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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. You wanna wrap electricity in electricity so that someone can carry it around?
  2. Champions III is from 1984. The Ultimate Base should be in the store.
  3. "Here we are, out in the middle of nowhere in a forest. And in this package I have received, there is a map of New York City."
  4. "Reason from Effect". Not "Reason with the GM's bias against certain builds". Keeping it simple is usually the best way to go about something.
  5. Absolutely. I look at it like Clark on Smallville. Running around so fast that nobody reacts to him, and yet, there is never any indication on anything of an object moving at a high rate of speed. Like papers flying everywhere due to the breeze/vacuum effect.
  6. I have no problem with it, depending on how the ability is explained. Tempest from Atari Force was capable of opening portals that he could reach through. Perfect for Does Not Cross Intervening Space on stretching.
  7. Ammo: * 16″ Penetration * Up to 6″ diameter spread * 96 gr projectile * 2″ grouping at 25 yrds * 1265 FPS / 490 Muzzle Energy * 9 Separate Wound Channels * Precision Machined * Solid Copper / Lead Free * Defeats all known barriers such as sheet metal, sheet rock, windshields, plywood, heavy winter clothing http://www.conservativeinfidel.com/2nd-amendment-2/new-ammunition-gun-owners-drooling/
  8. Greywind


    Marlene pulled herself from the tub and dried herself off. From a hook on the back of the door, she took down a long bathrobe and slipped it on. The candles in the bathroom went out. One by one, the candles along the floor led her to the stairs. She followed the flames like a moth. Upstairs, seeing the outfit laying on the bed, Marlene smiled and let the robe slip from her shoulders. She dressed quickly and applied a little makeup. She left her pendant out of her collar. Her fingers touched the amethyst star. “Can we, please?” she asked it. It faded from her view. “Thank you.” She found a pair of shoes that went with her outfit, stepped into them and headed for the stairs. Jason was waiting for her at the bottom, a look of surprise on his face. Marlene smiled. “You look like you've never seen a beautiful woman before,” she teased, taking her time descending the stairs. “I love this dress!” she told him. It was a mid-thigh, short sleeved, black cheongsam dress with a Mandarin collar. Across the front of it was cherry blossoms. The slits on either side were almost to her hips, revealing the tops of pink stockings with every step. “You realize that it is positively indecent and that I'll never really be able to wear it anywhere, don't you?” Jason smiled lovingly, nodded and held his hand out for her. She slipped her hand into his. “I should have realized you were up to something, with how clean the place is. Almost like you were expecting female company,” she teased. Marlene took the last step down and stood before him. “Now what?” The music changed and the volume rose a notch or two. Jason pulled Marlene close and they danced.
  9. Greywind


    Jason stood leaning back against his desk. He was nervous, like a kid out on his first date. Quiet classical music was playing. He checked his watch, realized what he was doing, and put his hand back down to grip the edge of his desk. He heard the elevator running, and after a few moments, heard the door open. He heard the quiet pace of Marlene's footfalls in hall, drawing nearer. He pulled himself upright off the desk. He looked around the loft one more time to see if there was something that he hadn't cleaned up. His eyes snapped back to the door when it slid wider. “Jason?” Marlene called. He stiffened. Angelique lay her hand on his arm. “She can neither see us nor hear us,” she said to Jason. “Just like I said.” He nodded in understanding. “Damn it. Captain Stone said you'd be free tonight,” he heard her say. “Jason? Are you there?” He saw her getting impatient. “Mentor?” Jason had ordered the AI to remain silent for the evening. “I guess it's show time,” Angelique said. She spoke quietly. Jason saw none of the outward signs that he was used to seeing when Angel cast a spell. The only effect was the rose he had fixed earlier, left on the island by Trese when she had fished it out of the trash, started to give off light. Marlene has started to turn back towards the door when the light caught her eye. Watching her bend at the knees to set her bags down, Jason was enamored simply in looking at Marlene. It was as if he were under a different, more powerful spell than the one Angelique had cast. Marlene hung her coat and walked slowly to the table. Jason saw a tear slide down her cheek to slip around her smile. Marlene was tentative about picking up the rose, as if she were afraid it might break. “Jason?” she called. His heart hammered in his chest. The first candle ignited, catching Marlene's attention. The second candle caught in Angelique's casting and lit. Marlene set the rose back on the table and followed the candles into the bathroom. Jason released a heavy breath that he hadn't realized he had been holding. “You realize that she will figure it out?” Angelique teased. “Maybe,” he said. “But I don't think she will tonight. Tonight all she is going to see is the magic.” He turned to Angel and smiled. “Are you okay doing this?” “Why wouldn't I be? She's...she's my friend. It hasn't been easy on her, knowing what you and I have shared, but she has made an effort where the others haven't. I just wish...” Angelique watched Marlene disappear into the bathroom. “Wish what?” he asked her gently. “I wish someday that someone will look at me the way you two look at each other.” She glanced up at him and then turned away. They heard Marlene laugh and then a splash of water. “Someday, Angel, you will. I meant are you okay doing this with the block in place?” Her golden hair tumbled about her shoulders when she nodded. “It's easy. I'm not feeling any drain, any stress about the block. I'll have to talk to Adalene about it.” She followed Jason into the kitchen area. He poured champagne into a flute and handed it to Angel. Then he poured another. He retrieved the rose from the dining table. He carried the flute and rose into the bathroom. Marlene was relaxing in the tub with her eyes closed. Jason cast a glance at Angel, who had followed. She nodded at him. He set the rose on the caddy and slid the caddy up towards the middle of the tub. Then he set the flute of champagne beside the rose. He righted himself and gazed down on Marlene's face. His fingers burned to touch her, caress her. He smiled and gathered up her clothes. Angel smiled at him as he passed her. They heard a splash of water and Marlene called out, “Now all I need is someone to slip in the tub with me!” Going past the stairs, Jason reached out and appeared a candle. He set that on a riser, then another candle on a different riser, until every other step had a candle. In the sleeping area, he hung Marlene's clothes on a rack for her. From the closet he pulled out a black skirt and a pink silk blouse. “Why those?” Angelique asked. He stopped and looked at the blouse draped across one arm while the other held the hanger. “This is what Trese said she had on when Shyft...” Anger flared. It wasn't what he wanted to think of tonight, but it was the fear that something might happen to Marlene that was a the core of Jason's denial of his feelings for her for so long. Angel canted her head and nodded. “I understand,” she said with a smile. “That was how she wanted you to see her and it wasn't you.” “Yeah,” he said quietly. He lay the clothes on their bed. “I need to check on dinner.” He made his way back down the stairs. Taking a drink from her flute, Angel watched him go. Once he was down the stairs she looked at Marlene's clothing Jason had laid out. Angel smiled. Chanting quietly, hand extended towards the blouse and skirt, violet light flared from her hand and outlined the clothing. The clothes writhed on the bed. When the movement ceased, she nodded in satisfaction at what she had wrought. She headed back down the stairs. Jason had several pots going on the stove. He would stir the contents of one and then move on to another. “I cast the counter spell in two parts. The first part is on the clothes on the bed. The second is on the threshold of your bedroom. When she changes and comes out, the veil will drop. After that,” she told him, “after that, it's all on you.” Jason nodded. “That smells good. What is it?” Smiling at her without looking at her, Jason continued dealing with his cooking. “Pepper steak. Steamed vegetables. Fried rice with pork and mushrooms. Peanut butter chicken. Won ton soup. Spring rolls.” Angel smiled. “Wouldn't it be easier to just order in?” she teased. Jason looked wounded. “And have my cooking skills get rusty? What are you planning on tonight?” “Like I said, I have a few things I want to talk to Adalene about. I was thinking that I would head to her place when I leave.” He caught her gaze and smiled. “You and Adalene seem to be getting along pretty well.” Angel gave a coy smile and shrugged. “What can I say? I've gone from maybe two to at least four. Look at Charley and Ash. They spend a lot of time together.” It was his turn to shrug. “Frenemies with a playful rivalry to full-blown friends. I can't say I'm disappointed or shocked there. I'm happy for you, Angel.” Jason pulled several disposable food containers out of a cupboard and began portioning out food. “Is Charley going to be with you?” “No. Just me and the Binder. Why?” “Just want to know how much to send with you. Seems feeding you is the least I can do,” he said. “Ah, the old 'here's some food, now get out' dismissal,” she said with a laugh. Jason laughed with her. “If it was any other night, Angel, I would invite you to stay, but there is a woman that I very much want to reacquaint myself with tonight.” Angel looked thoughtfully at him, and her eyes sparkled with humor. “If it were any other woman, I'd be tempted to take her place.” Jason bagged up the food containers he had filled. He picked up his phone and placed a call. “Still waiting, Al? Miss Darque would like a ride to Adalene Master's. After that the rest of the night is yours. Thanks, Al.” “And I get the limo?” Jason quirked another smile at her. “You've done enough. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself attempting to weave a gateway.” Angel dropped into a quick curtsy. “Why, thank you, Mister Scott,” she said with a Southern accent. “Whatevah would I do without you?” “Walk. Or call a cab, I suppose.” “Well, there is that,” she said as they walked to the door. Jason pulled the door open for Angelique. He caught her hand when she went by. “Thank you, Angel,” he said, kissing her knuckle. When she took her hand back, he handed her the bag of food. Angel reached up and caressed the side of his face. She pulled him down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Take care of her, Jason,” she said before letting him go. Jason watched her until she disappeared into the elevator.
  10. From reality: I have a color-cover 2nd that came out of a box.
  11. It wouldn't for long. They scheme against one-another just as much as against the rest of the world.
  12. eh, that was only the "Crap Factory" he did that with and Lionel shut him down anyways. I'd argue against Lex being a 20 STR. 15 maybe.
  13. Greywind


    Six days and two missed dates. Marlene looked up at the windows. The third floor hall lights were on, but the fourth floor windows were dark. She wasn't sure if that meant anything or not. The fourth floor was only a partial floor, large enough for one finished bedroom and an open area where Jason's sleeping area was located. Marlene pulled the collar of her coat close. Al escorted Marlene to the front door, keeping himself between her and the street. His attention drifted from one direction to the other, watching the sidewalks. Marlene pulled out her keys. On her first attempt at inserting the key into the lock, she dropped her keys. Barely a few inches below her hand, Al managed to catch them. Marlene turned to smile at him, but his attention was behind her. “Thank you, Al,” she said when he hand her keys back to her. “Ma'am,” was his reply with a nod of his head. Marlene slipped the key home and released the lock. “Are you alright, Miss Palmer?” “Kind of nervous. I don't really know why,” she said to him. “You want me to run a check inside?” Marlene shook her head. “No. I think we can trust Jason,” she told him with a smile. “It's just when I left here, the last time I saw Jason I wasn't seeing Jason. You know what I mean?” “Yes, Ma'am. Are you sure you don't want me to check?” he asked again. “Thank you, Al. I think I'll be alright. Good night.” Marlene passed through the door, leaving Al outside. Inside, Marlene walked to the elevator and pressed the call button. The doors opened immediately. She rode it in silence to the third floor. When the door opened, Marlene walked at a slow pace. Butterflies in her stomach made her cautious, but why, she couldn't really explain to herself. Quiet music came down the hall. The steel door to the loft was ajar. Marlene gave it a curious glance. She slid it open enough to allow herself entry. The loft was dark. “Jason?” she called out quietly. After a few moments without answer, she said to herself, “Damn it. Captain Stone said you'd be free tonight.” The butterflies edged their way closer to being a case of nerves. “Jason? Are you here?” she called out a little louder. Still there was no answer. “Mentor?” Even the AI refused to answer her. Marlene was about to turn and leave when something started glowing on the dining table. She cocked her head to the side, her curiosity quelling her nerves. She set her belongings inside the door and pulled it all the way closed. She pulled her coat off and hung it from a peg on the back of the door. Her eyes never left the glowing light. She walked slowly to the table. There before her was a spun glass rose. She thought it might have been what the one she had thrown in the trash the week before might have looked like whole. She smiled. She felt a tear slip down her cheek. She slowly reached for the rose, but stopped herself. Marlene realized that there was no light source. The rose was glowing on its own. She picked it up and marveled at the simple beauty of it. “Jason?” she called again. A flame flaring off to the side caught her attention. A small candle, set on the floor was alight. She was looking at that curiously when a second one lit. She set the rose lightly back on the table and started walking towards the candles. A third one blazed. She realized that they were leading her towards the bathroom. She followed. When she entered the bathroom, candles surrounding the tub, already filled with water and bubbles, came to light. Marlene laughed. “I guess I'm supposed to get in?” There was no answer. “Okay then.” She started removing her clothes. She couldn't help herself, but laugh. Naked, she slipped into the water. The temperature was to her preference. She sighed, feeling some of her tensions easing. She closed her eyes for a moment. Something caught her notice. When she opened her eyes, the caddy had moved closer from the end of the tub. Laying on it was the spun glass rose. Beside that was a champagne flute filled with bubbly. “Now all I need is someone to slip in the tub with me,” she called out towards the door. She noticed that her clothes were no longer in sight. “Okay then,” she said quietly and settled back into the water.
  14. Because as the GM, it is my responsibility to challenge the players. I am not saying violate the rules. I am saying that if I have a group of 5 characters to deal with, then when they run into one character that is capable handing them their collective ass if they aren't careful, why would the group of characters need to be built that way? If the builds can be done (legally, if questionably) why should the players be able to use it? There's the whole "build to concept" aspect where doing things in a violent, blood-thirsty manner isn't acceptable for the players from the GM's perspective, who tends to insist that the players play heroes.
  15. Actually, you can. GM's prerogative and/or plot device/necessity.
  16. As a GM, I often build things that I would never allow the players to use.
  17. Prof. X has a stated problem trying to read the mind of Carol Danvers. This is due to the mix of Human/Kree in her make-up since her exposure to the Psyche-Magnetron. I don't recall him having a problem reading the mind of a pure Kree.
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