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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    Re: Snippets GAMES Arthur Rocco, known as Steven Bauer in the business world, or as Napalm among the Blood Guard, sat in a darkened room. A solitary light hung over a large chess board. The pieces, crystal and obsidian, stood in perfect alignment in their starting squares. In the middle of the board lay a closed cream colored envelope with a red wax seal trailing black ribbon. No crest had been pressed into the wax. It was just a flattened blob. Rocco flexed his hand and made a fist. Skin cracked when he did, appearing as a lava flow from a volcano. He closed his eyes and tamped his power down. When he opened his eyes his hand was whole and unblemished. Of the rest of him the same couldn't be said. Lord Darque had cast spells of healing upon him, but not enough to fully heal his broken body. “Nature will take her due course,” Lord Darque had said to him. “Let it be your first lesson.” “Warp.” “Napalm,” came a voice with a light French accent. “Send it.” Brown, dark in the shadow, and green lit up when Stinger came into the light. “Are you going to go through with this? Are you insane, Bauer? The first time you went up against him he damned near killed you. You follow through with this plan and he isn't going to care about the Guard. He will not slow down. He will come for you!” “Lord Darque has granted permission, Bug.” Stinger's wings hummed in irritation. “You aren't necessary. In fact, if it bothers you that much, I won't even use you as a piece in this game. There are others who are more than willing for a chance. A chance to make an impression. A chance to make a greater name for themselves.” “A chance to die stupidly!” Stinger snapped. Rocco lifted his eyes from the board and turned his gaze on Stinger's multiprismatic eyes. Stinger felt bile rising in his gorge when he saw the flames dancing in the other man's eyes. “Lord Darque has agreed. Lord Darque wants retribution for the betrayal of his daughter and that whore. He has kindly allowed me this chance to prove myself,” Napalm said evenly. “Warp, send it.” For a moment the envelope glowed and then it was simply gone. Stinger turned towards the door. Before it closed he heard Rocco. “Black Jack, there is something that I want you to do.”
  2. Re: Adversarial Answers That's alright. I lost on Jeopardy.
  3. Re: Superhero settings vs People with Powers settings Eh, sorry. First "broken for stopping too quick" was Gwen Stacy. Silver, maybe Bronze Age, Spider-Man. Other than that you're bringing up character motivations. You're saying supers are bigger than life and the people with powers aren't any better than the scum they deal with. That's pretty much the epitome of "Rust Age".
  4. Re: The cranky thread In my case, it might cut down on the homicidal tendencies, but I wouldn't count on that.
  5. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. Not necessarily. With the higher point builds you assume a certain amount of experience on the character, which allows you a lot more leeway in building.
  6. Re: Going First Also it depends on which dodge you do.
  7. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMbvCGLyWZA
  8. Re: Greywind's Characters Anton Darque Hgt: 6'3” Wgt: 215# Hair: Black Eyes: Brown 30 STR 20 25 DEX 45 20 CON 20 14 BODY 8 30 INT 20 30 EGO 40 30 PRE 20 16 COM 3 10 PD 4 9 ED 5 5 SPD 15 10 REC 0 40 END 0 39 STUN 0 6 RUN 2 SWIM 6 LEAP Char: 200 Skills Acting 16- Analyze: Magic 15- Analyze: Demonic creatures 15- Breakfall 14- Conversation 15- Deduction 15- Disquise 15- High Society 15- Lipreading 15- Magic Skill 25- Mimicry 15- Oratory 15- Persuasion 15- Seduction 15- Sleight of Hand 15- Stealth 14- Tactics 15- WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Flails, Lances, Off Hand, Staffs, Whips Scholar KS: Arcane And Occult Lore (3 Active Points) 15- KS: Business 15- KS: History (3 Active Points) 15- KS: Legends And Lore (3 Active Points) 15- Skills: 95 Perks Well-Connected Money: Filthy Rich Perks: 18 Talents Absolute Time Sense Ambidexterity (-2 Off Hand penalty) Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, any danger, Function as a Sense) 16- Simulate Death Talents: 42 Martial Arts Offensive Strike Martial Strike Defensive Strike Martial Block Martial Dodge Nerve Strike Weapon Element: Axes, Maces, Hammers, and Picks, Blades, Chain & Rope Weapons, Clubs, Empty Hand, Flails, Karate Weapons, Lances, Mourn Staff, Ninja Weapons, Off Hand, Polearms and Spears, Rings, Staffs, Staffs, Two-Handed Weapons, War Fan, Whips Martial Arts: 44 Powers Variable Power Pool (Magic Pool), 200 base + 100 control cost Life Support (Longevity: Immortal) Mental Defense (16 points total) Powers: 315 Disads Dependent NPC: Angelique D'aarque 14- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC) Hunted: Various groups 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish) Distinctive Features: Supernatural Aura (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Virtually Everyone) Psychological Limitation: Honorable (Has own code of honor) (Very Common; Strong) Reputation: Manipulative Sorcerer, 8- (Extreme) Anton is, first and foremost, a manipulator. He rarely gets directly involved as, in his eyes, it makes the game less of a challenge for him. His sense of honor is such that, in a duel he would abide by any restrictions placed on it, with conditions. For instance, in a martial combat duel, he would opt not to use magic. If in the course of the fight he found himself losing, he would use magic to save himself (regen, bolstered defenses) and continue the fight, but he would not allow himself to allow that battle to be anything other than a draw. If he goes into a battle his spells would, by necessity, have some form of Reduced END attached.
  9. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. Walk before you run.
  10. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. Standard is where most start. Most of the leaguers are "standard" heroes. Only a couple are mythic.
  11. Re: Greywind's Characters Angelique Darque Hgt: 5'4” Wgt: 97# Hair: Blonde Eyes: Green 15 STR 5 20 DEX 30 15 CON 10 10 BODY 0 20 INT 10 20 EGO 20 20 PRE 10 30 COM 10 8 PD 5 8 ED 5 4 SPD 10 10 REC 8 30 END 0 26 STUN 0 6 RUN 2 SWIM 3 LEAP Char: 123 Skills Analyze: Magic 13- Conversation 13- High Society 13- Magic Skill 14- Persuasion 13- Seduction 13- Stealth 13- Scholar KS: Arcane And Occult Lore (3 Active Points) 13- KS: History (3 Active Points) 13- KS: Legends And Lore (3 Active Points) 13- Skills: 32 Perks Money: Filthy Rich Perks: 15 Talents Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, out of combat, Function as a Sense) 13- Talents: 27 Powers Life Support (Longevity: Immortal) Mental Defense (14 points total) Variable Power Pool (Magic Pool), 100 base + 50 control cost Powers: 165 Disads Distinctive Features: Beautiful (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) Hunted: Anton D'aarque 14- (Mo Pow; Watching) Psychological Limitation: Vain (Common; Strong) Psychological Limitation: Vengeful (Uncommon; Strong) Reputation: Sorceress, 8- This sheet has not been adjusted for events. Her VPP is not blocked here (blocking is simple; she just can't use it) and she still has access to her father's resources (Wealth). Angelique is the quintessential spoiled brat. As a reflection of that she has only three people that she considers friends: Charlemagne Bascomb, Jason Scott and Adalene Masters. After 160 years she's finally growing up.
  12. Re: Greywind's Characters Moray Hgt: 6'3” Wgt: 185# Hair: Brown Eyes: Dead White 25 STR 15 28 DEX 54 30 CON 40 16 BODY 12 10 INT 0 16 EGO 12 20 PRE 10 10 COM 0 18 PD 13 18 ED 12 5 SPD 12 11 REC 0 60 END 0 44 STUN 0 6 RUN 2 SWIM 5 LEAP Char: 180 Skills Acrobatics 15- Skills: 3 Powers Damage Resistance 10 PD/10 ED +3 PER with all Sense Groups Infrared Perception (Sight Group) Flight 15", x4 Noncombat, Usable Underwater (+1/4) (44 Active Points) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (3 1/2d6 w/STR) Lack Of Weakness (-10) for Resistant Defenses Life Support (Expanded Breathing; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) Mental Defense (13 points total) Missile Deflection (Arrows, Slings, Etc.) Power Defense (10 points) Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) Powers: 155 Disads Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort) Enraged: Berserk In Combat (Very Common), go 11-, recover 11- Hunted: Anton Darque 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching) PS: Casual Killer (Very Common; Strong) SL: Public ID (Frequently; Minor) Reputation: Casual Killer, 11- (Extreme) Moray is a predator in every sense of the word. Hunter, killer, rapist. He is one of the very few of the Darque's Blood Guard that is not with him out of fear. He serves because Darque often turns a blind eye to Moray's excesses so long as the mission is completed satisfactorily.
  13. Re: First time Champions GM - advice needed You could also just go with straight standard effect and not roll dice for damage.
  14. Re: First time Champions GM - advice needed Without the highs or the lows. I've always found those to be fun when they happen.
  15. Re: Images vs. Detect: who wins? Or a "Detect Fae" would only let you know that a Fae was in the area. Not necessarily what they were doing/had done, magic or otherwise. That might actually require a "Detect Magic" ability.
  16. Re: How do you feel about House Rules? It was used around here with the two groups I played with in the mid-80s.
  17. Re: First time Champions GM - advice needed Do what works for you and your players. There is a chart somewhere for target numbers where OCV and DCV intersect. Use mooks as best suited for your game and the current scenario. If they're running into agents, and only agents, run combat normally, depending on the number and ability of the agents they're up against. If there is a villain or boss, again, depending on ratio of players to bad guys, have the agents be one or two hit drops if combat is bogging down.
  18. Re: Recommendations and Reviews of Superhero products both old and new Think you need to recheck and update some of your links. Finding 404. Looks like it's just the Blackwyrm links.
  19. Re: The Avengers Project for Champions Language: English (fluent with accent, literate) French is her native as I recall. Only time I recall Wanda flying was through the use of a flight belt similar to Wonder Man's. She is also a mutant. Might be a better fit that the Thrillseeker for her.
  20. Re: Recommendations and Reviews of Superhero products both old and new
  21. Re: How do you feel about House Rules? Because an effective hit that exceeds CON is stunned.
  22. Re: Adversarial Answers At the very least require the skill roll to change it up.
  23. Re: Advice sought: Uncommon Sense(s) That wasn't an explosion. That was Cyclops eyebeam. The Fall of the Mutants storyline, as I recall.
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