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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. I'm not entirely sure her costume ever really did fit. She seemed to keep busting out in the middle of her chest.
  2. Within Robert Asprin's Myth Adventures, a "demon" is merely a dimension traveler. Any creature outside its home dimension is a demon.
  3. Greywind


    After the call disconnected, Ash sat lost in thought, chin resting on knuckles. Leah gave her a few moments before she walked in. “How is she?” “Kris?” Ash swung her chair about to face Leah. “She's fine. Jason did his paladin thing, laid on his hands and accepted her wounds unto himself.” “So what was it?” “Cheapshot.” Leah looked down at the floor. “Which leads directly back to Ste...Bauer.” Ash nodded. “That's Jason's train of thought. Only thing is, Kris wasn't supposed to be there with him. Theresa was.” Leah shook her head. “You okay?” “I'm just thinking of all the damage that this...rivalry, I guess, between Jason and Bauer is wracking up. Jessica, the attempt on Kate, the research facility and all those people.” A click of her nails sent sparks flying. “Marlene,” she added quietly. She popped her head up to look at Ash. “How is he?” “From the sounds of it, fraying around the edges,” Ash told her. “I told Kris about you wanting to go out. She said she'd ask him next time he wakes up.” Ash cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you want to go out there?” Leah bit her lower lip. Her lips tightened in a line before she nodded her head. “Alright. Mentor, release all files locked under 'Jason is batshit'. My authorization and prepare the presentation for Leah.” Ash slowly got to her feet. “It runs for just under three hours, Leah. When you get hungry...” “Call for food?” Leah teased. “Actually, I was going to tell you that you know where the kitchen is.”
  4. Japan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oni
  5. Nothing wrong with Stevie Loreena was the second vid.
  6. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/daemon?s=t
  7. Widow was always relevant. Didn't you see her take down Happy?
  8. And/or the players are generally comfortable with their characters and not in competition with each other.
  9. Simple answer: don't use them. They are not, never have been required. The points garnered from them are a bonus for giving the GM a place to start interactions with/for the character. Nothing more. Nothing less. I posit the "imbalance" is purely a mental one. "Why can he do more than I?" "Uh, because you chose not to avail yourself, or me, to those bonus points from Disads/Complications." Suck it up, Buttercup.
  10. When was it ever said or implied that a 10-point Disad/Complication was equal to a 10-point power? And why should they be? In most instances the Disad/Complication is a character problem that, during the course of the game, the player wishes to deal with. Powers will come up quite regularly by comparison. A player/character will get far more usage out of a 10-point power than time spent dealing with that 10-point Disad/Complication. The relative worth of the Disads/Complication is usually in the role-playing aspect whereas powers fall under the roll-playing aspect.
  11. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Duck Dogers in the 24 1/2 Century
  12. Increased DCV. If it is enough to make the attack miss, you teleported out of the path of the attack without moving from your general location.
  13. I disagree with Rogue's "only natural powers". She has absorbed Juggernaut's powers in the past and there is nothing natural about him.
  14. After watching 5 season of Fringe, that has a totally different meaning to me now.
  15. The cost of Overall Skill levels went up in 6th?
  16. I vaguely recall a rule for incidental damage if your attack missed. I think it was in an AC.
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