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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Post box = big white area in which you type to post to the board. Paste the URL directly into the typing area and let the board software do its job. No menu. No options.
  2. Just drop the URL into the post box. Don't try to embed.
  3. Or look at D&D where it used the Speed Factor of the weapons.
  4. Jason Todd is the one that stole the wheels.
  5. Greywind


    Kris stopped and tried to penetrate through the rain-streaked window, through the downpour, with her gaze. A spotlight shifted and she caught a glimpse of an orange boot and a yellow leg. “Thank you, Mentor.” “You are welcome, doctor.” Letting out a sigh, Kris opened a storage locker and pulled out an umbrella. Leave it to Jason to sit outside in a deluge. She pulled open the roof access door and opened up the umbrella. Kris took her time crossing the roof. Jason looked broken, diminished somehow, to her. He sat with his back to the elevator housing. His mask was off and draped across his leg. His head was hanging. If it was to avoid the driving rain, Kris couldn't tell. Depressed, came an unbidden thought. He canted his head back at her approach. “Hi.” “You changed.” Kris shrugged. “It felt kind of funny to wear it again.” “That isn't who you are anymore,” he told her quietly. “'We grow. We change.'” “Some of us. Others tend to be a rock of stability.” She squatted down, giving him partial cover of the umbrella. “Why are you out here instead of inside where it's warm and dry?” She laid her hand on his where he had it hanging loosely, forearm resting on a raised knee. “You're shaking.” Jason turned his hand and took hold of hers lightly. “Just adrenaline.” He gave her a weak smile. “I figured too many people would want to talk. Out here,” he looked up into the darkness and falling rain, “out here, there's just me, my thoughts, and my memories.” He sighed. “I find the rain to be cleansing.” “I find it wet and cold,” she told him. “I'm surprised there's no fish swimming in it the way it's coming down.” He gave her a small chuckle. She cocked her head to the side and her demeanor became serious. “How do you feel?” “Cold. Empty. I had him, Kris. He was right there and I had him. I could have killed him and it would be all over.” His eyes went back to the sky. “And it would have been the worst possible thing I could have done in that instant,” he said quietly. Kris gave him a long concerned look. “Are you mad at me?” He gave a slight shake of his head. “No.” He gave her another weak smile. “Have you eaten?” She frowned. “No. I've been busy trying to keep a good friend from making a big mistake. Why?” Jason forced himself to his feet and pulled Kris up with him as he went. “Can I interest you in dinner? I have a story I'd like to tell you.” She raised an eyebrow. “You planning on cooking?” “No,” he said turning towards the door, holding Kris's hand. She shared the umbrella with him. “I was thinking we would go out.” “Where?” He shrugged. “Pick a place.” “Everybody?” “No. Just us. I feel the need for a quiet night with a good friend. I don't think I could handle a party with the way I'm feeling,” he said. “I need to change again, then. Give me an hour?” “As long as you dress to impress,” he smiled at her. She smiled back. “Do you have that bodystocking?” he asked opening the door. Kris stopped and looked at him. She had bought it as a joke as a point to tease him with after he had admitted to her that he had had a lingerie dream with her in it. “It's in my room. Why? Are you asking me to...” He smiled warmly. “Depending on how long the talking goes, I was thinking I might ask you to model it for me later.” She gave him a curious look. “Okay,” she finally said.
  6. So, you didn't like Batgirl on the 60's TV show?
  7. The difference between Sesame Street and Barney & Friends...
  8. For a given play-group, yes. Relative point parity. This goes back to building a relativistic model of a given character, though. And those, if you're being honest about it, never even come reasonably close to one-another.
  9. Why do the characters need to be built on the same number of points? Batman has defeated Superman on a number of occasions. Usually involving Kryptonite.
  10. Except that Thor throwing his hammer, or dropping it for some reason, and being kept from getting his hands back on it caused him to revert to Donald Blake, was a fairly common schtick for the longest time in his early career (like into the 80's).
  11. Beta Ray Bill Steve Rogers Kal-El Those are only three others that have lifted Mjolnir. I'm sure there are others.
  12. Power Destruction Ego. There's nothing more old school than that.
  13. Also, electricity traveling through lines generates heat. It could just be a minor variation of IRV.
  14. Yes, but often coming from 5th leads to knowing where to look in 6th.
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