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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Those tended to be weeded out of our group in favor of everyone having fun.
  2. I've never felt particularly strong about player characters needing to be balanced against one-another.
  3. Then you missed the part of Betsy when she was playing Captain Britain. That cost her her eyes.
  4. I've seen the movie, which is why I think it's more in line with the mental exercise than actual time travel/reset button.
  5. But you would still have to pay a minimum of 1 END for doing something.
  6. Don't see where edition was specifically limited. There are people that still use and borrow from earlier editions.
  7. Persuasion isn't about telling lies. It's about changing another's view to reflect your own. Now, on acting:
  8. I believe Clubs tended to be a free weapon familiarity, as well.
  9. Greywind


    Appetites sated, Jason gave Warren a tour of the house, leaving Beth with Marlene. They had passed through the library, Warren was astounded by the size of the room and the sheer number of volumes it held. “It was the most important room in the house according to my mom,” Jason had told him. They were on their way to the billiard room, which meant a pool table and video games from what Jason said, when a tall blonde woman came around the corner. “Jason,” she called out. Not loudly, but in a way that would make just about anyone stop. Jason sighed. “Hello, Sharon.” She drew close to the two young men. “Sharon, I'd like you to meet Warren Asher. Warren, this is Sharon Anderson.” Warren stuck his hand out. “How do you do?” A hint of a smile passed Sharon's face. “I do just fine, Mr. Asher.” “You're Dani's sister?” he asked, pulling his hand back. Sharon laughed. “I thank you for the compliment, Mr. Asher.” “Just 'Warren' is fine,” he said, looking back and forth between Jason and Sharon in confusion. “Sharon is Dani's mom, Warren.” Warren looked stunned. “But you don't look to be much older than I am. I'd say you were around twenty-five, maybe. Which would mean you had Dani when you were... eleven?” “I'm older than I look, Warren.” She lifted her hands towards Warren. “Do you mind?” “Mind what?” “Sharon is blind, Warren. She wants to know what you look like,” Jason explained. “Oh! No. Go right ahead.” Sharon's hands moved across Warren's face. “You have a kind and gentle face, Warren. Very handsome,” she said with a smile. Then her face turned to Jason and her demeanor changed. “We've been waiting on you. You father told you that we'd like to speak with you.” “Not interested,” he said bluntly. “You don't even know what it's about.” Warren got the impression that she was getting angry. “If Dan Thomas is here it invariably involves him wanting a new recruit. I am not interested in being that recruit.” “Jason,” Jordan spoke, coming around the same corner that Sharon had. “I think maybe you should hear us out first.” “Jordan, Warren. Warren, Jordan,” Jason said with a gesture indicating who was being introduced to whom. A blond man, Warren guessed him to be a little taller than himself, with a hard, but handsome face, followed behind Jordan. “Director Thomas,” Jason said testily. “Jason,” he said with a nod. “I've got a operation scheduled in a few days. I'd like your help. We've uncovered a Nest. I've been authorized to take in a small force. I have discretion to augment my forces. I could use you, son.” “I am not your son. And maybe, Dan, I don't want to be used.” “I'll be going along, Jason,” Jordan said. “Enjoy your trip.” “You have a gift, Jason,” Sharon told him. “And maybe you need something to focus on beyond your troubleshooting trips.” Jason's eyes flashed in anger. “Well, let's just tell everyone that Jason's got a secret. I do not want to be used. I do not want to be chewed up, spit out, left blinded or otherwise crippled...” Sharon's hand flashed out and slapped him. Jason glared at her. “If you'll excuse me,” and he turned to go. “Jase? Maybe we can help. Between what you can do and what I can do...” Warren broke off when Jason turned to glare at him. “Maybe we can help.” “You know that database you didn't want to end up in?” Warren nodded. Jason pointed his finger at Dan Thomas like it was a gun. “He's the guy running it.” Warren looked at Dan, swallowed, and tried to smile.
  10. "Why play HERO?" Because the alternative is unthinkable.
  11. Does he do limited time travel? My impression, the way it was shown, it was only a long-term mental exercise for him, and they showed us how he saw it.
  12. Could be worse. Iron Man might end up with a nose on his helmet.
  13. SPD that you get from DEX is sufficient, IF that is the nature of the game that the GM wants to run.
  14. He had philosophical differences with it?
  15. Simon has said repeatedly that it is built to support RAW. Current version is geared towards 6th, but supports 5th.
  16. But alcohol makes one faster, smarter, and more attractive.
  17. Find a hex grid overlay. Then any map is ready for hexes.
  18. Greywind


    Kate wandered slowly down the hall from the bathroom into the bedroom she shared with Warren. Tousled and damp from the shower, she rubbed absentmindedly at her hair with a towel as she crossed the room. She hung the towel on the doorknob and stopped in front of the antique freestanding mirror. It had been the last gift her grandmother had given her before passing. Laughter drifted up the stairs. Leah, Dani, Warren, Ash, and Warren's mom. Aaron was quiet. Kate smiled to herself. She had always wanted a big family. Growing up Kate had always tried to fit in with a group to cover her loneliness. She had kept that up until college when she met Leah. The two of them had been assigned to the same dorm room as freshmen. Right away it was if she had found the sister she had never had. Leah's studies had been Pre-Law. Katie's studies tended to be a major in partying and a minor in hang-over recovery. Between part-time modeling, studies and other odd jobs, Leah had managed to graduate early. Kate all but dropped out after... Nope. Not going to think about it. Her partying had ended in a single night. She all but refused to leave the apartment unless someone she knew and trusted was with her. At the time that meant Leah, Jason, or Warren. Kate smiled again. I must have driven him crazy. Kate took in her reflection in the mirror and took off her robe. She turned to different angles and frowned. “Kate?” “In here, Warren.” She reached for her robe, but stopped herself. Warren was her husband. Let him see what his wife looked like now. She ran her hands over her sagging belly. She had often gone with Leah on modeling jobs, but never had the self-confidence to step in front of the camera. “Hey, whatcha doing?” Feeling depressed. “I took a shower. Aaron's got gramma and Aunts Leah, Dani and Ash to fuss over him. I thought I'd get a little 'me' time while I could.” Warren admired his nude wife. “Any time you need time for you, just let me know.” Kate nodded. She bit her lower lip to keep from frowning at her reflection. “Are you okay?” “Warren, am I pretty?” “No.” Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Warren stepped up behind her. With one hand he brushed the hair from the side of her neck, caressing her arm downward. With the other, he caressed her arm until his hand overlaid hers. He ran their hands together over her body while keeping his eyes on those of her reflection. “You're beautiful.” He kissed the side of her neck. “What's wrong?” Tears spilled. “I just... I don't feel like I'm me.” “Tell you what. I'll talk to mom and see if she's willing to watch Aaron for a few hours.” He started swaying behind her. “Then we can go up to Rosie's and dance. I missed you at the dinner party. Had to dance with Leah,” he joked. “Oh, like dancing with the goddess was a chore.” She turned to him with a laugh. Her eyes shone brightly with tears. Warren kissed her. “Oh, it was. Believe me.” He pulled her close, kissed her passionately, and whispered, “I only wanted to dance with you.” “You still love me?” Warren wiped tears from her face. “I never stopped. As soon as you're up to it, and the doctor clears you, I'll show you how much.” “You could have showered with me,” she said. Warren kissed her again. “Too much temptation to do something we don't know if we should be doing. Let me go talk to mom. Maybe manage some girl time for you, too.” He released Kate and headed out the door. “Warren?” she called. “Hmm?” When he turned back to her she said, “I love you.” “I love you, too, Katherine.”
  19. Greywind


    “Why did it have to be the basement?” Hellfire's voice came through the earpiece perfectly, even though she was sitting on a rooftop across the street. “What's the matter, T? Afraid you might run into a little spider?” “Nope. Just wishing I was upstairs instead of babysitting this crystal doohickey.” She pointed the beam of her flashlight at a tall crystal point sitting in the middle of a rune-marked circle. Five candles were lit and placed an equal distance around the circle. “Besides, the last time I ran into anything like a spider that made me feel even a little afraid, it was the size of a VW Beetle. You wouldn't have believed how long the legs were.” “Eww. No, T, just... no. Now I'm going to be having nightmares,” Hellfire said. Titania laughed. Flashing the light beam around, she asked, “What did Jason use this area for, anyways?” “Mostly for art supplies. Large rolls of canvas. Big buckets of gesso. Wood and frames to stretch canvas on. That sort of thing.” Something attached to the ceiling caught her eye. “That motherless son of a rat-bastard,” she said quietly. “What was that, T?” Hellfire asked. “What's this cable for?” “Which cable?” Titania tracked the cable in question. “It's white, maybe an off-white. About an inch, inch-and-a-half thick. Stamped with Jason's logo every foot or so.” The cable disappeared into the wall. “On a guess, that sounds like the fiber-optic cable. The juncture should be there where it switches to a standard cable and then goes up to the third floor inside the wall.” “What's it for?” Titania asked. “That's Mentor's tether to the tower. What you got, T?” Titania followed it to the opposite wall where it went into a utility cabinet. “Is this one solid cable from the loft to the tower?” “No. I think it's a two-piece. They join together in the sewer line somewhere between.” “Then there's no reason at all why there should be something attached to the cable down here, outside of this tin wall box?” “No. You got something.” “Yeah.”
  20. Steve Jackson Games has some two-sided maps; hex and square. Shopping mall, mad scientist's lab, etc.
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