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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Skills are inherently only as useful as the GM allows them to be. Otherwise, it becomes a matter of the players twisting the GM's arm in order to get some use out of their skill purchases. As for the "roll high/low", I started with 2nd. Neither me, nor anyone I've played with or introduced to the system, has ever had a problem with the way the system is written.
  2. The GM may not always give you the DCV of the target you're attempting to hit.
  3. Mostly what was noticed from DI/JI was skill recosting. Skills tended to be 5+ in Champions at base and 3+ in DI/JI at base.
  4. Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends. ~ Gandalf the Grey
  5. How would you build it with the body? Once you've got that figured, remove whatever aspect having a body represents.
  6. Look in the Hero Designer forum. http://www.herogames.com/forums/index.php?/topic/87395-mhi-character-pack-will-not-work-with-my-hdv6/
  7. Ivan wasn't exactly amused when Hellboy dug him up.
  8. Greywind


    Fears “Lights, Mentor. Low please,” Marlene said. The lights of the room came up to the requested setting. She slipped the shoulder of her dress down and immediately started fighting a losing battle with it to get her arm free. “Let me help you with that,” Jason said. With a crimson flash her green dress disappeared leaving her standing in heels, stockings and panties. Another crimson flash and Jason hung her dress up on its hanger. “Thank you,” she replied. Marlene stepped to the dresser and pulled out Jason's Federation hockey jersey. She pulled that on and stared into the eyes of her reflection for a moment. She wrapped her arms about herself. She caught Jason smiling at her. A smile she couldn't bring herself to return. “Are you okay?” he asked, slipping his arms around her. Marlene stepped away from him and waved him off. “I'm just exhausted.” She picked up the remote and dropped herself on the couch, drawing her legs up. She started channel surfing. Jason joined her on couch. His fingers brushed her leg and he lifted one, then the other, slipping her shoes off. She pulled her legs back under her. Click, an infomercial, click, a late news cast, click, an old sitcom, click... “You want to tell me what's bothering you?” She spared him a glance out of the corner of her eye. Click, click, click... Marlene turned the set off and tossed the remote to the coffee table, where it bounced once and landed on the carpeted floor. “I'm trying...” She turned her head away from him, trying to hide the tears she couldn't stop. “I'm trying to be understanding and supportive with Leah.” Jason reached over and caressed her ankle. “I appreciate that.” Pulling her legs up under the jersey, Marlene turned to face him. “On account of everything she went through.” She wiped at her eyes, but more tears fell. “I have never liked seeing you kiss another woman. Not even Sandy and she was my best friend. Every time...” Marlene rested her elbows on her knees and hid her face behind her forearms. “Every time you and Leah get in close proximity of each other, it's like the two of you are playing with fire. And I'm the one that's going to be burned!”
  9. Greywind


    The Dress Upon entering his room, Jason hung the garment bag he had been carrying on a hook by the closet door and turned his attention to the women sitting on the couch. Both women had their legs drawn up under them. Marlene was closing the cover of a drawing pad on which she had written, “Marlene's”, “Private”, and “Keep Out!” Leah was holding a large coffee mug. “Everything go okay?” Marlene asked him. Jason nodded. “The clean up is going. Depending on the engineer's report the rest will probably have to be torn down.” “Any idea what happened?” Leah asked. Jason sat himself on the back of the couch. He shrugged. “It was a research lab. It could have been any number of things. We won't have any idea until the analyses are done and the reports come back. With everything going on I'm not ruling out sabotage.” Leah shook her head slowly. “All those people...” “Fifteen dead and twenty-seven others injured. Hopefully they'll find out what happened,” Marlene said sadly. “We've got our people overseeing. Everything else is being done strictly 'hands-off'. We'll let CSI do their job. As much as I'd like to keep my fingers in, I think it's for the best that way. What's that?” Jason cocked his head at the drawing pad as way to change the subject. “Nunya,” Marlene said with a grin. “'Nunya' what?” he asked. “Nunya business,” Leah answered with a laugh. Leah said something to Marlene in Japanese. Marlene laughed and replied the same way. Jason sighed. “You two know I hate it when you do that.” The two women laughed at him. “You could always learn the language,” Leah scolded him. Marlene had a twinkle in her eye. “I love you.” “I love you, too, Beautiful,” he told her. “Is that my dress?” she asked, pointing at the garment bag in an off-hand manner. Jason smiled. “I hope so. It's a little small for my cross-dressing routine.” Leah snorted. “Dress for what?” she asked. “Oh, there's a little soirée at the museum Saturday night.” Marlene shifted until she was kneeling on the couch. “Do you have plans for Saturday, Leah? You could come with us! You can be my plus one and Jason can go solo.” “Or find another date,” he teased. Leah looked uncomfortable. “I... don't know, Marlene. I wouldn't want to be in the way.” Marlene reached over and took hold of Leah's hand. “Leah, you will never be in the way.” Leah gave a quick smile that faded rapidly. “Even if I did, I don't have anything to wear.” Jason gave her a look that was part guilt and part something she couldn't quite place. “What?” “That's...” he sighed. “That's not quite true, Leah,” he said quietly. “You're probably going to be mad at me, but I wasn't exactly honest with you.” Leah looked confused. “Honest about what?” Instead of answering, Jason walked to the wall where he had hung a painting of the team. He pressed his hand against the wall and for a moment, it was backlit. The wall clicked and a door swung inward. He stepped inside, lost to the view of the women. When he emerged he had a garment bag in hand. He glanced at Leah and then stepped to the closet and placed the new bag on a hook beside the one he had hung earlier. He returned to the hidden room and came out bearing several other parcels. He set those on a table near where the garment bags were hanging. Leah and Marlene rose and moved closer. They both recognized the names of the different boutiques on each parcel. A shoe box, two lingerie boxes, and a jewelry box. “What's this? An early Christmas?” Leah joked, but her voice didn't carry the humor. Marlene cast a glance at Jason, smiled and said, “Why don't you take a look?” She lifted the bottom of the first garment bag revealing her own dark green dress. “Hmm. George has outdone himself,” she beamed. “I love the color.” “That's beautiful,” Leah said. “It'll look great on you.” She turned her attention with some trepidation to the pile of boxes. She sighed and flipped the top off one of the lingerie boxes and moved the tissue paper out of the way to find a package of high-end pantyhose. “Jason, you know these were my favorite kind,” she said quietly. “I know,” he responded, his voice rough. Leah set that box aside and noticed that her hand was shaking when she reached for the other lingerie box. She opened that box to reveal a sheer panty. “No bra,” Marlene teased. “The dress is backless.” It came out as a whisper and Leah was surprised that it was her voice. Marlene gave Leah's shoulder a gentle squeeze and ran her hand lightly up and down the other woman's back. Jason stepped away. They heard the secret room shut. Leah lifted the lid of the shoe box. Black four-inch stiletto-heeled shoes were revealed within. “Ooh, modeling shoes,” she said with a rough laugh. Marlene laughed with her. “Well,” Marlene said, “down to two. Jewelry or dress next?” Leah gave the garment bag a glance and then turned her attention to the jewelry box. Inside she found a pair of dangling jeweled earrings. “They're beautiful,” she whispered. “Jason, I can't...” “They're yours. They've been yours. They've just been waiting for you to claim them,” he said. “What about the dress?” Marlene prodded. “I want to see it.” Leah gave Marlene a “you're nuts” look and sighed. She lifted the bag off the dress. She felt herself trembling. Hanging from a hook in Jason's room was the dress she had seen in a nightmare months before; a dress that Jason had drawn her wearing. “It's... it's a beautiful dress, Jason. I don't know what to say.” Marlene cocked her head to look at Jason. His attention was out a window. “Why don't you try it on?” “I can't... I...” She saw the look Marlene was giving her and sighed again. “Alright, but only if you try yours on. This isn't a modeling job.” Marlene giggled. “Agreed, but all of it.” She bounced over to the dresser and pulled out the things she had set aside to wear with her dress. She looked at Jason. “What are you still doing there? Out in the hall with you!” She made a move to swat at him. He quirked up a smile at her and held his hands up in a sign of surrender. “Okay! Okay! Out in the hall with me.” Marlene chased him to the door. “I love you,” she whispered to him before she closed the door. In the hall Jason leaned back against the wall opposite his door, with his arms crossed. After some time had passed, Brad walked down the hall. “What are you doing out here?” “Waiting,” Jason said. Brad gave him a confused look. “For what?” “Marlene and Leah are in there getting naked. I'm waiting for them to let me know when I can join them,” he said seriously. “For what?” “You're a big boy, Brad. What do you think adults do when they get naked together?” Marlene's voice came from the public address. “You can come in now.” Jason stepped towards his door. “Don't wait up,” he said to the younger man, wiggling his eyebrows. Jason stepped in and closed the door on Brad, who was attempting to get a look in the room. With the door closed, Jason started laughing. “Want to let us in on the joke?” Marlene asked. Turning into the room, Jason stopped laughing. Marlene's dress fell to her knees. One arm was bare and the other was covered with a loose flowing sleeve. Her heels matched the color of her dress perfectly. Her sexy legs were covered with tan hose. She cocked her head to the side and gave Jason a shy smile. “That doesn't work on me,” he said and she laughed. “What do you think?” she asked, turning in place so that he could see all of it. He took a few steps that carried him to her and looked down into her eyes. “I think you're beautiful.” She gave him a loving smile. She tilted her head to the side indicating Leah, who was standing in front of a mirror looking at her reflection. Leah brushed her hands down the front of the dress. She felt herself shivering, feeling Jason's appraising gaze move up her body. “I look just like your drawing,” she whispered. Jason stepped up behind her and gave her a warm smile. “Not quite. Your hair isn't done up and you don't have any makeup on.” Leah gave her reflection a sad smile. Her hands played with the fabric of her dress. She lifted her exposed leg and dug the toe of her shoe into the carpet. “Are you okay?” Leah turned to look at Jason. Tears were forming in her eyes. She reached up and pulled Jason down into a kiss. When she broke it, she said, “I'm sorry, Marlene. I shouldn't have done that.” “It's alright, Leah. With the way you look right now, I think he deserved it,” Marlene said. Leah stepped into Jason and hugged him. Marlene didn't miss the look on Jason's face. “So, what now?” Leah pulled away from Jason and brightened. “Now, I think I'm going to my room and I'm going to call my bestie. And then I think I'm going to cry my eyes out in a girly fashion until I fall asleep.” She looked up at Jason. “Thank you,” she said quietly and turned to go. “I've got a better idea, if you're interested,” Jason said. Leah turned back. “Since I've got you two all dressed up, how about we go out to dinner together?” Leah and Marlene looked at each other. “Wolfgang's,” they said in unison. “We'll need to do our makeup,” Marlene said. “And do something with our hair,” Leah added. “My room?” she asked Marlene as she was going out the door. Nodding, she said, “I'll catch up with you in a minute. I need to get a few things.” Leah nodded and left. “You want to explain that look?” Marlene asked Jason. He raised his eyebrow in question. “The look Leah didn't see when she was hugging you.” “That could have gone worse,” he replied. “She's hurting, Jason, and she's confused. And you keep doing nice things for her.” Marlene walked up to him and ran her fingers along his jaw. “Do you want me to stop?” “Jason, she's our friend. If you stop doing nice things for her that will make me angry, and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.” Jason lowered himself to kiss her. When Marlene broke the kiss, he said, “I've seen you angry. I much prefer you... interested.” She smiled. “Later. After dinner. Dessert, maybe.” She turned and took her jewelry case off the dresser. “Right now, I have to catch up to Leah. You get us a table and get cleaned up.” “I love you, Miss Palmer,” he said when she was opening the door. “I love you, too, Mr. Scott.” When the door closed, a flash of crimson left a ring box in his hand. His fingers curled around it as if he were going to throw it. He shook his head and growled. Another crimson flash and the box was gone just as suddenly as it had appeared. Jason's hands started loosening his tie.
  10. In that instance, what is it working from? The wielder's belief that it is legitimate self-defense?
  11. I think Dan said something about blogs and personal content going bye-bye with the software transition.
  12. J. Jonah Jameson dissents to everything if it'll sell more copies of the Daily Bugle.
  13. He retired and gave the suit to the Greatest American Heroine.
  14. Generally, anything belonging to Hero is not to be posted up in full regardless of edition.
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