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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Resistance is useless Depends on the supers.
  2. Re: Storm Of Lead - Your Thoughts? Give the good guys Hollywood guns and call it a day.
  3. Re: Adversarial Answers Absolutely.
  4. Re: The Powerpuff Women (or "Grown Up in Townsville") ...or he grows up and finds himself to be Robin Williams.
  5. Re: Adversarial Answers Any time I have a player that wants to use a VPP on a character I do insist on there being a list of powers. It speeds up gameplay. Especially in the cases of people not knowing how to build. I do not want the delay caused by trying to figure something on the fly when gaming. I do not want players distracted by trying to figure something and NOT paying attention to what is going on around them.
  6. Re: Adversarial Answers "Okay. One hour break while Bob crunches his numbers," has been the death knell of many a night of gaming.
  7. Re: Disintegration Setting on Retro Ray Gun You can dispel Characteristics bought as Powers.
  8. Re: Resistance is useless ...only because "Resistance is Futile" has already been used.
  9. Re: Resistance is useless I never had that. I was the GM. 'Course I came to RPGs through wargaming. Fortunes of war. Crap happens.
  10. Re: Resistance is useless Problem was is that the PLAYERS didn't want to end up on the losing end of the STUN Lottery. They didn't have any issues dishing it out.
  11. Re: Resistance is useless That was a feature. Not a failure.
  12. Greywind


    Re: Costumes It's Wonder Woman. Gratuitous application of magic as needed.
  13. Re: New Kickstarter for Sentinels of the Multiverse expansion It's a fun game.
  14. Re: Greywind's Characters Raven Hgt: 5'2” Wgt: 97# Hair: Black Eyes: Hazel 15 STR 5 30 DEX 60 20 CON 20 13 BODY 6 15 INT 5 20 EGO 20 20 PRE 10 24 COM 7 8 PD 5 8 ED 7 5 SPD 10 7 REC 0 40 END 0 31 STUN 0 6 RUN 0 2 SWIM 0 3 LEAP Char: 152 Skills Acrobatics 15- Breakfall 15- CSL: +4 with Claws High Society 13- Seduction 13- Shadowing 12- Stealth 15- SL: +3 with Acrobatics, Breakfall and Flight Skills: 39 Talents Ambidexterity Talents: 3 Martial Arts Defensive Strike Killing Strike Martial Disarm Martial Dodge Martial Escape Offensive Strike +1 HTH DC Weapon Element: Claws, Empty Hand Martial Arts: 31 Powers Eyes of the Raptor: +4 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group Flight 30", x4 Noncombat (65 Active Points); OAF (Foulable Wings; -1) Gliding 20" (20 Active Points); OAF (Foulable Wings; -1) Talons of the Raven: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (2 1/2d6 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (45 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) Strong Willed: Mental Defense (13 points total) Powers: 111 Disads Distinctive Features: Winged, Beautiful (Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) Hunted: The Guardians 8- (Mo Pow; Capture) Hunted: Anton D'aarque 14- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching) Psychological Limitation: Fear of D'aarque (Very Common; Strong) Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Common; Strong) Psychological Limitation: Violent Temper (Common; Strong) Psychological Limitation: Vengeful (Uncommon; Strong) Psychological Limitation: Claustrophobic (Common; Strong) Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently; Major) Unluck: 1d6
  15. Re: Reaffirmation Day Warren waited. When he had finished with Cheryl's grave he had run to the store. Four votive cups and candles later, he ran to a florist for four roses. The full four this year, instead of three, like the last two years. If only Jason shows. He heard tires rolling over gravel and saw Ash pulling the van up the narrow lane. She pulled off onto the grass to park. Warren moved and opened the door for Charley, offering her his hand. “Ever the gentleman,” she said, accepting his help. “One tries,” he said to her with a shallow bow. He opened the side door and helped Jenny and Lisa out, with a “Ladies,” in greeting. Brad exited the van and slid the door closed behind him. He walked around the van and took up space by his sister. “Thanks, Brad,” Ash said, opening her own door. Warren cast a look around and raised a questioning eyebrow at Ash. “Leah overslept.” They heard the green Mustang's engine roar. “In fact, here they come now.” Out of the corner of his eye, Warren saw Jenny elbow Brad in the ribs. “Uh, Warren? This is my sister, Jenny.” Warren shook her hand with another greeting. “And this is Lisa Sheffield.” She waved and smiled. Warren cocked his head in greeting with a smile. “Wow,” Lisa said quietly. “I never realized how it would actually look to see her fly.” Warren turned to see Kris land lightly near the grave marker. “She's so...” “'Graceful'?” Warren supplied. “Yeah. She's beautiful.” Trese, Leah and Dani joined the group, and they all walked slowly towards the grave. Warren easily slid his arm around Leah. “You okay?” Leah nodded. “Just didn't sleep very well. How's Kate?” “Wishing she were here,” he replied with a smile. “I hope Jason shows.” “He'll be here,” Kris said. “He told me he would earlier. Charley, I had a visitor at the hospital. Archie wants to talk to you.” “Did he say what it was about?” the tall woman asked. “Yes. Jason sent him off to talk to Angelique.” Charley winced. “I can imagine what it's about, then. Thanks.” Warren glanced at his watch. “It's almost three.” “Getting antsy?” Ash teased. Warren gave her a joking smile in reply. “You try living in a world that insists on moving in slow motion.” “Why three?” Jenny asked. Kris said, “We'll explain things when Jason gets here, Jenny. There's not a lot of secrets. Just everything in its place and time.” Once again Warren turned at the sound of gravel crunching. “Think that's him?” “Who else would it be, Warren?” Ash asked him. She noticed him shifting his weight from foot to foot. “You all right?” “Yeah. There's something I need to do when Jason gets here, and I'm not sure how well he'll receive it,” he said quietly. The black limousine pulled up at the head of the short line of vehicles and pulled off the gravel. Al, in suit and cap, opened the back door. Jason stepped out into the sunshine and held his hand out to assist Marlene. After Marlene, he helped Emily Devereaux out, and then her daughter, Stacy. Warren started walking towards Jason, and after a moment, Dani followed. “Hi, Emily,” Warren said. “I was worried you weren't going to show again. Jason, can I talk with you?” Marlene looked at Jason. “No reason not to show,” he said to Warren. “You go on ahead,” he said to Marlene. “We'll be there momentarily.” “Hey, Stacy,” Dani said the younger girl. Stacy smiled. “You're here too? Jason said we might learn some things.” Dani looked at Jason, who merely shrugged. “No, Stacy. I belong here. Come on with everyone else.” Everyone went, leaving Warren and Jason alone. Warren watched Jason. He could tell, behind the sunglasses, that Jason's attention was not on him. “Want to walk?” “Whatever is good for you.” Kris was right, Warren thought. They set to walking together. “You all right? You seem distracted.” Jason quirked a smile without really looking at Warren. “I'm fine. I just have a lot of things on my mind. What's on yours?” “A couple of things. I wanted to apologize for going off on you about Kate. You couldn't have known that would happen. I had forgotten that your link with her was what let you know she was in trouble the night that...” “She's safe, Warren,” Jason said quietly. “That was what mattered. Then and now.” “I know. I also wanted to apologize to you about going off on you about your personal life. Who you see, who you sleep with isn't any of my business.” Jason stopped and something in the sky caught his attention for a moment. “None of them.” “What?” Warren asked, not understanding. “I didn't sleep with any of them. Not in the limo. Not at home. Not in the office. I slept with Leah. I slept with Angelique. Now I sleep with Marlene.” Jason looked weary to Warren. “Why didn't you say anything about when I went off on you?” “You were kind of caught up in your righteous indignation,” Jason said half-jokingly. “You weren't interested in listening.” Warren shrugged. “Still, it wasn't any of my business.” “Warren, you're my brother. Through blood and battle and choice and...” he looked at the grave marker, “and death. You're my best friend. If I can't trust you to tell me when you think I'm making a mistake, then who can I trust?” Warren nodded his head. “Okay. Then sleeping with Angelique was a mistake.” This time Jason shrugged. “Maybe at first.” “Was that one of those 'investing in people' things your grandfather taught you?” Jason shrugged again in response. Their walk led them back towards the grave marker and their friends. “If you die again and endanger my wife, I'm going to kick your ass for it. Kate would like it... I'd like it if you would be there when my son is born.” Jason nodded. “If it's at all possible I'll be there.” Jason stepped beside Marlene and slipped his hand into hers. “Well,” everyone's attention turned to Ash, “some of you want to know why. Why we do what we do.” She looked at Jenny. “Some of you want to know why three.” Ash stood behind the grave marker and wiped her hand across the top of it. There were no dates on it. Simply five lines: Cheryl Anne Danforth A Friend A Lover A Reason A Promise “Each of us has our own reasons for doing what we do. Some because we have a sense of responsibility to use our gifts to help others. Some do it because of a sense of guilt.” Jason dropped his head for a moment. “Some do it because they feel that they have something to prove.” Brad flushed with embarrassment. “Each one of us has a reason that drives us. “As a team, the reason the Guardians exist, is right here. Some consider what we do a game. Like cops and robbers. It can be seen that way, as long as you never forget how high the stakes are that you're playing for.” Charley looked around at the four. “And this is what your Reaffirmation Day is? A memorial?” “After a fashion,” Ash answered her. “Three o'clock on this day, every year. It was the day we buried her.” Lisa shook her head. “Who was she?” “She was a friend,” Kris said. “More than that to one of us. In a lot of ways she was the fifth member of the Guardians.” Jason squeezed Marlene's hand a little tighter. “And she was the worst mistake we made in the beginning. She was a member of Wildfire.” “She was our liaison with them,” Warren said. “We would often work with them. Same as we do with the police. Cheryl was... she was something special. Even among us.” “And we come here to remember her and to hope and pray that we never make a similar mistake,” Ash said. “How did she die?” Leah asked. “She was shot,” Warren said quietly. “She was used as bait. The trap closed before we could get her out. I got to her in time to hold her as she died.” “Who did it?” she asked him. “You know who, Leah,” Jason said somberly. “Spears?” Jason nodded in answer. “That's why... I never realized. Oh, god,” she said on the verge of tears. “Why? Why didn't somebody get to him before?” “Dan wanted proof. Not supposition,” Ash said. “Knowing something is true and being able to prove it,” she shrugged, “not a lot we could do. So Dan decided to start feeding him information.” “I'm sorry, Jason,” she said in a whisper. Jason shook his head. “No, Leah. I'm sorry I failed you.” More guilt settled on his shoulders. Warren handed Kris a rose. She smiled at him by way of thanks. She knelt down and slipped the stem of the rose through a hole in a votive cup holder. She held up a match towards Dani. “Do you mind?” Dani shook her head and for a moment her eyes flamed and the match ignited. Stacy jumped when it did. Kris lit the candle in the holder where she had put the rose. “I still miss you, my friend,” she said quietly. While Kris did her thing, Warren handed a rose to Ash and Jason, holding one back for himself. When Kris moved away he stepped up and knelt down. He, too, slipped the rose stem through a waiting hole. He lit his own match off Kris's candle. “Another year without you. If Kate is right and we have a girl I'm giving her your middle name. I'm pretty sure Kate already has a first name picked out.” Ash looked at Jason, who shrugged his shoulders, then she stepped up to the place Warren had vacated. “We're still here, Cheryl. Still holding the line.” When Ash had finished and moved away, Jason stood silently for a time, simply staring at the grave marker. He had turned the rose in his hand so that a thorn was buried deep into one of his fingers. Slowly he took a step forward. Marlene came with him. He slipped the rose into place and lit the waiting candle. When he spoke only Marlene could hear him. “I broke the pact, Cheryl.” The blood that had welled up on his finger he used to color the dot over the “i” in “promise”. “I'm sorry. It won't happen again.”
  16. Greywind


    Re: Costumes Originally the boning was whale bone.
  17. Re: Greywind's Characters Stinger Hgt: 5'7” Wgt: 152# Hair: Brown Eyes: Yellow 20 STR 10 26 DEX 48 20 CON 20 13 BODY 6 13 INT 3 15 EGO 10 20 PRE 10 10 COM 0 12 PD 8 11 ED 7 6 SPD 24 8 REC 0 40 END 0 40 STUN 7 6 RUN 0 2 SWIM 0 4 LEAP Char: 153 Skills Acrobatics 14- Breakfall 14- CSL: +4 with Bug Zapper SL: +4 with Acrobatics, Breakfall and Flight Skills: 26 Powers Bug Zapper: Energy Blast 9d6 (45 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) Bug Eyes: Increased Arc Of Perception (240 Degrees) with Sight Group Bug Eyes: +6 PER with Sight Group Bug Eyes: Infrared Perception (Sight Group) Bug Eyes: Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) Bug Eyes: Nightvision Flight 31", x4 Noncombat (67 Active Points); OAF (Foulable Insect Wings; -1) Force Field (18 PD/9 ED) (27 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) Endurance Reserve (95 END, 20 REC) Reserve: (30 Active Points); OIF (Feeds Bug Zapper, Force Field; -1/2); REC: (20 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) Powers: 143 Disads Distinctive Features: Oversized Multiprismatic Eyes (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) Hunted: The Guardians 8- (Mo Pow; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Capture) Hunted: Anton Darque 14- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching) Psychological Limitation: Fear of Darque (Common; Strong) Psychological Limitation: Fear of Being Blinded (Common; Total) Social Limitation: Public ID (Frequently; Severe) Reputation: Member of the Blood Guard, 8- Unluck: 1d6 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect Light Based Flash Attacks (Common)
  18. Re: Greywind's Characters Warstar Hgt: 6'7” Wgt: 900# Hair: None Eyes: Red 60 STR 40 20 DEX 30 30 CON 40 15 BODY 10 10 INT 0 14 EGO 8 20 PRE 10 10 COM 0 30 PD 20 27 ED 17 4 SPD 10 16 REC 0 60 END 0 55 STUN 0 6 RUN 0 0 SWIM -2 12 LEAP Char: 187 Skills +3 Punch Language: French (basic conversation) Language: German (basic conversation) Language: Japanese (basic conversation) Language: Spanish (completely fluent) Mimicry 15- Brick Tricks: Power 14- Teamwork 13- Skills: 35 Perks Reputation: Member of the Guardians (A large group) 11-, +2/+2d6 Perks: 4 Talents Absolute Time Sense Talents: 3 Powers Aid Body 2d6 (20 Active Points); Only Restores to Starting Values (-1/2) Damage Resistance (30 PD/27 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (36 Active Points) Plasma Burst: Energy Blast 10d6 (50 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1) Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) Life Support (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) Mental Defense (8 points total) Healing 2 BODY, Can Heal Limbs (25 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) +10 STR; No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) Heavy: Knockback Resistance -2" Powers: 122 Disads Distinctive Features: (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) Hunted: Ulysses Madacar/Nova Research 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Capture) SL: Public ID (Frequently; Major) V: Electricity (Common) PS: No Memory of Past (Common; Total) PS: Distrust of Strangers (Common; Strong) Enraged: When a Friend is Hurt (Common), go 14-, recover 8- PH: Weighty (Frequently; Greatly Impairing) Warstar is an enigma. He was found trying to escape from a Nova Research facility. In halting speech he surrendered himself to the custody of the Guardians and has been with them since. His language skills he has been learning from Trese, Dani, Leah and educational television. His mimicry skill often manifests itself as him using the voices of cartoon characters (Looney Tunes/Tiny Tunes are favorites) or sound effects from movies. Most of his knowledge stems from those "sources". He is often shy around new people, protective of friends, and unstoppable when facing proven enemies.
  19. Re: Cassandra's Corner Oh, sure. Inflate her ego.
  20. Re: Superheroes Sponsored by Corporations (Such as the NFL) Also in the second FF movie, Torch had a uniform that had company logo patches on it.
  21. Re: What elements should a great superhero setting contain? The Tick Chairface Chippendale tried writing his name on the moon.
  22. Re: What elements should a great superhero setting contain? Maybe that's just power control on the Torch's part.
  23. Re: DEMON: After the fall Good buys.
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