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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. In most cases Surprise should only happen once, usually at the beginning, starting the whole mess. Granted it can occur later if something happens that one side or the other is unprepared for. Such as one combatant thinking the fight is over.
  2. Then we go with the only remaining indigenous species of Ceti Alpha V.
  3. Or it's a shot, that for one reason or another, manages to bypass armor, which has been known to happen in reality.
  4. Greywind


    Jason took her hand and pulled her away from the appliance. “Actually, I do. You sit and I'll get your salad for you, your winged-ness.” Kris acquiesced with a laugh. “Tea?” “Coffee, please. If you have it.” “Now what kind of worthless playboy billionaire would I be if I couldn't make a cup of coffee?” “You aren't worthless, Jason.” He turned, hands full from the refrigerator and about to say something when he caught sight of the black choker around Kris's neck. When she saw the look on his face, she asked, “What? Is there something wrong?” “What happened to the chain?” Kris's hand went to her stone. “This? I told you I wanted to be able to put it on different things. The chain it was on is in the cleaner at home. Are you all right?” Jason started slicing cold chicken for her. “Just a fuzzy remnant of a dream,” he said with a forced smile. “What kind of a dream?” Kris asked, getting a bit more serious. “Not like before, with the nightmares, was it?” He grasped in his mind for the fading images. “No. Didn't get far enough to be a nightmare. Not really sure it would have been a nightmare.” Jason turned to the coffee machine to get that for Kris. “Want to talk about it?” “You didn't happen to bring a white body stocking with you, did you?” Kris raised an eyebrow at that and said, “No. I don't own one.” Jason handed her her coffee and said, “Then no, I don't want to talk about it.”
  5. I don't know. To some a shot to the crotch is hitting the vitals.
  6. Can't it be either? Beast has been described as a leaper.
  7. Leap doesn't necessarily mean "travel from point A, land at point B". The Beast is a good example of continuous bouncing leaps for movement.
  8. "Less points-intensive"? If you're the GM it's a campaign rule and don't worry about statting it out.
  9. Greywind


    Marlene opened the door to the loft and kicked her high heels off before pulling the door closed. Her keys went back into the pocket of her coat before she hung that off a peg on the back of the door. “Any messages?” she called out. “No, Marlene. There have been no calls. There have been no emails or other electronic communications that need your attention.” “Thank you,” she whispered. “You're welcome, Marlene.” Marlene smiled. “And thank you, Mentor. Can you start a bath for me, please? Hot with lots of bubbles.” “Of course.” She heard the water start in the bathtub. She ran her fingers over the tops of bottles in a small wine rack. One of her small contributions to the loft. Selfish really, since Jason didn't drink. Marlene grinned to herself at the thought. She pulled out a bottle of merlot and took a wine glass from the rack underneath the cupboard. “Any word on Jason, Mentor?” she asked pouring wine. “He is working, Marlene. Apparently there was cape call at one of the schools. Pulsar, Nightwing, Ash and Hellfire responded. There has been no word yet.” “Anything on the news about it?” “No. I will inform you as soon as anything is heard. There are only the reports from the police line. All conjecture with no real data.” Marlene hung her head for a moment and then forced herself to brighten. “Nope. I'm not going to worry. He's taking me out to dinner. We're going to go dancing. And then I'm going to bring him back here and have my way with him until the sun comes up.” She took her glass and the bottle and headed up the stairs. “That sounds like an enjoyable evening, Marlene.” “Yes,” she smiled to herself again. “Yes it does. Let me know when the tub is ready, please.” She set the bottle on the dresser and set the glass with it after taking a drink. “Let's see... Start at the bottom and work outward. Lingerie first.” She swung open the doors of her armoire. “Hmm. What colors?” she asked herself quietly. “Red? No. I prefer green or blue. Silk stockings, though.” She tossed a new package on the bed. “Garter belt?” She grinned. “Definitely. Maybe go commando and tease him all night.” She pulled out a deep green belt and bra and tossed those on the bed. “Panties to match and then on to the dress,” she said to herself. She was scrounging through a drawer when the lights went out. “Mentor?” she called out nervously. Without power the AI could not respond. The light coming in from the windows and skylight was dull and diffused by the overcast November skies. Marlene took a tentative step towards the nightstand when she heard the door below slide noisily open. “Marlene?!” “Angel?” she asked quietly. “Angel, I'm upstairs,” she called out. She heard the other woman's feet pounding on the stairs in the near dark. “Come on!” she said when she came through the door. “You can't be here! We have to go! Now!” Angelique grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the door. Marlene went with no resistance. “What's going on?” “No time to explain.” At the bottom of the stairs Angelique began chanting and gesturing. Nothing happened. “Damn!” she cursed quietly. “Not enough!” She turned to Marlene. “Do you trust me?” Marlene was confused by the question, but nodded. “Yes, I do.” Angelique grabbed the star Marlene wore around her neck on the same chain as the stone Jason had given her. The star slipped the chain without any pressure Marlene felt. Angelique threw the star. It flew about a yard and stopped, hovering in the air. Angelique began chanting and gesturing again. The star spun, slowly at first, like a bath toy atop the whirlpool when the plug is pulled, and sped up as the chant continued. The portal opened sluggishly and Marlene saw more power pour from Angelique's eyes and mouth, to join in the weave of the gate. Angelique grasped her arm and pulled her towards the opening when the first blast pushed them into it.
  10. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0887.html
  11. But it's Comic Sans! The most awesomest font ever made!
  12. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0886.html
  13. Mostly so they can have a life outside of the suit.
  14. Also a matter of the characters themselves. What the characters feel. What they believe. Not necessarily the players.
  15. FUZION was a huge warning flag. Most players I'm aware of that even knew it existed were "WTF did they do to the system?"
  16. Just because a build like that is favored by the system doesn't mean that a GM would allow it.
  17. Pretty sure it was pointed out that the only words Galactus can consume are those that support life.
  18. Before that, there's the question of how they get along with the police.
  19. There has to be a Mainstreet. http://www.lyricsfreak.com/b/bob+seger/mainstreet_20021972.html
  20. Sounds kinda like Shakey Davey. http://www.metrolyrics.com/manhattan-lyrics-bob-seger.html
  21. That's pretty close to the Heartbreak Hotel, isn't it?
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