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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. You looking to commission or looking for freebies? If you're looking to commission, there's Storn, troll deviantArt for artists, etc...
  2. They don't "have to". They could always track down the one they already had.
  3. Well, they started out with Red Sonja in a scale mail bikini...
  4. If it is for minions/teammates, build them a piece of equipment that neutralizes the character's power effect on them. Dark-O makes darkness. Equip the rest with goggles that only pierces Dark-o's darkness.
  5. That's how I'd do it for Paranoia Hero.
  6. She can also turn invisible things visible.
  7. http://wildcards.wikia.com/wiki/Puppetman
  8. There's the one's that work out for Viper, the one's that die, and the few remaining that escape and become heroes.
  9. Greywind


    No, but necessary tends to be necessary.
  10. Depends on the campaign he is in and the stats of everyone else in the world.
  11. Greywind


    Looks like your formatting imploded.
  12. The plan is to go into more detail with Warren's accident in flashback when he explains to Jason.
  13. It was a little more than an hour later when Warren watched from the barn as his family and Jason stepped out on the porch. He couldn't hear what was being said, so he started walking towards the house. His father put his hand out to the younger man. “You remind me of your grandfather,” Ben said. Shaking hands with the farmer, Jason said, “I hope that's in a good way, sir.” “It is.” “Thank you, sir. I'll be in touch.” Jason turned and Warren glared up at him. “Mr. Asher,” Jason said stepping from the porch. They all watched as Jason got into his car and drove off. “Why was that man sad?” Jennie asked, one arm wrapped around her mother's leg. “So what happens now?” Warren asked his father. Ben looked at his son. “He wants to know if there were any accidents.” “And?” “What do you expect, boy? I didn't tell him about your bath and that freak accident with the lightning on top of it! I told him we lost five head and we were waiting on the vet's report to find out why. The EPA already has that acreage fenced off and our herd in quarantine. That man made some promises...” “Guys in suits always make promises. The farmers always get the bad end of the deal,” Ben was exasperated. “Warren, if that man is anything like his grandfather, he'll keep his word. Until I have reason to doubt him I'll trust him to keep it.”
  14. Greywind


    Jason turned the corner and stepped off the landing, taking the last few stairs to the main hall. Sharon, wearing a leotard that left very little of her figure to the imagination, came out of the kitchen. “Sharon,” Jason said quietly. She turned towards him. Jason tried to smile at her, fully aware that she couldn't see his expression. “I looked for you last night.” “Our planning session went late. Dan Thomas has a relatively narrow window of operation.” She pulled her hair back and put it up in loose ponytail. “What did you want to see me about?” “I wanted to apologize for what I said yesterday about you being crippled. I'm sorry.” “Jason, you know that Dan Thomas was not responsible for what happened to me. Someone else was. With your abilities, I don't see it ever being an issue for you.” Sharon turned in the direction she had been headed when Jason called to her. “Dan is not a bad man. He's in a difficult position, doing a thankless job. Sometimes he needs help.” “And the first time I agree to do his dirty work it opens the door for the next time. You say he's not a bad man. That doesn't necessarily entail that he's a good man, either.” Sharon canted her head as if looking at Jason from the corner of her eye. “Sometimes there is a thing as necessary evil. 'When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.'1” “'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.' Also attributed to Burke. I don't know, Sharon. It just... it rubs me the wrong way, I guess.” “Tell you what. I was going to do some katas, but how about we spar a few rounds? Say best two out of three. If I win, you sit in on our planning meeting today and listen to what Dan has to say.” “And if I win?” Sharon smiled. “You come up with something and let me know what it is. If you win.” Jason stared at her for a long moment. “I'll need to change.” 1Edmund Burke
  15. Superman follows the laws of the land. Society deems someone to die, then society is responsible. He'd prefer not to have to be the one that had to make that decision and carry it out. Batman, likewise. He doesn't want to cross that line, because once he does there is no going back.
  16. What I meant by being a conservative of the American Dream, Steve believes in the dream and he believes it applies to all people. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is for everyone. Not certain groups over the others.
  17. He's more of a conservative of the American Dream.
  18. "Realism"? How long did it take you the last time you were resurrected?
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