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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    “Ash is looking into it, Dani. What would you like me to do?” Jason asked the lithesome blonde. Dani tossed herself heavily onto a couch. “I don't know. I've got an audition in less than an hour!” she said peevishly. “So you've said,” Jason commented. Lisa was surprised by all this. She expected people with powers, heroes and villains, to be above all the day to day concerns of basically having a life. She was further startled by Jenny, her best friend, grabbing her glass off the table and handing it to her. Mere moments before Leah's bag sailed the length of the table with a mumbled “sorry” when she realized what she had almost done. “Leah? What's wrong?” Marlene asked from where she lay across Jason's lap with her legs tucked up, when Leah threw herself on a couch opposite. Leah put her feet up on the coffee table, locking the heels of her boots on the table top. Sparks snapped off when she clicked her fingernails together in irritation. “The Witch is here.” Marlene sat up. “'The Witch'?” Lisa whispered to Jenny. Jenny just shook her head. Lisa didn't miss the smile or the shake of his head that Jason gave Marlene when she glared at him. Jason stood when the others came into the common area. “Addie,” he said in greeting, “this is something of a surprise.” Lisa shivered and whispered to Jenny, “Which of them does cold?” “No one,” Jenny whispered back. “Why?” “I'd swear the temperature in here just dropped about fifty degrees.” Jenny shrugged in response. “I'm sorry, Jason. I have need to speak with you on a somewhat urgent matter. Where are the others?” she asked. “This is everyone, Addie,” Ash told her. Addie sighed. Angelique placed her hand on Addie's arm and gave her a weak smile. “I wanted all the Guardians here.” “Adalene,” Kris spoke up, “who else were you expecting?” “Huntress. Longbow. Nightwing...” “He's getting tooled in the gym,” Warren chipped in. Jason smiled at her. “Binder, Huntress doesn't consider herself a Guardian. She never has. I don't think Longbow does, either.” “Still,” she said, “I was hoping for more.” Marlene approached the sorceress and took her hands in her own. “I wanted to thank you, Addie, for fixing Jason. I really appreciate it.” “I couldn't have done it without Angelique, Marlene, and I wouldn't thank me just yet,” Adalene said with a tight smile. Marlene looked on Angelique and her faced hardened. “Thank you.” The words came out like there was iron in Marlene's voice. Angelique gave Marlene something of a smile and a shallow bow. “Think nothing of it, Miss Palmer.” Lisa was caught up in everything going on when Jenny tugged on her arm. “Come on.” “Where would you go, Jenny?” Jason asked. Jenny felt nervous and had a hard time meeting his eyes. “Well, this sounds like it's going to be personal and we don't need to be in your way.” Kris smiled at the girl. “Jenny, if you're seriously thinking about joining this motley crew then you should stay. We don't usually keep secrets from one another.” Brad came around the corner, one eye blackened. “Oh, hey, got here as fast as we could. Ooh, Jason, bad karma night,” he said, seeing Angelique and the looks Leah and Marlene had for her. “Brad,” Trese admonished, “I wouldn't.” Ash moved a couch closer to the others. “Everyone sit,” she said. It came out more like an order than a request. A lean, muscular Asian man came through the door. Every time Lisa saw him she couldn't make up her mind if he reminded her of Robin Shou, when he made Mortal Kombat, only with shorter hair, or a younger Jet Li. “Charley,” he said with a grin. “You look good, woman.” “Flatterer. I always look good.” Her gaze dropped to the sheathed katana in his hand. The ivory of the handle was scorched and it had been recently re-wrapped. “What's with that?” “Always be prepared.” He ran his thumb over the roaring tiger's head. “Jason gave me back my honor.” Charley answered slowly, but deliberately, “Kaneda, I think Jason would say that you regained your honor when you stopped working for Anton.” “Hai,” he responded with a quick bow. “Huntress said the same.” “Never thought we'd be on the side of the angels. I thought that the blade melted?” “It did,” Dani piped in. “I picked up what I could find of it during the clean up. Mostly it was a puddle.” Kaneda exposed a few inches of the blade to Charley's eyes. “That's not steel.” “Hai,” he said again, giving her a devilish grin. “Omnium.” “Jason!” Marlene rounded on him. “What were you thinking? That stuff is expensive.” Jason chuckled. “Don't blame me. Blame dad. Sharon asked a favor. Dad gave her an ingot. When he found out why she wanted it, he asked that a second blade be made. There were three, altogether. The first was a process trial. It was terribly unbalanced and unusable once the metal set.” “What happened to the other blade?” Leah asked. “Not sure,” Jason responded. “Dad gave it to her like she asked. I don't recall her ever saying what she did with it. I know that an old friend of hers wanted to make a blade the old way, but using newer, advanced materials.” “I know where her sister is,” Kaneda said, “but it is not here and there are other concerns.” “True, Kaneda. Thank you,” Spellbinder said. “Can we be seated? Please?” “Angel, may I speak with you a moment?” Jason asked. Eyes followed them as they stepped out of the common room. While they talked, Lisa noticed Jason slip something into Angelique's hand. She watched Angelique smile and nod with her head down. With an open moment, Brad steered Adalene over to Jenny and Lisa. “Binder, this is my little sister.” “Ah, the little girl that didn't need saving. I am glad that you are well.” She handed Lisa a small lock of hair. “Please return this to your mother,” she said with a smile. “Thank you,” was all Jenny said. “And this is Lisa Sheffield, Addie.” Adalene gave the girl a warm smile. “A pleasure, Miss Sheffield.” When Jason escorted Angelique back in the room, all found a place to sit or stand. The founders of the group sat center-most, with the late-comers and newer members behind or beside, except Marlene. She still held her place on the center couch with Jason sitting on the arm. She leaned against him. “Jason,” Spellbinder said tentatively, wetting her lips, “I have to ask, how have you been lately?” All eyes turned to him, questioning. “I'm fine, Addie.” “You're not fine!” Marlene exclaimed. Jason stood and looked down on his girlfriend. “Marlene...” He saw worry in her eyes and concern for him. “Maybe she can help. Like she did before.” “Jase? What's wrong?” Warren asked. “Jason?” Adalene expressed concern with just his name. “He's been having nightmares,” Marlene told them. “Like we were having at the farm?” Leah asked. Jason shrugged. “I don't know.” Adalene asked, “Jason, when did they start?” Marlene caught Jason's hand and held it tight. “Shortly after the night at your place, Addie. Show her the drawings.” She directed the latter to Jason. “Drawings?” Addie asked. Marlene never took her eyes from Jason's. “He draws, Addie.” “I know he does. What are the drawings of?” she asked. “Show her, Jason.” Marlene fought him with a battle of wills, refusing to be the one to give in at this moment. “Warren, can you get Jason's book, please?” “Where is it?” “It was on his desk.” She looked up at Jason, seeing something. Hurt? She wasn't sure, but she knew it wasn't anger. “I'll be right back with it,” Warren said. “Warren,” Jason said, “don't bother.” With a crimson flash, Jason held out a sketchbook to Marlene. Marlene in turn passed it to Adalene. Jason turned to stand by the clear wall, looking out with his hands clasped behind. Adalene and Angelique slowly looked through the sketchbook together. Some of the drawings were just sketches. Others were colored; pencils, pastels, a few water colors. A colored sketch of Trese asleep on the couch, her head lay in Dani's lap, who had her feet up on the table. A pastel drawing of Kris flying, eclipsing the sun. A sketch of Marlene in a state of undress. Whether or not she was dressing or disrobing couldn't be ascertained from the image. The next page was of Charley in a tank top and cut-offs. A tree-line was colored in with no definition. An off-white, light tan gave the impression of sand. The next, a drawing of Marlene asleep sitting up. Angelique recognized the couch being the one in Jason's loft. Another page, Leah in a plaid shirt and cut-offs, laying in a hammock, eyes closed. The next, a watercolor of Kaneda seated in a lotus position, meditating. An image of Angelique in colored pencil, showing a lot of leg, shaded with blue. Jason was able to convey the impression of the silk dress with the colors. She tapped the page. “You owe me for that dress, by the way,” she said with a smile for him. Jason nodded, but did not turn. Addie turned to the next. An image of Kris in a slip or camisole, pulling a stocking up her leg. Her wings were only an impression. She turned to an image of Marlene nude except for a pearl necklace she was toying with and biting. The next image was Ash, working out, hair pulled back in a ponytail. Jason had given her a sheen, blending colors, to make it appear she was sweating. Adalene turned the next page only to have a piece of tracing paper slip free. Jason's style had changed. The sketch was rougher, the pencil laid down heavier. Adalene saw herself standing above and looking down. She was wearing a crossed bikini top of white and an ankle-length loincloth skirt held by two gold hoops at her hips. Leah handed Addie the tracing paper. She took one glance at it and laid it over her image. It showed her in her leotard from the night she had healed Jason. The next page was just as rough. Angelique looked back at Addie. She was dressed the same as Addie had been, only with a dark shadow with two glowing red eyes standing behind her. Another piece of tracing paper laid over the image of Angelique, putting her in the same blue dress as the earlier image. The impression of a chess queen was done lightly on the tracing paper. She slowly turned the page. An image of a god hurling lightning down. A chess king behind him, the edges of it looking as if it was sharp enough to cut. The next image was of a young girl laying. The background was done as a splash of red, blood red, radiating out from the recumbent form. Adalene spared a glance at Jason. The next page was a drawing of Leah in her Sparx uniform. The image was distorted. One arm was out of proportion. One leg stretched beyond the length of the other. Leah's hands were at her head, her face distorted by some unimaginable scream. The entire background was black. So black that Adalene couldn't see the strokes where Jason had put it to paper. Addie noticed the hanging fragments of several pages missing. With the next page Addie released the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. Jason had drawn Dani, Trese, Jenny and Lisa sitting around a table playing some game. The next page was of Leah in a sparkling black long-sleeved evening gown. Her hair was piled up with tresses curled and hanging down framing her face. About her neck was a gemstone in a cage. With blacks and grays Jason had made the dress shimmer in the drawing. Adalene could almost swear she could see the weave of Leah's hosiery. Long be-gemmed earrings reflected light. Adalene turned the page to find only the rough outline of a body. Whatever he was drawing couldn't be readily discerned from the lines. She closed the sketchbook and set it on the table where Ash picked it up to flip through the pages, with Kris looking over one shoulder and Leah looking from the other. “I was afraid of this. Jason, what you are doing isn't so much having nightmares as remembering. When the three of us healed you, you were meditating. That's almost the same as a conscious dream-state, if you will. What happened in my workshop, you... we were sort of projected to another plane of existence that lies beside reality as we know it. It allowed for Angelique to come close enough, in a metaphysical sense, to help. The other is Arkayne. “And he's the reason I'm here. “I want you to know, before any more of this goes any further, I release you from your promises to me. I don't want you to feel that you are indebted to me. I am going to tell you much, and in so doing I am breaking faith with, and a promise to Arkayne. There will be a cost, but that will be my burden to bear.” Everyone's eyes, except Angelique's and Jason's were on Adalene. Adalene and Angelique stared at Jason's back. Jason stood staring at something outside the window. Adalene took a deep breath and let it out. “There are a group of people that are called Seers. In the past they were like the Oracle of Delphi. It was believed that they saw the future. Arkayne has access to the Seers. He has been planning something for a long time. A very long time. “Recently, I was able to get my hands on several books from his library.” She turned her attention to Charley and held out a hand. “Please?” With a nod, Charley passed her a book bag. “These books,” she pulled one out and looked at the cover, “these books are about the four of you.” She lay the first book down. The leather was embossed with a lightning bolt. “This one is about Warren.” She pulled out the remaining four. One book was noticeably thicker than the others. “This one,” covered with a stylized dove, “is about Kris. This one here has to do with the team.” The cover had a stylized G on it. The next book she tapped had an upraised fist. “Ash, and lastly, Jason,” the thickest, covered with a very familiar star burst. “Each book is a blend of a copy from the Seers' library and Arkayne's notes on each subject. As the Seers foresaw something that related to one of you and wrote, it would magically appear in whichever book that Arkayne had bound to each of you.” She picked up the book with the G and opened it to a marker she had placed there and began reading: “'I foresee a time in which my adversary will assemble a group of these masked mystery men. Whereas few of these vigilantes and self-styled heroes have actual power, there will be a time when, as in the distant past, men with power to rival the gods will be born. The Demon must not be unopposed. “I see a path. It will be a long path fraught with many perils, not the least of which will be the Demon himself. There is a hope that his blood can be turned on him. I must strive for that!'” “Could I get something to...” Warren set a pitcher of tea in front of her and handed her a full glass, “drink? Thank you, Warren.” She took the proffered glass and sipped. “This passage was written during the nineteen-twenties. Arkayne saw a need for the Guardians over one-hundred years ago.” “I don't much believe in prophecy, Binder,” Ash said. “Arkayne does, Ash. And this isn't about prophecy in the sense that there is some great thing you have to do. In the last ten years, look how many lives each of you has touched. The Guardians have already done great things.” She gave Ash a sad look. “This isn't about prophecy, destiny or fate. It's about manipulation.” She set the book down open and took up the one with the bird on the cover. “Kris? Do you mind?” The raven-tressed woman shook her head. “Go ahead.” “'The Seers have found one of the chosen, but they are conflicted. There is some question of which of the twins would be better suited.' From here there are questions about the future, and the Seers, I don't know how many, would follow the thread to see where it would lead. “'She has brought me an answer at last. The others say that the wild one would be best suited. I am unsure. Something fills me with unease about that one. I choose the gentle one. Knowing what the Children of the Serpent will do to her, I can only hope that her true nature will overcome what they will do.' There's a bit of time passage here. It doesn't go into specifics.” She began reading again. “'I have set things in motion. The snakes have their orders. Too much of a direct hand I have played. I hate this, but it must be done. The burden is mine, and so I record here the girl's name so that I will not forget. Kristina Leigh Tyler.'” Adalene held her place and looked at Kris. “You mean...?” the winged woman began. “That Arkayne chose you to be taken. Experimented on. There is a passage here that indicates that at times he even doubted you would survive.” Lisa rubbed her eyes. “What's the matter?” Jenny whispered to her. “Seeing things again,” she replied just as quietly. “Like Jason. There's puzzles around him. Sometimes there's a lot. Sometimes there's only one, but all the pieces are coming out of the same box. It's like he's working on all of them.” “What does it mean?” Kris asked. “What 'true nature' is he talking about?” Jason turned into the room. “I thought that would be apparent.” Warren started nodding his head in understanding. “Yeah. Yeah! I get it. I can see how.” “Well I don't!” Kris exclaimed. “Really, Kris?” Jason said quietly. “When we started out you wore that head piece that made you look more like a raptor than a dove. Not to mention that spear you used to tote around.” “Wasn't even two years, Kris,” Warren said to her, “that you put that away and switched to a staff.” “And now,” Trese added, “the only thing you carry is your medical bag. I can see where the true nature overcame the programming.” “All of it,” Kris said quietly, almost only to herself, “everything, and it was just as some... some playing piece?” She wrapped her arms about herself and her wings followed suit, almost hiding her behind them. Warren came to her then, pulling her close. She rested her head against his chest. “I think that's what this is about, Kris. We've all been played and played with. Is that it, Addie?” Adalene nodded her head. “Yes, Warren. You're beginning to understand the level of this.” She rubbed the back of her neck, left her hand there and set her elbow on the book. “What was foreseen with the four of you, each of you brought something to the group as a whole. Jason's analytical mind, which, if I'm not mistaken, is part of why you dislike running your business.” Jason nodded. “Ash is the spirit of the group; the one that always makes you get up and keep going. Warren...” “I'm the wise-ass of the group,” he chimed in. “No,” Jason said. “That's Brad's position. You've always been the conscience of the group. The one that always made sure that we were in the right. Doing right. Always asking the questions that made us consider why we were doing.” Kris gave a choking laugh. “And I'm the 'chick with the wings'.” Warren pulled her closer. “Oh, no, Kris. I never realized that was how you saw yourself. You've always been more than that.” Kris pulled away from him. “Jason is the most powerful of us.” “Ash is stronger,” Jason said. “She didn't say 'strongest', Jase. She said 'most powerful'. And you are,” Ash said. “Yeah, I can rip tree stumps up, throw cars, what have you, but you, you can blow through the trees and the cars without even trying. “Kris,” Ash waited until the winged woman looked at her, “you aren't the least of us. You always kept your eye on the little things that the rest of us might have overlooked. How many times were you the one that pulled the bystanders out of the way when we were in the middle of a big throw-down?” “Ash is right, Kris,” Jason said. “You were the one that always kept us grounded. Even when you were flying the highest.” “Group hug time?” Brad asked. Jason was annoyed. “Michaels, do yourself a favor and shut up. Kris, Kari is a wild child. She was the party girl, where you studied. Could you imagine what she might have become with what you can do?” “I can fly, Jason,” she said quietly. “I remember a number of times,” Ash said, “that there was blood on that spear. I love Kari, Kris, but with what you were when we started, I'd almost be afraid to see what Kari might have been. She might have ended up more like Raven.” Kris nodded, wiping tears from her cheeks. “I know what you're saying, but everything I went through. The pain. All of it. Just so some scientists could find a way to splice wings on my back.” Warren smiled at her. “At least they're feathered like an angel's and not ugly and scaly like a demon's.” Kris gave a choked laugh. Warren slipped his arms around her and held her close. “And you survived the pain. Would you have wanted Kari to go through all that?” She just shook her head. Adalene slipped the book to the table and picked up another. “If you're okay, Kris, I'd like to continue.” Kris sniffed, wiped her eyes and broke away from Warren. “I'm fine.” “'The Seers have found another of the chosen. All I need do is have those fanatics pick the girl up, and she, too, will be altered. I wish there were another way, a better way.'” “Girl. Ash, I assume,” Brad said. Jason shot him another look of annoyance. “As you can see, Arkayne does show some reticence about this,” Adalene said. “Addie, I don't care. He still went through with it all,” Warren said. “I really don't care about his reasons.” She nodded and returned her attention to the book in her hands. “'Damn the Demon! He has meddled! The girl is lost to me! I pray another can be found.'” “Wait! What?” Ash was confused. Adalene closed the book, keeping her fingers in it. “You weren't Arkayne's first choice.” “Who was?” Ash demanded. Adalene sighed. “Does it matter?” “It might, Addie,” Jason said quietly from by the window. She sat for a moment and gathered her thoughts. “Charley.” “What?” the tall woman asked. “Not 'what'. 'You'. You were Arkayne's first choice to undergo the Avatar process. Instead of being picked up in Las Vegas by Viper agents, you were seduced and taken by Nova Research for use as a test subject. Arkayne believes that it was at the behest of his demon.” Charley looked stunned. “That... that would have been terrible.” “What?” Ash asked. “To have been a Guardian?” “No. I might have ended up short,” she said somberly, then winked at Ash. Ash tossed a pillow off the couch at her while everyone else laughed. When everyone calmed down, Jason asked, “Is there anything else we need to know about that, Addie?” “Not really. It goes into how Ash was chosen and picked up by Viper. Warren's goes into how certain waste chemicals from one of your plants got dumped on the Asher farm. Arkayne took a direct hand in that. He's the one that caused the storm that night.” “No storm, I wouldn't have been out in that field,” Warren said quietly. “I shouldn't have been out in it.” Brad shrugged his shoulders. “What's the big deal?” “Ever been struck by lightning?” Warren asked him. Trese cast a glance at Leah. “I have,” she said, barely above a whisper. Leah reached across for the younger girl's hand. “I won't even joke about arranging it for you if you'd like, Brad.” “I've been tagged by Bolt before,” Brad said defensively. Leah raised an eyebrow. “Raw power, Brad, I think I weigh the scale heavier than Bolt, and even then I don't match Mother Nature in the middle of a storm.”
  2. Greywind


    Leah stretched her hand out to push the call button. Her heart rate accelerated. It felt to her as if her heart were going to burst from her chest. Perspiration slicked her palms. Ash and Warren both saw her extended hand shake. “I'd have to say that that is a 'yes', Leah. Whatever it is, it's affecting you, too,” Ash said. Leah jumped when the elevator chimed and the door opened. She gave a sigh of relief when she saw the winged woman within. “Hi, Kris,” she said with a nervous laugh. “You guys all missed me that you had to meet the elevator?” the raven-tressed woman asked. “Warren, you've got Leah's lips on your cheek there.” Kris was wearing a white halter vest and white slacks. “How do you know it's Leah's?” “Because she needs to redo her lipstick. What's going on?” She stepped quickly from the elevator before the doors closed. Immediately the elevator began descending. “Mentor, who called the elevator?” Ash queried the tower's artificial intelligence. A wall panel lit up showing two women of apparent average size, and another woman that towered over the other two. All were beautiful. “I wonder why Addie is with those two,” Warren asked quietly, more to himself than the others. Ash kept an eye on Leah. “I'm sure she has reason, Warren. The two of them might explain the heebie-jeebies everyone that has tried to leave feels. Mentor, where is everyone?” “Most are in the common area. Nightwing and White Tiger are training,” Mentor said. “More like White Tiger is showing Nightwing that strength isn't everything. Again,” Warren said. “What do you think is up?” “I have no idea, Warren. Mentor, let them up,” Ash instructed the AI. “Unnecessary, Ash. Miss Bascomb has access. She has already used it. Arrival is imminent.” Within moments of Mentor's announcement the elevator opened to reveal Adalene Masters, Angelique Darque and Charlemagne Bascomb. Leah's reaction to seeing Angelique was immediate. Fingers splayed open and electricity arced between them. Angelique laid her hand on Adalene's arm, stopping her when Adalene stepped to interpose herself between Leah and Angelique. Without looking behind Angelique raised her hand to stop the statuesque Charley from placing herself between Angelique and the perceived danger. She stepped towards Leah, hands down at her sides; palms open to Leah in a posture of surrender. “I am not an enemy. I am not what I was,” she said calmly. “A person doesn't change in a matter of weeks!” Leah snarled. “They do if they are coerced. Or altered. The change in me hasn't been weeks, Leah. It has been years. And it is part of why we are here. If you wish to attack me, I can't stop you.” “'Can't'?” Leah snapped at her, “Or 'won't'?” “I can't, Leah. When this day is over, if you still wish it we can return to this place and you can be free to do as you wish. Right now I ask you be patient, listen to us, ask questions if you must, but please, hear us out.” Angelique wasn't pleading, but her attitude was completely different than the Guardians were used to. Even after having had Angelique as a guest in tower for a number of weeks. “What there is to be said affects you, Leah. Intimately.” “Addie, what's this about?” Warren asked. “The past, Warren. It's about the past and friends and enemies. It's about the future and whether some friends will remain so. Is everyone here?” “Depends on what you consider 'everyone', Binder,” Ash said. “Leah?” Leah, glaring at Angelique, lifted her hand until it was in her line of sight. She snapped it into a fist and stopped the electricity dancing around it. “This isn't over, Witch!” “No. I don't suspect it is,” Angelique said.
  3. Greywind


    I was asked if what was bothering Kris was the situation with Jason. Not exactly. Kris still has issues with Jason, hence her nightmare. This is still something of a work in progress, but it explains more. The exact timing of this is the day after Reaffirmation Day. It runs for a few posts. What Came Before Leah put the finishing touches on her makeup and checked her appearance in the mirror. With her little finger she wiped a small smudge of lipstick from the corner of her mouth. For a moment her eyes locked on the caged stone dangling from a chain about her neck. She smiled briefly to herself and slipped it into the collar of her blouse. Turning around, satisfied with how she looked, she cast her glance over the mess she had created in her room. Blouses, slacks, dresses and other accessories lay scattered across her bed and chair. She stepped into her closet and ran fingers over the toes of racked shoes. “What to wear?” she asked quietly. Leah lifted a sandal and after a moment gave it a dissatisfied look. She stuffed it back into its place. Taking up a pair of red high heeled pumps Leah turned to a full-length mirror. She cocked her head from side to side. The color of the shoes went well with the red spaghetti-strap top she wore beneath a sheer black blouse. Leah slipped the shoes on her stockinged feet. She moved to check her appearance from various angles. “Nah”, she said and kicked off the shoes. She finally settled on low black boots with heels that came up over the cuffs of her form-fitting jeans. With one last look in a mirror to check her makeup, hair and earrings, Leah grabbed her bag and went out the door. At the end of the hall, coming from the recreation room, she heard a tok tak tok tak-tok-tak-tok-taktoktaktoktaktok sound. As she neared the door she heard a loud pok and the clatter of plastic followed by the sound of a ping pong paddle being hit on the table. She popped her head in to see Warren, dressed in a sweat-soaked basketball jersey and running shorts. Scattered across the floor were the remains of several ping pong balls. “What's up, Farm Boy? I thought you were going to head home to Kate.” “I was.” He pulled another ball out of a box. He wiped sweat off his forehead with the back of a hand. “I can't explain it. I tried leaving earlier. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.” He got ready to serve the ball and glanced at Leah. He gave a low whistle and stood up, dropping his arms to his sides. “Hot date, Pretty Lady?” he asked. “Kind of,” she answered. “Brad?” he asked teasingly. Leah laughed. “He should be so lucky. No. One of the photographers I used to shoot with found out I was back in town and wanted to discuss the possibility of me doing some shoots. My portfolio, not to mention my résumé, is several years out of date. Since I'm not working, I figured modeling would at least put some money in my pocket.” Leah cast her gaze to the floor and flicked sparks from her fingernails. “I didn't expect Jason to have all my stuff put in storage.” “Hey. He cares. Just because...” Leah crossed her arms and gave Warren a hurt look. “I walked out on him?” In the space of a second Warren crossed the distance between them. “Wasn't your fault. He held out hope for a long time.” “I know. It just, it hurts, Warren. Dammit! I promised myself I wasn't going to cry over this anymore!” Warren took hold of her hand and spun her around. “Then don't,” he told her with a smile. “Dance, laugh, remember good things. If you cry, you'll just have to redo your makeup.” She gave an honest laugh for his efforts. “It's just drinks. Maybe dinner.” “If it will get you out of the tower for a night it will do you good. Just make sure Brad gets a look at you before you go. Watching him walk on his tongue is amusing.” “Do I really look that good?” Leah asked him. Warren regarded her, making a display of checking her over from her loose flowing hair to her boots. “If it weren't for Kate, I would,” Leah suddenly found herself in Warren's arms, “scoop you up in my arms and cart you off to my room.” “And what would we do in your room?” she asked, batting her eyelashes at him. “Hmm. Probably end up watching a movie, but I'd keep you safe from all the mashers and pick-up artists hanging out in whatever bar you're supposed to be getting drinks at.” He set her back down lightly on her feet. “Thanks, Warren. I missed you.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I love you, Farm Boy.” “Love you, too, Pretty Lady. You were missed around here.” He winked at her. “Now you have to redo your lipstick.” Leah gave him a warm smile. “Just make sure Brad sees it before you clean it off.” Warren turned away and grabbed a broom. He started sweeping up the cracked, dented and split remains of the balls scattered across the floor. “Warren?” “Yeah?” he mumbled in response. “Are you alright?” concern lay heavy in her voice. He shook his head while he swept. “I don't like my head messed with. I'd rather be with Kate, and I have this overwhelming sense of... I don't know. Foreboding? And I'm just about out of balls to beat on.” “You're feeling it, too?” Ash asked from the door. “Too?” Leah asked in response. “Just tried to run down to get a pizza. Anxiety attack? Nerves? I don't know”, the blonde said. “I just had the feeling something bad would happen if I left. Dani is feeling it. She's supposed to go to an audition. Trese was going to go with her. I think Jenny and Lisa said something about tagging along with them. Bad case of the dreads right before they got in the elevator. I called Kris. She said she was going to come in. She said she had the strange feeling she was needed here.” Ash leaned against the door frame. “'Star hasn't felt it, but he hasn't had the urge to leave the tower. Same with Jason and Marlene. The three of them are in the common watching a movie.” “Jenny and Lisa felt it?” Warren asked, leaning on his broom. “No,” she replied. “In fact they gave the girls strange looks. They're new to all this, so strange hasn't really begun to sink in as 'normal' yet. Leah? What about you?” “I've got a date. I haven't gotten near the elevator yet.” “Come on. Let's go experiment.” With that the three left the rec room and headed for the elevator.
  4. http://killerapps.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2013/10/07/meet_the_army_s_tricked_out_super_fast_stealth_copters_of_2030
  5. I'm sure he became independently wealthy when he got paid for all those years he spent on ice.
  6. Piloting Skill Roll. The Margin of Success/Failure modifies the inherent, baseline time requirement for the ship's EDM power.
  7. Standard Force Field. Any hit strong enough to go through ablated it. The rest just seems like SFX.
  8. Eh, I looked. Apparently even Marvel doesn't know who, how, or why SHIELD works.
  9. Allow them to use. If they pick up a cop's gun to use, the cop is going to want it back. If the cop dies, the force is going to want it back. Anything and everything is usable during the segment in which it is acquired. After that, the Viper weapon will be taken as evidence, etc. If it becomes an ability the character wants regularly (HKA: OAF - handy item) then it needs to be accounted for or a special case (plot point) weapon only.
  10. And there's forms for that, too; Jailhouse Rock, Dirty Infighting, the standard, nondescript Classic Comic Book Martial Arts.
  11. "Brace yourself, Jenny. I'm the Rocketeer!" "The Rocke-who?" "You haven't seen the papers?" "No. I've been working all day."
  12. When was the last time you saw it?
  13. SHIELD isn't government. SHIELD is UN.
  14. "You wanna get nuts? Come on. Let's get nuts."
  15. Greywind


    Thanks. Some things work nicely. Other things, still kind of hung up on bits here and there.
  16. Yeah, but Wolverine was sent in because the kid's powers couldn't get through his regen. Gave the kid a beer, listened to his story, told one of his own, and when it was over, Wolverine was the only one that walked out.
  17. Ultimate X-Men covered this nicely, where a newly emergent mutant's powers killed everyone in town. They had to send in Wolverine to deal with the problem.
  18. Well, let us not throw options/ideas out in a brainstorming manner. Sometimes character creation is all that is required. Yes. Multiple characters were sometimes played by the same player. This is the Champions forum and the OP stated that he sees the characters as Agent level. That implies a point differential inherently.
  19. Refer to Derek's first post. Can do exactly what the OP wants depending on how the characters are built. Joys of a toolbox.
  20. Thor regularly sails on a ship in the void. Think those trips take more than an hour.
  21. I've run games where the players had several characters each, and would rotate through as needed for the adventure. Just because there's two characters to one player doesn't mean that they both have to be active at the same time. Another option is to have someone else do one of the pair.
  22. Then build them as two characters, separate.
  23. Thor can travel through space. Why does he need to breathe?
  24. How are these two supposed to interact?
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