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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Livin' La Vida Loca for the Joker.
  2. Would Spider-Man's be Thwip It by Devo?
  3. Yes. Yes. No. Lots of different ways. Sort of.
  4. Just a bit of clay throwing. http://www.viralnova.com/dragon-pot/
  5. Scarlet Witch. Body stocking trumps fishnets, but she's more mutant than mage. Seems most at Marvel have forgotten that.
  6. Consider also that a person's stats change for the better from when they first started studying a skill, which can mark the improvement, while keeping the skill at the "base" level.
  7. I've got two. It was reissued with the Resource Kit, iirc.
  8. Greywind


    The Tesla Roadster pulled up in front of the The Four Seasons hotel. Jason stepped out and adjusted his coat against the autumn chill. The valet took his keys in exchange for a yellow slip of paper. Jason made his way into the lobby. His gaze settled on the young woman behind the counter. Her dark hair and olive complexion spoke of the Mediterranean. Jason put his most charming smile into place and moved to the desk. “Can I help you, sir?” she asked with a smile. Her voice was accented. Greece, a passing thought went through his mind. “Jason Scott. To see Julia Frost,” he told her. Her fingers danced across the keyboard. “Let me check. Yes. Miss Frost is staying in the Ty Warner Penthouse. I will call up and announce you, Mr. Scott.” “That would be much appreciated.” His eyes held hers while she made the call. She lay the phone back on it's cradle. “You are expected,” she said returning his smile. “I would also like a room. Something with a nice view of the city.” Her fingers began going through the process of booking a room. “Tell me, Jasmine,” Jason charmingly said reading her name off her tag, “what time are you free this evening?” Jasmine gave him a warm smile. “My shift ends at ten. How long will you be staying with us?” “Monday, I think. Yes. Monday will do nicely,” he said. “I would like a bottle... no, make that a magnum of champagne, sent up at 10:30 along with fresh strawberries. And I would like you to be there no later than eleven.” “I am flattered, Mr. Scott, but the company policy prohibits fraternization with the customers.” Jason's charming smile never wavered. “So don't tell them. I certainly won't. I'll make it worth your while.” Jasmine looked around to see if anyone was watching or listening. “What would I have to do?” “Wear something interesting. Hose, heels, dress. Be interesting company for the evening.” “I don't know...” she said lowly. “Eleven o'clock, Jasmine. My room,” he said with his charming smile. “Don't make me have to come looking for you,” he said with a wink. He headed off for the elevator that would take him to the penthouse.
  9. The Island of Dr. Destroyer was a stand-alone module. I've got it. Never bought any screens until I got the Resource Kit.
  10. I always equipped my dwarfs with two-handed axe or maul and shield, using the shield the way the vikings did: strapped to their back.
  11. Legolas was actually able to get permission for Gimli to sail West.
  12. Greywind


    Marlene cast a glance at her watch laying on the bathroom counter. She was tempted to run more hot water into the tub to bring the temperature back up to a more relaxing level, but she had plans for tonight. She closed the brief she had sitting open in front of her on a bathtub caddy. The business proposition offered by Frost Industries sounded good and the numbers they were offering seemed more than reasonable, but there was something, something that she couldn't really put a finger on, that made the whole thing turn sour in her mind. Normally on nights like this, Jason adamantly refused to discuss business with her. He had made it very clear, their date nights were for her and himself. She debated violating that. She slid the caddy easily down the tub and pulled herself from the cooling water. “You can drain it, Mentor.” The drain released and the water and bubbles gurgled its way out. She dried herself and wrapped the towel around herself. Marlene cracked open the door to allow what little steam remained to vent. Gathering her things from the counter, Marlene gave her fog-dimmed reflection a wistful smile. Almost as an afterthought she snagged the brief off the caddy before heading out the door and up the stairs to the sleeping area she shared with Jason. She sent the brief spinning through the air, to land on the bed next to the gray skirt she had picked out to wear. Putting the proposal from her mind, she reached for the pink seamed stockings draped over her armoire. Having gotten dressed, Marlene was putting the finishing touches on her makeup when she heard the door to the loft slide open. She gave her reflection a smile and reached for the necklace that for the last fifteen years, she had been inseparable from. Something was dropped noisily on the dining table and Marlene shot a look at the door that led to the stairs. She slipped the necklace back on and checked her reflection one more time. The amethyst star Angelique had given her looked out of place. Sorry, Angel. Tonight is just me and Jason. She reached up to remove the necklace again when the star faded from view. That was weird. She shook her head. She heard the refrigerator open. Marlene cast a glance at a full-length mirror and saw that her seams were straight, the skirt was hanging properly, and that her pink silk blouse was caught in the belt she had put on. A cabinet in the kitchen closed loudly. She cast an annoyed look at the door and straightened her blouse. Marlene slipped down the stairs in stocking feet. “What are you looking for?” she asked Jason. Cabinets stood open around the kitchen. He turned to look at her. His head cocked to the side. For long seconds he was silent. And then, “What are you doing here?” Reaching up to close a cabinet, Marlene said, “What kind of question is that?” “I wasn't looking for anything,” he mumbled. Marlene leaned back against the counter. “Are you okay?” “I'm... fine,” he said. Marlene gave him a concerned look and then smiled. She lifted one foot and pressed the sole against the cabinet door. “What do you think?” she asked lifting her arms to the sides, hands palms up. His eyes roamed her body from the foot up. When his gaze reached her belt, his head cocked to the side again. His eyes moved up and locked on hers. Again, he was silent for a long moment. A smile slowly worked its way out of him. “You look stunning.” “So,” she asked coyly, “what's the plan for tonight?” Jason checked his watch, his finger tapping on the crystal. When he spoke, it was with more self-assurance. “I have a late meeting. It came up rather suddenly.” Marlene crossed her arms and gave him a hard look. “With whom?” “Julia Frost.” “Uh huh. Does this have anything to do with her proposal? I want to talk to you about it” Jason shrugged. “I don't know. She called, said she was in town and wanted to meet with me.” “When, exactly, is this meeting supposed to take place?” Jason moved to step past Marlene. “In a half hour. I need to change.” He slipped up the stairs. Marlene watched him go. She was sorely tempted to follow. She sighed and attempted to get her thoughts in order. She looked at the dining table and the bag of groceries that had spread its contents across the surface. She set to putting those away to give herself time to think. Two movies peeked out from the bag and Marlene pulled them out. The Notebook and Somewhere in Time. Marlene smiled to herself despite her mood. She set those aside. A roast, onions, potatoes, carrots, and fresh green beans all found places in the refrigerator or pantry. Returning to the bag, Marlene found a red rose and small box, several inches square, crushed and covered in albumen. Almost an entire carton of eggs had broken and spilled in the bag. She turned at the sound of Jason descending the stairs. He was settling a black suit coat over a royal blue silk dress shirt. “We need to talk.” “I have to go. We can talk tomorrow at the office.” He pulled down a long coat and draped it over his arm before sliding open the steel door. “Jason?” “Tomorrow, Miss Palmer. At the office.” With the closing of the door, Marlene slipped down into one of the chairs. Her fingers tapped heavily against the tabletop. “Mentor?” There was no answer. Marlene's gaze flicked to the computer monitor hanging high on one wall. In a font that could be easily read from where she sat, were the words “Anomalous scan detected. Conducting Level 4 diagnostic sweep.” “Fine,” Marlene said under her breath. “Don't be available to talk.” Her eyes went back to the table and the crushed box caught her attention. She pulled the top open and pulled out an object wrapped in tissue. Marlene carefully peeled the paper away from a spun glass rose. It would have been beautiful if it wasn't broken. Marlene sat and wondered if it was an omen. She stood up, taking the bag from the table and dropping it in the trash on her way by up the stairs. She gave Jason's clothes a withering glance where they lay strewn across the floor. Marlene took her phone from where it lay on the dresser. She scanned through the list of numbers and selected one. Putting the phone to her ear, she sat on the bed cross-legged. “Hey! What are you up to?” She ran her hand down one leg and tucked her ankles closer. “Then it's okay if I ask you for some company tonight?” Marlene felt a tear slide its way down her cheek and she wiped it away with the palm of her hand. “No. He... went out. Said it was a business meeting.” She ran her fingers through her hair and looked out the skylight over the bed. “That's fine. The two of you are better than alone tonight.” Marlene's fingers traced the line of her necklace until she came to Angelique's eight-pointed star. “Weird,” she said quietly. “No. I haven't. I didn't know if I was going to be taken out or have dinner cooked. From the bag that was tossed on the table, I'd think that cooking was the plan.” She tightened her grip on the star until the points dug into her palm. “That's fine. I'll see you two when you get here. Thanks, Trese.”
  13. Greywind

    SF Rant

    I haven't seen SG:U. Still need the last 4 seasons of SG:1. S:A&B was okay. Nothing particularly great about it.
  14. Greywind

    SF Rant

    Navy? It's supposed to be based on the Marines. Haven't you seen Space: Above and Beyond?
  15. I had one player that kept making new characters because he saw someone do something in game and thought it was pretty cool. The downside of it was that all his characters were weak. When he was given ideas on what to do with character X to make him more effective, he'd come to the next session with character Y. In the course of the campaign there were a number of times that the players' characters ended up at cross purposes. Sometimes it led to a fight. Most of them were mature enough that "it's just a game" and when the fight is over, the attitude goes away unless it has to do with who the character is.
  16. Unless there's a change to Enraged, I don't think it represents accurately. I think the best option for "out of control" is the GM takes over the character temporarily.
  17. Frequently Explaining Reasons About Litigation
  18. Do they call her "Brolly" for short?
  19. If they can't freeze or seize, they can't monitor, so it stands to reason that there would be no roll. The only thing that they might find is that the account exists.
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