 213 Skills Breakfall 17- Deduction 11- Mechanics 11- Paramedics 11- Power: Speed Tricks 13- Shadowing 11- Sleight of Hand 17- Stealth 17- Streetwise 13- Teamwork 17- PS: Carpentry 12- PS: Farming 11- Skills: 40 Perks Contact: Capt. Franklin Stone, NYPD Special Crimes Division (Contact has Access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by Identity, Good relationship with Contact) 13- Money: Well Off Rep: Member of the Guardians 11-, +2/+2D6 Perks: 16 Talents Combat Luck 9 PD/9 ED Danger Sense (Immediate Vicinity, Out of Combat, Function as a Sense) 14- Speed Reading (x1000) Talents: 56 Martial Arts Basic Strike Defensive Block Flying Dodge Martial Throw Passing Strike Passing Disarm Passing Throw Martial Arts: 31 Powers Running 23” x8 Non-Combat (Reduced END 1/2) Teleport 23” Invisible Power Effects (Fully), Must pass through intervening space, no non-Combat movement HtH Attack +5d6, Autofire (10 shots), Hand to Hand Attack Instant Change: Cosmetic Transform, Limited Target Any Clothes Powers: 160 Disads DNPC Family, Normal 8- Katherine “Kate” (Simmons) Asher, wife Benjamin Asher, father Mary Asher, mother Jennifer “Jennie” Asher, sister Hunted: VIPER 8- (MP, H) Hunted: Various Members of the Guardians' Rogues Gallery 8- (MP, H) Hunted: Anton Darque 11- (MP, NCI, H) PS: Code Against Killing C/T PS: Protective of family C/S SL: Secret ID Disads: 125 During a summer Nebraska storm, Warren was out looking for part of his family's herd of cattle. What he found was that a pasture had been used for illegal dumping of chemical waste. Investigating the site he found that the barrels were marked with the interlocking square and diamond logo belonging to Scott Enterprises. A slip in the mud, landing in the mire, and catching the full fury of a lightning bolt should have killed Warren. Instead he was altered by the experience. Shortly after the incident, Warren met Jason Scott, who had been sent by his father to investigate the dumping independently. The first meeting between the two was rough, with Warren insisting that he wasn't going to like the other man. Through the early years of the team, Warren was a prankster; often using his speed to make things appear to disappear. His marriage to Kate, and the impending birth of their child, has mellowed him. Warren tends to be a slow, deliberate thinker, weighing options and alternatives before setting out on a course of action. Once his mind is set, there are few that can stop him.
  9. Dove Kristina Leigh Tyler Hgt: 5'7” Wgt: 120# Hair: Black Eyes: Brown 15 STR 5 18 DEX 24 21 CON 22 10 BODY 0 20 INT 10 15 EGO 10 20 PRE 10 20 COM 5 15 PD 12 16 ED 12 6 SPD 32 10 REC 6 50 END 4 43 STUN 14 6 RUN 2 SWIM 3 LEAP Char: 166 Skills Acrobatics 13- Breakfall 13- Deduction 13- Forensic Medicine 13- High Society 13- Paramedics 13- Conversation 13- Persuasion 13- Seduction 13- Weapon Familiarity: Common Melee Weapons, Staffs CSL: +2 Martial Arts SL: +1 Overall Teamwork 13- KS: The Medical World 13- SS: Combat/Trauma Medicine 13- SS: Medicine 13- SS: Pharmacology/Toxicology 13- SS: Surgery 13- SS: Superhuman Physiology 13- SS: Xenobiology 8- Skills: 68 Perks FB: License to Practice Medicine Money: Well Off Rep: Member of the Guardians 14-, +4/+4D6 Perks: 18 Talents Bump of Direction Danger Sense (self only, in combat, Function as a Sense) 14- Talents: 21 Martial Arts Fast Strike Martial Block Martial Throw Martial Dodge Offensive Strike Takeaway Takedown Weapon Element: Staffs Martial Arts: 29 Powers Flight 20” x4 Non-Combat Staff: HtH Attack +6d6, OAF Durable, Hand to Hand Attack, Real Weapon Mental Defense 8 points Powers: 38 Disads Enraged When a Bystander is Hurt 8-/14- DNPC (Kari Tyler) Normal 8- Hunted: VIPER 8- (MP, H) Hunted: Various Members of the Guardians' Rogues Gallery 8- (MP, H) Hunted: Anton Darque 8- (MP, NCI, H) PS: Code Against Killing C/T PS: Claustrophobic C/S PS: Hippocratic Oath C/S Disads: 115 Kris Tyler is a quiet woman. She was the girl in school that was always reading. She was a voracious reader, and often ahead in all of her studies. During her time as a pre-med student she was singled out as a test subject by VIPER agents. A local nest had been experimenting on various means of enhancing their soldiers. Kris is often uncomfortable in social settings with strangers. Often she gets pointed out because of her wings. She tends to be embarrassed when complimented on her looks. Kari is Kris's identical, sympathetic twin (each knowing when the other is injured, feeling the pain). Kris sees herself as the weakest of the Guardians. Pulsar is deemed the most powerful, Lightning the fastest, and Ash the strongest of the original members, Kris only saw herself as "the chick with the wings". She is fiercely loyal to her friends, with only one instance with Pulsar ever bringing that into doubt. In the past Kris has wielded a long bladed spear. As VIPER's programming began breaking down, the spear was put away and she switched to a staff and focused more on her martial arts training. Currently, Kris is technically a noncombatant. Her Enraged is a holdover from the programming.
  10. Re: Superhero settings vs People with Powers settings It was still ugly.
  11. Re: Superhero settings vs People with Powers settings Not to mention the ugly coat.
  12. Re: Bows, Brace, and DCV Can't you brace with just your leg muscles?
  13. Re: Superhero settings vs People with Powers settings Canary was in hiding, hence no costume. Her daughter's ability, as I recall, was more psychic. No reason powers need to transfer, power to child. Look at Magneto and his kids.
  14. Leah awoke to an intense pounding on her door. She threw the covers back and sat up on the side of the bed. “Enough already. I'm awake. Open.” The door slid open to Trese and Dani. Dani looked at her. “You're just now getting out of bed?” Wiping sleep from her eyes, Leah said, “I didn't sleep very well.” Trese and Dani shared a glance. “Nightmares?” Dani asked. Leah shook her head. “Uh uh,” she mumbled with a yawn. “Just bad dreams. I wouldn't call them nightmares. What time is it?” “After two,” Trese said. “Is this what you pulled out to wear today?” she asked indicating the clothes Leah had laying on her chair. Leah pulled her sleep shirt off and dropped it on the floor. “Yeah. How much time we got?” She headed towards the bathroom. “Ash is loading up the van. Her, Charley, Brad, Lisa and Jenny. I figured I'd drive me and Trese. Charley is either riding shotgun, which will put the passenger seat back to the bench, or she'll be in the first bench with her legs vying for space under the dash. Either way she takes up a lot of room.” “I'll drive,” Trese said. Dani gave her an annoyed look. “Why you?” “Because my Mustang has a back seat.” She checked the time on Leah's clock. “Ash.” “Yeah?” came the response from the intercom. “Leah just woke up. She's in the shower. Go ahead and take off. We'll catch up in my car,” Trese said. “All right.”
  15. Greywind

    DC meetings

    Re: DC meetings I was just finishing the Daffy quote.
  16. Re: Reaffirmation Day Water poured from the multiple shower heads running down over Jason's head. His arms were braced against the wall. His eyes were closed and he was lost in thought. “Is there anything you need, Stinger?” Jason asked. Stinger rubbed the back of his head. “I need to talk to Lady Darque. Bauer is saying that Lord Darque is allowing this game. Says that he wants retribution for the betrayal. The Lady and Charley both.” Jason nodded his head. “That all depends on Anton. Normally he would be all over anyone that hurt her.” “Charley said she was protected by her relationship with the Lord's daughter.” Jason could hear the capitalization in Stinger's voice. “I don't think she's all that protected right now.” “I appreciate the warning. Charley is supposed to be busy all day. I can see about Angelique, if you'll give me a few moments.” Stinger nodded and Jason stepped away dialing his phone. Stinger cocked his head at Kris and gave her a smile. “Thanks. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but he seems nice enough.” Kris returned the smile. “He feels he owes you, Archie. You did good by him.” “She's really his sister?” “Archie, we're a family. Family isn't always blood.” He nodded his head, sending reflected sunlight dancing from his eyes. “Never had much in the way of family myself.” They stopped talking when Jason walked back towards them. He had a note pad in hand and was writing. “She'll see you, Stinger. This,” he handed Stinger the paper he'd written on, “is the address where you'll find her. This,” he handed Stinger a business card, “is my personal number. Feel free to use it if you need anything.” Stinger held the card and looked it over. “How long is it good for?” “Until I consider us even.” Stinger nodded at that. “Thanks. And thanks, doc. Guess I have an appointment with the Lady.” Kris stepped up to the shorter man and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks, Archie.” Stinger hid his blush by taking to the air. Kris laughed when she saw him do a barrel roll. “How much of that did you hear?” she asked Jason. “All of it.” “So what now?” Jason checked the time on his phone. “Reaffirmation Day. I've got a meeting with Accounting in fifteen.” Kris grinned. “You'll be there this time?” “Yeah. I'll be there.” “You're bound and determined that we're going to be late, aren't you?” Jason opened his eyes and reached for the soap. “We'll make it, Marlene.” “Should I call for the car?” Blowing water off his face, Jason said, “Al's got his orders for the day. He'll pick us up at two.” Jason finished his shower just as the water started to turn cold. Marlene was going through the closet, picking out clothes for him; black casual pants and she was deciding between a medium blue mock turtleneck shirt and a royal blue silk dress shirt. She had on a tight black top and a mid-length gray wrap skirt. Her legs were covered with sheer dark hose, adding a hint of shading. “What do you think?” she asked. Jason slipped up behind her, sliding his hand around her belly. He kissed her gently on the side of the neck. “I think you're beautiful, but I'll wear the blue one.” Marlene laughed and turned into him. “They're both...” Jason caught her mouth with his. He took the dress shirt and hung it back up. He let his hand fall to caress her back. “So what's gotten in to you?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye. Jason took the shirt out of her hand and vanished it. A second flash of crimson and he was wearing it. “You,” he said simply. His pants were donned the same way. “That's hardly fair. I actually have to put some effort into getting dressed.” “You need shoes. He'll be here in about ten minutes. If it helps at all, I can get you undressed that way.” Marlene looked the small collection of footwear she had available on a rack. “Had I known, I would have gotten from my apartment.” She looked over her shoulder with a smile. “If you play your cards right you can unwrap me later. What do you think I should wear?” She turned her attention back to the shoes. “How about your black boots? The knee-high ones with the heels?” he suggested. “That's what I was thinking, too, but I left those in my apartment,” she said with a sigh. “These ones?” Marlene turned around to see him holding the boots in question. “How did you do that?” she asked with a grin. Jason shrugged. “I grabbed them yesterday before we left. I haven't seen you wear them in a while.” Marlene sat on the edge of the bed and held one leg up to him. “I thought you liked my legs.” He knelt and took hold of her leg. “I love you,” he said placing a kiss on the inside of her ankle. “You're going to start something we can't finish if you keep that up.” He smiled up at her and slid the boot on her foot, taking his time with the zipper. At precisely two o'clock they stepped out of the loft to find the limousine and Al waiting with the door open. Marlene bent low and with a smile said, “Well, this is a surprise.”
  17. Greywind

    DC meetings

    Re: DC meetings ...and away!
  18. Re: What elements should a great superhero setting contain? When did Lana marry Lois? I must have missed that episode.
  19. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? 2007-8. Affected a lot of things.
  20. Re: Fantasy Locations that should be real Never got that one. I do have Moria.
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? A lot of what happened in s7 seemed rushed to me.
  22. Re: Reaffirmation Day Brad knocked on the door and opened it in the same motion. Charley had one foot up on the arm of the chair in her room. Her skirt was rucked up to her hip and she was smoothing the nylon covering her leg. Brad couldn't help but notice the fleur de lis tattoo that was visible near her hip. “Whoa. That's a lot of nylon. Nice ink.” “Thank you,” she said, dropping her foot and slipping it into a waiting shoe. “It's a lot of leg. What is it you need?” Brad missed the look of annoyance that crossed her face. “I didn't think they made that stuff in your size. Ash is loading up the van. Just thought I'd see if you were ready.” “Or not. If you know what you're looking for, you can get anything in just about any size.” "Huh?” Charley smoothed her skirt and checked her reflection in a mirror. “To which part?” “The 'or not' part. What do you mean by that?” Brad asked. She didn't bother to look at him. She checked the back of her blouse and skirt in the mirror. “Any villains in your family?” “Not that I know of.” Brad couldn't help but be confused. Satisfied with how she looked, Charley caught up a shoulder bag and dropped a few pieces of makeup into it. “Right now, you're reminding me a lot of someone I don't like. This room was given to me to stay in. I can only assume that you opening the door as you knocked meant you hoped you might get a peek at something.” Brad had the sense to look sheepish. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “And I'll tell you the same thing I told him. Only one free show to a customer. The next one you'll pay for.”
  23. Re: Teen Ice / Cold based Character Needed Starting baseline of 8? Dex in the teens Maybe bump CON up
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