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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: Bouncing Question Or burn a CSL with the ability to pay for the bounce.
  2. Re: Passing Strike Jousting lances also had a tendency to break, which is why there were extras. Not sure about war lances. Differences between the two tended to be a blunt or a steel capped tip.
  3. Re: Passing Strike Depends on how the lance was set.
  4. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC He was faster than the camera.
  5. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC Pervert Wally sucked balls.
  6. Re: Non-Player Characters Yes, but in the majority of cases the watch came up in Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen, which throws Jimmy into PC-land. Characters shouldn't really be built as PCs or NPCs. They should just be built as characters and then be defined by their place in the world.
  7. Re: HKA's and STR in Champions Complete Does it fit within the character's concept to have the toys? Does it fit within the GM's world?
  8. Re: Greywind's Characters All of the mystics I've put up so far have been strictly NPC, so there wasn't a lot of need for me to actually build specifics. It helped me to deal with group of players I had running around to be able to do on the fly. Anton and the Blood Guard are high on that list of villains. I'll be looking at getting the rest of the Guard up, as well as some of the referenced and seen allies.
  9. Re: HKA's and STR in Champions Complete We're talking Grond Can't see him buying daggers.
  10. Re: HKA's and STR in Champions Complete I'm not stating anything. I asked 2 questions.
  11. Re: Looking For Input On Potential New Fantasy Product The Vatican does magic?
  12. Re: Greywind's Characters Spellbinder Adalene Masters Hgt: 5'4” Wgt: 116# Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue 10 STR 0 20 DEX 30 16 CON 12 10 BODY 0 20 INT 10 20 EGO 20 15 PRE 5 20 COM 5 6 PD 4 5 ED 2 4 SPD 10 6 REC 2 32 END 0 23 STUN 0 6 RUN 2 SWIM 3 LEAP Char: 100 Skills Analyze: Magic 16- Breakfall 13- Conversation 12- Deduction 13- High Society 12- KS: Aikido 13- KS: Occult 13- KS: History 13- KS: Mythology 13- Magic Skill 14- Paramedics 13- Persuasion 12- PS: Researcher 16- SL: +5 with any three related Skills (Magic Skill, Analyze and Occult) (15 Active Points); Limited Power (Only in regards to countermagics; -1) Skills: 57 Perks Contact: Lightning (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Very Good relationship with Contact) 14- Money: Wealthy Perks: 22 Talents Danger Sense (Any Area, Any Danger, Discriminatory, Function as a Sense) 13-/16- Talents: 47 Martial Arts Martial Throw Martial Grab Defensive Strike Martial Dodge Martial Escape Redirect Joint Lock/Throw Takedown WE: Blades, Polearms and Spears, Staffs Powers +3 PER with Sight Sense Group Life Support (Longevity: 400) Variable Power Pool (Magic Pool), 150 base + 75 control cost Powers: 230 Disads NCM Hunted: Blizzard 14- (As Pow; Harshly Punish) Hunted: Arkayne 14- (Mo Pow; Watching) PL: CAK (Common; Total) PL: Overconfident (Common; Strong) Secret ID: Adalene Masters Adalene Masters is a mystic. Her specialty lies in countermagics, the undoing of spells and rituals. She is often approached for knowledge. Some consider her a charlatan dealing in tarot readings and tea leaves. For those that know and believe, her powers are far greater. Her contacts within the superhero community are many; The Guardians (friends and allies as well), the first Shadow Hunter, Red Star, the Ghost, as well as many others.
  13. Re: HKA's and STR in Champions Complete 1) Would Grond know how to use daggers? 2) Would the daggers be able to withstand the abuse and stresses that Grond would inflict on them?
  14. Re: Philosophy & Principles of Power Design What does a superhero need with a flaming serf on a board? Is it the new Spanish Inquisition?
  15. Re: Rules You Didn't Know Until Champions Complete Define "Game Balance". In a game like Champions, the only balance required is between the GM and the players, and even that scale usually swings to the players if they come up with something.
  16. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC The first version of the Beetle armor debuted in the "Human Torch" segment of Strange Tales #123 (August 1964) as the creation of Abner Jenkins. This version was beaten by the Thing and Torch. This version would only be used for a few years before the character switched to the second version, which is the armor most associated with the name. This version would be in use until Thunderbolts #1 (April 1997) when Abe Jenkins alter ego was changed to MACH-1.
  17. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC ...and Spider-Man is still at Sony.
  18. Re: Rules You Didn't Know Until Champions Complete Or why Hulk ripped a car in two and used it as boxing gloves beating on the Abomination.
  19. Re: How do you feel about House Rules? 5th R p173
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