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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjcwqHhavYY
  2. Re: Trying to Understand 6E Fixed that for you.
  3. Re: Rogues...and Soldiers...and Assassins...and...Gallery (Dark Champions Art)
  4. Re: What elements should a great superhero setting contain? Legends of the Dark Knight #'s 142-145. Story arc called "The Demon Laughs," written by Chuck Dixon. The Joker is either dead or about to die from gunshot wounds (I haven't read it, so I'm not sure if his heart stopped beating), but Batman has to toss him into a handy Lazarus Pit because the Joker has information that Batman desperately needs in order to foil Ra's al Ghul's latest diabolical scheme. Normally, a person immersed in a Lazarus Pit is restored to perfect physical health but comes out temporarily, violently insane. In the Joker's case, he suffers a brief spell of sanity as a result of the Pit's weird power.
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Blade: House of Cthon
  6. Re: And Now for Something Slightly Different: Mis-Spelled and Reimagined Supers Remarkable how much that looks like the current Supes outfit.
  7. Re: Recommendations and Reviews of Superhero products both old and new That's almost free points with that Limit
  8. Re: Hit Locations, too high or just right? If you're the one doing the bleeding, they all count.
  9. Re: Hit Locations, too high or just right? ...all arteries are "major".
  10. Re: Hit Locations, too high or just right? Why can't the players buy skill levels to offset the hit location penalties? The GM doesn't have to do that unless it is to build a specific chart whose schtick that is.
  11. Re: Trying to Understand 6E If the GM is going to mandate equipment for a team, the mandated equipment can be part of the obligation to the team. Radio? Team funds. Rep? Part of the team. Players can buy it up higher if they wish, but if they leave the team, they only get what they bought themselves and changes from "Member" to "former Member". Access? Access to team databases. Quit and you no longer have the access. If the GM is going to insist all the players have these, why can't the GM just suck it up and let them have it? None of it is Game Breaking.
  12. Re: Business Unfinished Nightmares and Dreamscapes Kris Kris sat on the porch glider with her legs crossed. Gentle movements of her wings kept the glider in motion. In her hands was a large coffee mug. Her eyes were closed and her face was hovering over the mug, savoring the aroma of her hot chocolate. It was a warm, cloudless summer night with a light breeze. As far as Kris could tell she was the only one awake. She savored the serenity like she savored her chocolate. With a sigh she flipped her wrist over the check the time on her watch. She slowly stretched one bare leg, and then the other, before standing with grace. Upstairs to check on my patients and then a bit of sleep, she thought to herself. Kris opened the screen door and stepped inside only to find herself being rushed before River General's Medical Review Board. Her clothes had changed from the shorts and halter top she had been wearing to hospital scrubs. Bloody hospital scrubs. The orderly that was rushing her along was faceless. He shoved a clipboard into her hands and pushed her through the swinging doors. “About time, doctor. Although I think a review of your conduct and education may actually end up revoking you license.” The speaker wore a suit and, like the orderly, was faceless. All the attendees were faceless. “Your standing as a hero,” he made the word sound like a curse, “has done nothing but put this hospital in jeopardy. Repeatedly. I am of the mind to fire you based on that alone.” Kris's mind raced. “You can't fire me. My placement is stipulated in the agreement with Lane-Scott Trust funding of the new wing.” “The agreement with the Trust is no longer binding with the departure of Scott. Your friendship has no bearing whatsoever on your continued employment any longer. In fact, this entire meeting is a waste of our time. You may leave now. Clean out your locker and collect any other personal effects.” “You can't do this!” she railed. “Consider it done. Escort her out.” Two orderlies, they reminded her of someones, took her by the arm and shoved her back through the door she had entered. She was falling backwards through the air. The transport was pulling away from her. “Dove, get your head screwed on right and fly. The ground is coming up mighty fast.” That's not right. Dan never did field control on the team. Kris rolled over and pulled out of the fall. Her wings snapped out and she landed. Kris was surprised that the bloody scrubs were gone and that they had been replaced by the white body suit she had favored for her combat gear. The clipboard was gone and in her hands was her staff. For a moment, just for a moment, she caught the shadow of the bladed head of her old spear. A navy and gold blur passed her by on the right. Ash, in the white leotard with the red belt and blue boots and gloves that she used to wear, came up on her left. “Come on, Parrot. Let's finish this!” Kris stood confused. She never called me “parrot”. Crimson energy tore up the ground in front of her. A second blast caught Ash in the chest and sent her flying. Kris sprinted for the blonde's fallen form. Ash's eyes were open in death. Rolling her flat, Kris realized that there was nothing she could do. Most of Ash's chest was blown through. She felt a tear sliding down her cheek for her sister. A sister not of blood, but of choice and battle. Her knuckles turned white on the haft of her spear. Her cowl shaded her eyes somewhat from the harsh light. She turned in time to see Lightning's broken body tumble like a rag doll across the ground only to stop at her feet. His legs were obviously broken, thigh and calf. One arm was barely attached by sinew. His head was twisted at an unnatural angle. Her wings beat heavily against the air. She ran. Her heart ached for her fallen friends. A little ways off she saw the armored form of Warstar. Like Ash and Lightning, he was broken. Faster. Further on she saw Nightwing, severed at the waist. A look of surprise was frozen on his face. She flew low over the desolate landscape. Off to the side she saw Hellfire impaled on the branch of a tree. The tree was burning. Hellfire wasn't moving. Ahead of her she saw Pulsar. Something isn't right, part of her mind screamed at her. Pulsar was holding Psistorm. Kris landed hard. She realized that Pulsar was larger, standing almost a foot taller than he normally does. He cocked his head over his shoulder. Power bled from his eyes and he grinned at her. A snarling, feral grin. Jason wears a full mask. Can't see his mouth. He turned towards her with Trese in his arms. Kris noted that he was groping her with one hand and the other held her chin. Rage slammed through Kris. “Help me,” the redhead wailed in abject fear. Pulsar's size and look on his face reminded Kris in a moment of Bloodbath. “Let her go, Jason!” If anything, his grin deepened. In slow motion, like he was snapping a twig, Psistorm was broken. He dropped her at his feet and stepped over her. “Your turn, little birdie.” His voice was wrong, sounding like a thug in a children's cartoon. The spear twirled in Kris's hands as if it had a mind of its own. The blade flashed across his face, drawing a line that mirrored the scar he had given her so long ago. “Not nice, little birdie,” he taunted. He wiped blood from his face and licked it from his hand. “Mmm. Will you taste as good, little birdie? Will you taste like chicken?” The heel of the spear spun out, looking for weak points; his ankles, his knees, anything. Each attack was parried. The blade left myriad cuts across his arms, legs and torso. She thrust out in a feint and was surprised when he stepped into it, trapping the blade inside his own body. His hand slammed down on the shaft, shattering it. He lashed out, catching her by her throat. “Bye bye, little birdie. Play time is over.” He drew a bloody line across her cheek. Not there! It didn't happen like that! She kicked out against him and felt the broken haft of her spear. She kicked it deeper and deeper into his body.
  13. Re: Steel Wing 5E (250) "nee" indicates maiden name, as well.
  14. Re: Trying to Understand 6E "I'm forcing you to join this group, as characters. You'll have to spend X points on the following." "Dude, that sucks. I already spent all my points building the character I want." "Well, you'll just have to go without any XP for the next 20 or so sessions until you pay back the deficit."
  15. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. Absolutely. The worst possible reaction to any character build is "you're doing it wrong."
  16. Re: What elements should a great superhero setting contain? Second team.
  17. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. I don't necessarily agree with the DC Heroes stats they put on their characters either. That is only ONE interpretation of those characters and that one is pre-Crisis.
  18. Re: What elements should a great superhero setting contain? Diamondback had the hots for Cap.
  19. Re: What elements should a great superhero setting contain? Joker did help Batman. He died, went through the Lazarus Pit and came back sane where everyone else came back crazy.
  20. Re: What Makes An Iconic Superhero Costume? Which red and gold armor?
  21. Re: Trying out but comparing unfavorebly to Dc universe for me. missing something 1st level you start out with "2 feets" travel power.
  22. Re: Recommendations and Reviews of Superhero products both old and new When did you get drained? I have the PM still where it used to be a 30 EGO.
  23. Re: Body and Stun Reserve That's not a game mechanic. That's tactics. In D&D the Wizard is the mobile field support in most cases.
  24. Re: CO Returnee Question Thread Stop being a new account. My understanding is that you are a "returning" player, indicating that your account has been idle for some time. After a certain amount of time, or a server glitch (I've had to deal with it from time to time) you need to re-log playing time to no longer be considered a new account.
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