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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. SHIELD has grown in power an influence in recent years. It needs to be scaled back. A lot. Just like the Avengers need to be scaled back to the people that want to be Avengers and not "everybody with powers".
  2. Yow. Okay! So the moral of the story is: Cumulative Mind Control is scary. Thanks again! Television, dude.
  3. If I'm crafting a spell, oh, say Fireball, then the SFX of it is that it is a ball of fire. It also happens to be magic, as magic is what brought it into being.
  4. I've gone back through my story posts and had to manually edit them.
  5. Just drop the link into the post. Don't bother with the "post link" button.
  6. Iron Man: Rhodey, get down! [activates an energy blade that cleaves through all the droids] Col. James 'Rhodey' Rhodes: Wow. I think you should lead with that one next time. Iron Man: Sorry, that's a one-off, can only be used once, done once.
  7. So you survive on them. Doesn't mean you can walk across them.
  8. Depends on the nature of the CE. A slick of some type (ice, oil, etc.) would need some way to counteract the movement penalty.
  9. Mental Defense technology is as prevalent as you want it to be in your world.
  10. People can dress however they like.
  11. I have, but then I tend to Champions more than heroic. I also prefer to avoid "optional" situations, instead going for a build that can be dropped most anywhere and accepted.
  12. Did I dream this, or is there already an option in Hero somewhere for hitting someone with the flat of your blade - is that all included in pulling punches? And might you use the same rules in a mandatory fashion for someone who wants to whack their opponent with the shaft of their spear instead of sticking the pointy bit into their fleshy parts? How the weapon is built has a great deal to do with how it is used. If it is only a HKA, you aren' t going to be able to convert that to normal damage in most instances. If you build it as a multi with a slot for HKA and a slot for Normal Damage you can get around optional or most GM refusals.
  13. Robot Warriors. Not exactly 5th. More like 3rd or 4th.
  14. Depends on what use you expect from the spear. Is it a long jabbing/thrusting weapon or is it a quarterstaff that happens to have a blade/point at one end?
  15. Hex facing has never truly been a major issue with HERO. So much of the combat maneuvers have little bearing on which way a person is looking at any given time and "from behind" is situational to the point of being the GM's call. As for hexes, either 1" or 2" is equal to one hex.
  16. Nothing wrong with Titania. I use it myself.
  17. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0883.html
  18. Why yes' date=' yes I am. It did after all suit my argument and word play to do so. I'm arguing game mechanics for a game based on statistical models (bell curve, effect) and numbers (point costs)...so...yeah, I am. And I fully respect that. If you like 5e or it doesn't make financial system to move to 6e' date=' then the sensible thing is to stay on 5e. I did a tremendous amount of content for and ran a lot of games in 5e; its a great system, flaws included. Same for 4e. I'm not an upgrade or get out snob. Bottom line, I'd far rather you and your group play some version of the HERO System than some other game entirely. I'm just really, really tired of the same old figured characteristic remonstrances.[/quote'] I've studied under developers/implementers and all of them had the same horror stories. "I don't have time to learn this. I have to get back to working." Even though what they were being taught was how the job was going to go. As for gamers being lazy, why do you think so many of them play D&D and nothing else? I've played Hero since '83. And several other systems. This in the one I prefer for supers. For Fantasy I prefer SPI's old DragonQuest. Right now I'm lucky if I get a game in at all, which is why I'm writing. And if you're tired of the discussion, why participate in it? I've got the boxed set, the hard cover 2nd, and TSR's warpment of it. I've been able to find some of the modules for it and some third party stuff, as well as scour the net for things. People still play it. There's some online activity geared towards it.
  19. What do you want her costume to look like? What name will she work under?
  20. "Decent people shouldn't live here. They'd be happier somewhere else."
  21. Greywind


    A Proposal When Jason opened the door to the loft, Marlene broke away from him and whirled across the floor, sending her skirt flaring higher than it ever had when she was dancing. Jason watched her with a mixture of feelings: amusement, happiness, lust, but mostly love for the woman and friend that lightened his life. Marlene laughed as she flopped on the couch. “I'd been wondering if you were wearing pantyhose or stockings,” he teased. “Thanks for the confirmation.” Marlene had a mischievous gleam in her eye. “You could have found out any time you wanted.” She pulled her skirt high enough to bare one thigh. “See?” “Feeling a little tipsy?” he teased again. “Only with happiness,” she said with a smile. “Come here.” Jason crossed the room and Marlene lifted one leg. “I thought you were going to help me with these?” He caught her ankle and ran his finger along the zipper. When he reached the top of the boot he continued to caress her leg. “You're a tease,” she told him. “Are you tired?” “Yes.” “Do you want to go to bed?” Marlene shook her head. “I'm tired. Not sleepy.” Jason's fingers continued to caress her leg. She closed her eyes and purred. “Want to watch a movie?” “No.” Marlene put her other foot against the coffee table and rolled it, and the remote laying on it, out of easy reach. “No movies. No TV. I would like some quiet intimate time with someone, though. With lots of cuddling.” Jason's fingers found the buttons holding her skirt closed and slipped them free. “What are you doing?” “I just want you to be comfortable.” She raised herself enough that he could slip the skirt free. Then he took his time removing the boots. Marlene stretched her legs and wiggled her toes. “'Free at last. Free at last.'” “I don't think your feet is what he was talking about.” Jason lifted Marlene easily from the couch. “What are you doing?” “Getting me comfortable.” He kicked his own shoes off and sat with her nestled in his arms. Marlene closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of aftershave and Jason. “This is nice,” she said. “At least there wasn't any emergencies to call you all away.” “I don't think the bad guys would be pleased to find the full contingent of us annoyed tonight. Happy with what you learned today about us?” He lightly kissed the top of her head. He shifted until he was resting against the armrest and Marlene lay curled on top of him. “I didn't realize that there was so much darkness behind everything,” Marlene said quietly. “Darkness behind makes the light shine brighter.” Marlene turned her face up to his. “You're sounding like Ash.” “She's an optimist. It was nice that you danced with Brad." The twinkle reappeared in her eye. "Did it bother you?” Jason shook his head. “No.” “He asked. It would have been rude to say no. I'm sure he got tired of dancing with his sister. I was surprised that Leah didn't." "As long as Brad was a gentleman. He wants something that Leah isn't ready for." "You looked like you were tempted to kiss her when you danced with her," she teased. "I was tempted." "Why didn't you?" she asked trying to keep concern out of her voice. "Because I was tempted." “It still hurts?” Jason looked into her eyes and saw only love and concern. He answered honestly. “Yeah. Sometimes it still hurts” “Do you wish...” Marlene turned her head away. “What?” Jason waited a moment and when she didn't continue, he turned her face back to his with a finger on her chin. “What?” “I was just going to ask if you wished that Leah was here with you instead of me.” Jason smiled. “The past is the past. I'm with you. That's all that matters.” Marlene moved closer and Jason met her lips with his. When she broke the kiss she rested her cheek on an upraised hand. “So, what got into you today?” “I woke up beside a very beautiful woman.” “Where?” she teased. “I didn't see her.” “That's funny, considering when she woke up she accused me of keeping her up late and missing a meeting. Music,” he said. “Low.” A song played and Marlene lay her head on his chest. He held her close. In time Where Are We Going From Here, one of Marlene's favorites played. “You know,” Jason said, “I've been thinking.” Marlene looked up at him. “We're in trouble if you've been thinking.” Jason grinned at her. “You know, I've been thinking that you've been spending entirely too much time with Ash.” Marlene laughed. When she was done, she said, “What were you thinking about?” He caressed the side of her face. “I was thinking that, maybe when we go back that we should have your parents over for dinner.” She gave him a questioning look. “Why do you want to have dinner with my parents? Granted that you got along better with them than anyone else I ever dated, but still.” “It's been a while since we did. In fact we haven't really seen them since we've found ourselves intimate.” Marlene grinned. “Blame Kris. She's the one that insisted I get in your bed to sleep.” “I am not blaming Her Winged-ness for that. You're the one that had wandering hands.” “I was asleep. I wasn't responsible for where my hands went. You're the one that was naked.” “I wasn't responsible for that. In fact I'll have you know that I went through several changes of clothes that day. I was fully dressed before I went to sleep.” Marlene shuddered. “I saw your last outfit,” she said quietly. “You're the one that was crying in your sleep.” Marlene flushed with embarrassment. “Do you remember why?” She chewed her bottom lip for a moment. “I was dreaming about Sandy. Do you think she would be happy? Seeing us together?” “She loved us both. She is happy for us.” He pulled her up and kissed her. When the kiss ended she lay her head on his shoulder. “What do you think of having dinner with your parents?” “I guess we could. Any particular reason why?” “Well, seeing as how you're their only daughter...” Marlene laughed again. “I'm an only child.” “And spoiled rotten, I might add,” he teased. She growled at him playfully. “Anyways, I was thinking that since you're their only...” “Child,” she interjected. “I thought your father might appreciate it if I asked him for you.” “Asked him for me what?” Marlene shifted until she straddled him. “What are you saying?” “I'm not saying anything, Beautiful. I realize that I'm not in the proper position for this,” he held his hand up with a small gap between index finger and thumb, “but I'm asking...” With a crimson flash of power an engagement ring appeared. “If you will consent be my wife.” “Are you sure?” she asked with some trepidation. “I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't, Beautiful. Will you marry me?”
  22. Greywind


    Marlene pulled the door to the sleeping cabin closed quietly. “Is he sleeping?” Trese asked from the couch, an over-sized bowl of popcorn in her lap. Shaking her head, Marlene said, “No. He's just resting. What are we watching?” “There's blood on it.” “I didn't say it was easy.” “Ah,” Marlene commented to the screen. She sat at the end of the couch. “I think you and I are going to have to make some changes to the in-flight movie options, Trese.” Trese smiled. “You don't like?” “It's fine, but maybe Gone With the Wind,” Trese made a face. “Or something like Somewhere in Time. What do you think?” “We'll have to see,” she said with a grin. “Marlene, are you happy?” Marlene looked at the redhead out of the corner of her eye. “Currently? Not really. I'm worried about what's going to happen in the near future. I'm worried about Jessica. But overall, yeah, I'd have to say I'm pretty happy.” After a few moments of watching the movie together, Trese asked, “So when are you planning on telling everyone?” Marlene gave Trese a look of false confusion. “Tell everyone what?” “That you and Jason are getting married?” Marlene's eyes narrowed. “Did Jason tell you? He was supposed to wait until we talked to my parents.” She smiled. “He wants to ask my dad for permission.” “Jason didn't tell. I was just watching you,” Trese teased. “Don't worry,”she said putting the bowl of popcorn in Marlene's lap, “I won't tell anyone.” She leaned over until she was resting against Marlene. “I always wanted a big sister.” Marlene smiled warmly and put her arm around the younger woman. “I always wanted a sister, too,” she said, putting some popcorn in her mouth. A few quiet moments passed, and then, “Can I borrow your clothes?”
  23. The CU Illuminati all work for Menton and don't realize it.
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