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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. "I hope you didn't kill him. If he survives, we can interrogate him."
  2. Technically, Cassandra's build means that the character is delusional.
  3. Greywind


    Leah stood in the hallway, hidden in shadows, watching Jason poke at the fire through the screen hanging around the central fireplace. He had spread a duvet or comforter on the floor and was kneeling on it. He settled a couple of logs on the embers. He was only wearing a pair of shorts. The muscles in his chest and arms were enticing to her in the firelight. He drew the screen closed and sat back against a sofa. Jason picked up a coffee mug and took a sip. Near at hand on a low table was a glass of white wine. Leah smiled and stepped into room. Without looking at her, Jason said, “I'm sorry.” “How is she?” “Sick.” Leah shrugged. “Then we leave tomorrow and take her to a hospital.” “A hospital can't help her.” He looked up at her. Leah had opted to wear socks that came up to mid-thigh and a long t-shirt. “I'm sorry,” he said again. Leah shrugged again. “It's more than I had been expecting to wear. I guess you'll have to wait to see the new stuff,” she said, stepping on the blanket. “I assume this is for me,” she indicated the wine glass. She sat down between Jason's legs and leaned back into him. “Why do you say that a hospital can't help her?” Slipping an arm around her, Jason buried his face in her damp hair taking in the aroma of the shampoo that she liked so much, and her. “What was it like for you?” he asked quietly. She closed her eyes, enjoying the closeness. “What was what like?” “When you realized.” Leah leaned her head to the side. Jason kissed her gently behind the ear and softly down her neck. Leah moaned. “Stop that. I already want you. When it started it was weird. The lights would flicker and die. The kitchen appliances had...issues, I guess. My dad went nuts because the circuit breakers would keep popping. That was...the week or the week before that I manifested. He thought that the wiring in the whole house was bad. Mom thought we had a poltergeist,” she said with a quiet laugh. “Then I got really sick for about three days. After that I was fine.” She turned sideways to better face him, pulling her legs up under her. “Are you saying that our guest is realizing?” “When I went up and checked on her, her eyes were partially open. They were giving off a pretty shade of purple. Yeah, I think she's realizing. I think she's going through the sickness of her body changing.” Jason slipped his other arm about her and rested his chin on her head. “And I think she's fighting it.” “What was it like for you?” she asked. Jason shrugged. “Born this way. If I suffered it, it was before I was born.” “Lucky you,” she teased.
  4. Yeah, but Terminus is actually a midget.
  5. Isn't Terminus an alien version of Red Ronin?
  6. So you know who the next Flash will be after Barry Allen?
  7. http://www.anyclip.com/movies/batman-forever/a-partnership-is-born/#!quotes/
  8. It does, to an extent, but look at this way, as a Skill and requiring a roll, there is always a chance that the character will flub it up under pressure. I've seen Lip Reading used. In a game, in a movie, in a TV show. Same with ventriloquism. And Hero seeks to emulate cinematic.
  9. Critical failures can define characters by how they come back from them.
  10. http://geektyrant.com/news/incredible-combinations-of-marvel-and-dc-heroes
  11. 128 clips x 36 charges per clip = 4608 shots
  12. I'd say more like the Punisher.
  13. Welll, you'll certainly never run out of shots...
  14. Marvel worked on the premise of "the world outside the window". Marvel's windows happen to look out on New York.
  15. Not to mention that Darren blew up Detroit to make room for Millennium City.
  16. I thought Cryptic bought it and HeroDOJ has the license for the PnP?
  17. Put the charges on the pool instead of the slots if the gun only handles 6 rounds. The way you have it, each slot has 6 rounds.
  18. So the water pit follows the character around until he's ready to open it?
  19. Greywind


    Theresa The hum and vibration of the tires on the asphalt soothed her. Music played so quietly she could barely make out the song. The aroma of fresh coffee permeated the interior of the Range Rover. It was obvious to her that morning had come, even with her eyes closed. The warmness of the sun caressed her face. The warmth of the hand resting on her thigh made her smile. Turning her head to the left, Leah squinted against the early morning light. “What time is it?” Jason gave her leg a light squeeze. “A little after nine.” Shading her eyes with her hand, Leah ventured a glance out the window. “Where are we?” “Less than two hours out,” he said. Leah lay back against her seat and looked at him. “You didn't have to drive all night. I could have taken a turn.” “You've been running your ass off getting ready for your two weeks in Europe. You were exhausted. You didn't even twitch when I stopped for food.” “Speaking of which...” She reached for the cup resting in the holder. “Hey, it's empty,” she said with a pout. She put the cup back in the holder. Jason glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and cast a smile at her. He took his hand off her leg and turned it over. With a crimson flash a carrier with a large coffee cup locked into it and a bag advertising some relatively local bakery resting beside the cup appeared on his hand. Leah took the carrier and set it on her lap. The cup came free and she cracked open the drinking hole. She closed her eyes and smiled when the smell of hot coffee assailed her nose. “Hmm, premixed,” she said after taking a drink. “I think I'll keep you. You're mostly trained,” she teased. The cup went into the holder next to Jason's empty one. She tossed the carrier over her shoulder into the back seat. With a rustle of paper she opened the bag. “Fresh bagels! Where's the cream cheese?” “In the cooler,” he told her. She turned to rummage through the cooler on the floor behind the driver's seat. Turning back with the packets in hand, she saw Jason flexing his hand. Her voice was serious. “Are you alright? Siobhan said you shouldn't be using until you're fully healed. I didn't think about it when you pulled the bag out.” “I don't plan on letting White Tiger use me as a sheath for his sword again any time soon,” he told her. “I'll be okay. The body is healed. If I don't try, then I won't know how far along the rest of me is coming.” Leah slathered cream cheese on one half of a bagel. “You scared the crap out of Katie coming through that window.” Jason ran his hand down Leah's thigh and gave her another squeeze. “At least I was able to find your apartment.” “Dan was able to get the damage fixed quickly. What was Warren planning?” He checked the mirror on the driver's side. “Warren wanted to use the loft. Wanted a weekend with Katie without the girls around. Getting her out of your apartment for a few days.” “That'll go over well. What are they going to do for food? Order pizza?” “That works for us,” he teased. “Sometimes. You can cook. That keeps me out of the kitchen. You don't think I agreed to start dating you because of your rugged good looks and your million dollar bank account, do you?” she teased back. Ignoring the jab, he said, “I made some bare bones stuff and left some instructions for them on what to do with it. How much skiing do you think we'll get in today?” Leah smirked at him. “Who said anything about skiing? I was thinking a long weekend away from New York and California. No business. No Charles. No Beth. No Marlene. No Kris. And no Ash. Just you and me in a quiet, secluded place. “The only strenuous activities I was envisioning involves little or no clothing. In fact, once we get there, we may not come out until you have to get me to the airport so I can catch my flight.” “Uh huh,” he said. “We could have just gotten a hotel room.” “Pfft. No romance. Tawdry cheap motel room. I like going up to your cabin. It'll be worth it. I got some new lingerie,” she said rubbing her hand on his leg. They slipped into silence while Leah ate. After a while, bagels in her belly and the bag joining the carrier in the back, Leah stretched out her legs, coffee cup held in both hands. “We're going to need to stop.” “Okay. There's a place up ahead. Not too far.” “Where are my boots?” she asked. Reaching behind her seat, Jason pulled out her footwear. Leah slotted her cup and took them from him. She began to put them on. “Can you reach my coat?” “Once I've got the car stopped. I figure I'll top the tank off while you check the munchies racks.” Leah stopped and cocked her head at him. “It isn't the munchies rack I was thinking of that I need. That was a large coffee. It is now empty. Which means I'm not.” “So you just need to make room for the next cup?” She pulled the zipper up on her boot. “Something like that. I don't know why I put up with you sometimes.” Jason smirked. “That's an easy one to answer. Most guys couldn't handle you.” “What? Are you saying I'm high maintenance or something?” “You? High maintenance? Perish the thought. You ever stick your tongue on a 9-volt battery?” Leah pushed her foot down and pulled the other boot's zipper. “That's a boy thing. I've never heard of any girl doing that. Besides the only thing that would do is drain the battery.” Gravel crunched under the Range Rover's tires when Jason pulled off into a small convenience store. The car rolled up next to an island. Jason cut the engine and sat and looked at Leah. “What?” she asked quietly. Jason leaned over and reached behind her seat. “What?” she asked, barely a whisper. Jason caressed the side of her face before slipping his fingers in her hair and pulling her close to kiss. When she broke the kiss, Leah rested her forehead against his chin. “Hmm. I need my coat.” Jason sat back and handed her her coat. Jason collected the carrier and bag before stepping from the vehicle. He tossed those in a trash barrel and set to filling the gas tank. Leah came around the back. “So what does a battery have to do with me?” He smiled at her. “Kissing you, especially when you're excited, is a lot like putting your tongue on the battery. There's a little charge to it.” “So?” “So when I'm...plugged in at both ends, the charge runs a little bit higher.” Leah pulled the sunglasses down that she had put on before getting out, so that she was looking at Jason over the frame for a long moment. “Oh,” she said with a slight blush before grinning at him. She waited a little impatiently, watching the occasional car or truck drive by on the highway or looking around her current surroundings. “That's different,” she said. “What is?” Jason asked her, putting the nozzle back in its cradle. “You've got your little convenience store here with the gas pumps attached to a bar?” She looked at Jason. “A restaurant I can understand. A bar? 'Oh, I'm gonna fill up my tank and then go get tanked.'” Jason chuckled and Leah slipped her hand into his. “This is an older highway,” he explained as they walked. “It doesn't see the amount of traffic that the interstates do. I think this place used to be diner or a restaurant back in the day.” He pulled open the door to the convenience store. “After you.” Leah slipped inside and gravitated to the munchies rack, picking up a bag of vinegar and salt chips, then moving on to the magazine rack. Jason nodded to the scruffy looking guy behind the counter before following in Leah's wake. “Meh,” Leah said. “Trucker magazines. Car magazines. Tattoo magazines. Gun magazines. I'm surprised there's no porn magazines.” “Top rack,” the cashier called out. “Gotta keep 'em out of sight, but available.” Leah glanced at him. “Thanks.” She pulled out what few glamor magazines were in stock. “Well, there's two that I don't have.” “Work related.” She smiled at Jason. “Well, yeah.” Leah handed the chips and magazines to Jason and headed over to the coffee machine. She pulled out a large cup. “You want?” she asked Jason. “No. I'm good until.” Walking toward the cashier, Leah paused at the munchies rack again. “Ooh, snow balls.” “What happened to your diet?” Jason asked in all seriousness. Leah turned to him with a pout. “Pwease?” “Two of them won't keep you out of a corset.” “Okay,” she said with a laugh. She took two packs off the shelf and added them to the bundle in Jason's hands. He gave her a questioning look. “You said two.” “That wasn't what I meant.” “I know,” she said smiling. Jason set their things on the counter and the clerk began ringing them up. “Do you have a ladies room?” “It's in the bar,” the clerk said with a shrug. “The bar is closed until eleven. That'll be forty-four fifty-eight.” Jason pulled forty-five dollars from his wallet and handed it to the clerk. There was a muffled scream from a dark hall. Jason turned. “What's back there?” “That leads to the bar,” the clerk answered nervously. Leah raised an eyebrow at the clerk and then gave Jason a questioning look. Jason headed towards the hall. “You can't go back there. The bar is closed.” Jason shot a menacing glare at the clerk and headed down the hall with Leah following. They heard a plaintive “please!” muffled by a closed door and the sound of several people laughing. Jason pushed on the door. It swung inward easily. The crack of pool balls sounded. A long bar with stools ran along the back wall. Tables that would seat six easily were spread around the floor. Two pool tables took up space near a jukebox. A couple of pinball machines lined one wall, standing back to back, bells and whistles adding to the sounds.. Around the bar men and women, a biker gang from the looks, stood. Some in a group around someone on the floor. Leah settled nonchalantly beside the door with her coffee cup. Jason walked slowly with a confident grace. Combat-honed senses gave him the impression where everyone was, even as he stepped past them. “You read in the news how biker gangs aren't really bad people. I guess they weren't talking about you lot.” “Please,” sobbed a girl at the center of the group, laying on the floor. “Who the hell are you?” one of the men growled. Jason shrugged. “A concerned bystander.” Movement behind him caused Jason to spin. He caught the wrist of the arm swinging a whiskey bottle at his head. A twist of his hand brought a yelp of pain. With his other hand he caught the biker's shoulder and slammed him face-down on a table. “Now this is where you show me that you can make an intelligent decision.” “What?” came out of the man's mouth strained with pain. “Well, you can drop the bottle or I can rip your arm off.” The glass clattered against the floor. “Smart move.” Jason lifted the man by his collar only to slam him back into the table. The man slid to the floor when Jason released him. Jason moved forward as if he had not been interrupted. The girl, a teenager, looked to be in a sorry state. Her face was grimy and streaked with tears. Her red hair looked like it hadn't been washed in more than a few days. One pant leg had been torn or cut to reveal her leg. A t-shirt showing the logo of a band Jason had never heard of, was similarly cut or torn to reveal her bra. Jason breached the circle. “Are you all right, miss?” he asked holding out his hand to her. She reached out tentatively, slipping her fingers into his. He pulled her gently to her feet. “Whadda you think...” started a man brandishing a knife. Jason assumed he was responsible for the state of the girl's clothes. Without jarring the girl, Jason kicked the guy in the chest hard enough for him to slam into the bar. Stunned by the sudden violence, no one moved. Jason slipped his coat off and draped it over the girl's shoulders. “Take her outside.” Leah nodded. “Come on,” she said with a smile. The girl stepped towards Leah and looked back over her shoulder at Jason. With a smile he nodded at her. “Go on. You're safe.” “My bag!” She dashed to a booth where a backpack rested. Its contents spread haphazardly across the table. She stuffed everything back in as fast as she could. “You've got some nerve!” Jason shrugged and rolled his neck and shoulders. “Take her out.” “Don't be long,” Leah said with an amused smile. The two women disappeared through the door. “What are you? Her guardian angel?” “Angel? No.” Jason turned and looked at the speaker over his shoulder. “Just a Guardian,” he said with a malicious grin. He exploded into motion.
  20. I don't see the point in building the power when the rules give you the effect. You aren't changing the environment. It already is water. What you are doing is moving the floor with the hopes that the characters will fall in.
  21. If you're putting them some where like photobucket you can use the image tag. It should post on the board at the same scale as the source image.
  22. Are you doing them as attachments or do you have them someplace like photobucket and posting them as an image?
  23. HOLDING BREATH AND DROWNING A character who holds his breath does not get to Recover, even on Post-Segment 12. He also expends a minimum of 1 END per Phase. He may lower his SPD to 2 (see page 357) to reduce the amount of END he uses. A character who runs out of END while not breathing expends STUN as END (see page 425). A character who runs out of STUN then loses BODY, drowning at -1 BODY/Phase. All characters drown at a minimum SPD of 2; so even a SPD 1 character must expend 2 END per Turn. (Low SPD individuals react more slowly, but they still have to breathe!)
  24. Greywind


    Thanks, Frank. I've had some people say that when they found out Mentor was a male gestalt it was rather jarring because they read him as a her.
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