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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind

    Most PCs...

    Re: Most PCs... Just pointing out an error in your argument.
  2. Greywind

    Most PCs...

    Re: Most PCs... Variable Advantage/Limitation/Effect/SFX weren't introduced day 1.
  3. Re: Counterstrike (and the lack thereis) Counterstrike: 1/2 Phase, Cost 4, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +2D6 Strike, Must Follow Block If the character uses a Block, then on his next Phase he can use the Counterstrike. Same as a Martial Strike except the improved chance to hit.
  4. Greywind


    Jenny sat on a bar stool where she could see the chess board set up between Lisa and Jason. Brad set a glass in front of her. “I don't know why she's having him teach her how to play. I could have taught her.” She gave her brother an annoyed look. “He's not teaching her. She's learning how he plays. I hate to be the one to tell you, Brad, but Lisa is rated Candidate Master with the World Chess Federation. She started playing in tournaments in school.” Brad wasn't consoled. “But still,” he growled, “I can play.” Jenny shook her head. “Brad, if you want Lisa to look at you and start talking to you again, I'd suggest that you lay off Jason. She didn't like what she saw. And honestly I can't say that I blame her. You didn't used to be like this.” Jenny shuddered after taking a drink. “What is this?” “Glenfiddich 15 Year Old Single Malt Whisky. It's a guy thing. I don't expect you to understand,” he said. Jenny watched Lisa remove one of Jason's rooks from the board. “Being an ass is a guy thing? What is it between you two anyways?” Hands filled with bags from various stores, shops and boutiques, Marlene and Leah came in the room with spoken greetings. Jenny noticed how Brad's eyes locked on Leah. “You have got to be kidding!” she said to him in a whisper. Brad's face flushed red. “You've been a dick to him because you got the hots for his girlfriend?” Jason stood up and embraced Marlene when she came up to him. “What did you get me?” he asked. Marlene gave him a mischievous smirk and handed him a stack of receipts. Leah and Marlene giggled together like schoolgirls as they strode from the room. Jason flipped through the receipts. He dashed to the door. “There had better be a fashion show later!” “You'll get to see it!” Marlene called back. “Most of it!” Leah added. Jenny noticed Lisa had a stunned look on her face when Jason sat back down. “Did you just tell your girlfriend and your ex-girlfriend that they were going to model for you?” Lisa asked him. Jason nodded his head. “Yeah.” “Why?” “One does... did it for a living. The other one will do it because she likes the effect she has on me.” Lisa shook her head. “That's not what I meant. What would possess you to do such a thing?” “Oh, that.” Jason handed her the stack of receipts. Lisa choked upon seeing the amounts spent.
  5. Greywind


    Re: Snippets Thanks.
  6. Greywind


    Re: Snippets Over and gone. Other issues. Other trials.
  7. Re: What powers do these guys have? Knight Rider isn't really obscure.
  8. Greywind


    Re: Snippets Hasn't been a good year. BU helped me get past divorce issues.
  9. Greywind

    Most PCs...

    Re: Most PCs... Yes, but you could always increase the size of the MP to allow 2 (or more) Fixed Slots to be usable.
  10. Greywind

    Most PCs...

    Re: Most PCs... My understanding is that if a power has Lockout, NONE of the other powers can be used at all. Whereas a MP can be built so that more than one slot can be used at a time, usually by lessening one or more slots in effect. In fact this was a power feature when Starburst was built as an example in the earlier editions. It is not a flaw.
  11. Greywind


    Re: Snippets Doubts Dani walked the hall from the kitchen back towards her room. Her bare feet hardly made a whisper on the floor when she stepped. She had a bowl balanced in one hand and a script in the other. A spoon was hanging from her mouth. She tossed her hair over her shoulder when she turned a corner and heard music coming from the open gym. Different people worked out to different music. Or none at all. At the distance, the music was covering the quiet rhythm of someone working out. As she got closer the sounds of hands and feet slapping the heavy bag were more apparent. Dani often watched the others work out and could usually tell who it was by the music or the rhythm of the hits on the bag. She recognized the song as Street of Dreams by Blackmore's Night. She smiled to herself as she went in. “Hey, Marlene. Up late or up real early?” she asked playfully, pulling the spoon free. Dani took simple pleasure in watching Marlene move against the bag. Marlene had wrapped her wrists, hands and ankles with tape. “Careful you don't break a nail.” Marlene stopped and blocked the bag from its free swing. Turning to Dani, she wiped perspiration from her forehead with the back of one taped hand. “I couldn't get back to sleep. Jason had ideas, but as angry as I am I wasn't in the mood for romantic overtures or pacification.” Dani snickered. “I think that's a guy thing. Sex defuses situations.” Marlene started pulling the tape from her hand. “Why are you still up?” Dani shrugged. “I needed some quiet time to read this script. See if it's a project that I want to get involved in. I took half of Trese's monitor duty. You okay?” Shifting her hips, Marlene spun and slammed her foot into the bag, setting it to swinging again. “No.” She tossed the tape across a bench as she sat down, pulling more tape off. “I just don't get it. I mean it's bad enough to go out and have Thumper beat on him, or go off to a deserted island to throw down with Artie, but to go into that room like that and to do it to himself?” “Did you ask him that?” Marlene nodded her head. “Yes, I did. He said that by not doing that more often in the past is how he managed to get so torn up when he went hunting.” Dani licked her spoon. “There's probably some truth there,” she said with a smile for Marlene. “Jason just stopped. He stopped fighting and he stopped training. I'm pretty sure that he was doing his katas but I think he stopped sparring, too. I think,” she gave Marlene a long look, “I think that Jason needs someone in his life, to be there for him, and that he wants you to see exactly what his life is as a Guardian. To see if you can handle it. The stress, the worry...” Shaking her hair, curling with sweat from her workout, loose from a ponytail, Marlene said quietly, “I realize that. I really do. Part of me wants to run off and find a deserted island, and keep him to myself forever. Part of me realizes that this is a part of who he is. And I realize that without me having something to do that challenges me, I'd probably go insane inside of a month.” Marlene watched Dani take a spoonful from her bowl and eat. “What are you eating?” “Banana split with marshmallow swirl, black cherry, and mint chocolate chip ice creams topped with pineapple, hardshell chocolate syrup and maraschino cherries. Want some?” “You're going to get fat. No thanks. I'm a little more traditional where it comes to breakfast.” With a laugh, Dani said, “I haven't been to bed yet. This is more a late-night snack for me. With my exercise regimen, I don't see me getting fat.” “Dani,” Marlene said seriously, “why do you do this? You could be an actress.” The blonde nodded her head. “I'm a good actress. I've gotten a lot of good reviews. In the short term. My problem has been that I have had to duck out of shows because Guardian business popped up. You know how abruptly that can pop up.” Marlene nodded in response. “I act when I can, when people will give me the chance, but if it's a choice of being on stage or being with my family when they need me, I'll choose my family. Every time.” “And if it kills you?” Marlene asked quietly. Dani slipped her hand into Marlene's and squeezed. “'I dislike death, however, there are some things I dislike more than death. Therefore, there are times when I will not avoid danger.' On that island, Moray almost killed me. Magnetron came really close to killing Trese. If Charley wasn't there, or if Kris hadn't been able to get there, she would have died. Brad almost died. Warren...” “Jason did die,” almost a whisper. “That, too. We chose this. We choose to continue. Nobody can tell us to quit except us. The best that we can hope for is that we have a reason somewhere to stay alive. A reason to come back to. And we realize that that's a burden we ask anyone we're involved with to carry. But on the other hand, we realize that we put ourselves in harm's way. To protect those that can't protect themselves from others like us. “We're a lot like the police, Marlene. The hours suck, medical insurance is prohibitive, we're underpaid for the work we do, and we tend to be understaffed. But if you think the cops don't give a sigh of relief when they get a cape call and the Guardians respond, you'd be wrong.” “What happens...” Marlene thought for a moment before continuing. “What happens if you go out and don't feel you have a reason to stay alive?” Dani set the bowl aside and sat astride the bench facing Marlene. She stuck the tip of her tongue out in thought for a moment. “Then we fight reckless. We take unnecessary risks.” She shrugged. “And if we're lucky, we come home bloody.” Taking up the castoff tape, Marlene stood up. “What are you going to do?” Marlene smiled at Dani. “I'm going to take a shower and then I'm going to lay down with Jason, and maybe see if I can wake him up.” Marlene didn't miss the glint in Dani's eye. “Need help with that?” “With what?” “Either? Both?” Dani responded with a wink. Marlene laughed. “You're terrible!” Dani pouted. “But I'm really good at it.” She caught up her bowl and her script. “Love you, Marlene. Go shower and curl up with Jason.” “Good night, Dani. Thanks.” “We're a family, Marlene. Welcome to it.”
  12. Re: Assumed Speed 2 I don't expect characters to be going full out all the time. Unless there's a reason to, I don't track phases out of combat, and just let the game run at a normal pace.
  13. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Unless you watch them yourself, how can you be sure that they are the "worst films ever"?
  14. Re: Rogues...and Soldiers...and Assassins...and...Gallery (Dark Champions Art) Pris in concert.
  15. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Those guns remind me of the weapons from Space: 1999.
  16. Re: What powers do these guys have? Had a player in my game that had a similar concept/idea, except that the key word was "coil". Blue Coil, which was the player himself, Red Coil, Black Coil... I'll have to see if the Red Coil HD file managed to survive.
  17. Re: What powers do these guys have? The naming construction started with a color followed by "knight". Now they've turned into a soda factory.
  18. Re: Foxbat airplane Foxbat has his own wackypedia page?
  19. Re: sword of truth hero The Mord Sith don't Dispel. They redirect and reflect.
  20. Re: stat out a bank heist Armed guards mostly likely would be a Trained Normal, with better than "normal" stats. The robbers could be based off one of the Thug templates out of the book.
  21. Re: Zodiac From Heroclix Isn't Aries a ram? Not a goat.
  22. Greywind


    Re: Snippets Had a friend push me into writing a story out that had been floating around forever. Have another friend that keeps me working on the ones I have going now.
  23. Greywind


    Re: Snippets Haven't run since before the kids came home in '09.
  24. Greywind


    Re: Snippets Maintaining what's left of my sanity.
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