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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    Leah led the girl out into the convenience store moments before the sound of the first body hitting the floor was heard. The clerk was nowhere to be seen. Through the window she saw a beat up sports car tear out of the parking lot, snow and ice flying out from under the tires in its hurry to be gone. She grabbed the bag off the counter as she went by. She opened the back door to the Range Rover. “Go on. Get in,” she prompted the girl. The girl was nervous. Her eyes darted everywhere. “It's okay. Really. I won't let anyone hurt you,” Leah said gently. The girl seemed to relax a bit and tossed her backpack into the Rover, climbing in after it. Leah closed the door and went around to the other side and climbed in the driver's seat. She cranked over the engine. “That'll help keep us warm.” Turning to face the red haired girl with a smile, she asked, “What's your name? I'm...” “Leah Capwell,” the girl interrupted. “You're a fashion model.” “Only part of the time. Mostly I do legal research for a law firm in New York. My boyfriend is...” “Jason Scott. Industrialist, philanthropist, and millionaire.” Leah raised an eyebrow at the girl. She looked down sheepishly. “I read. A lot.” “So, what's your name?” “Trese. Theresa Gardner,” she said quietly. Leah cast a glance towards the building. “Can I ask you something, Theresa?” Theresa shrugged her shoulders without looking up. “What were you doing in there?” “I was cold and hungry. The guy behind the counter, he said that I could get warm and that I would get something to eat. I didn't do anything wrong!” “I just bet he did,” Leah said under her breath. She smiled at Theresa. “I didn't say you did. We've got the engine running, so you'll be warm. If you're hungry, there's some food in the cooler here.” Her hand fell behind the seat where she tapped on the side of the cooler. “Help yourself.” Theresa's eyes darted to the cooler, but she kept her hands still. “Go ahead, Theresa. There's nothing in there that'll bite you.” Cautiously, Theresa reached for the lid of the cooler. She pulled out a thick sandwich. “Is this one okay?” Leah turned so that she could get a better look. “That's fine, Theresa,” she said gently. “I told you to help yourself.” Theresa quickly opened the sandwich and took a bite. Leah tapped her finger against the steering wheel.
  2. Wow. The GM is out to get 3 of them.
  3. Wait until Hyper checks in and explains his reasoning.
  4. Yes. 2m whether from side to side or center to center of another hex.
  5. And you've got an entire board of members here that are more than happy to help your understanding.
  6. Draw your maps as if they are real buildings. When you are done, lay a clear hex mat on top of it. Instant no-headache.
  7. Why do people that can't swim insist on jumping into the deep end of the pool? Simple characters are easy to build. Yes? More complex characters, like an honest Superman or Rogue, require a lot of points because of how powerful and versatile they are. Neither one of those should be considered a beginning character. A character like Rogue will always be easier to use in written media than in a game. The character will always require GM mediation because of how her powers work. The way the system works, and has worked, Rogue had a Radiation Accident when she absorbed Ms. Marvel. Radiation Accident: save up 50 XP and rewrite your character.
  8. If the power construct can be built with the tools at hand, with examples given, why does a totally new power need to be made to accommodate?
  9. Take everything that he gets from the computer link and put a -0 / -1/4 Limitation on it that it is susceptible to EMP effects and call it good. The GM decides what falls under the EMP effects.
  10. I'm not seeing either as particularly difficult. Just a matter of limitations and complications.
  11. And how many of those instances were plot points? You know, those little stickler points that a writer throws in to tell the story that he wants to tell?
  12. I'm not sure Reality Storm ever was a PDF.
  13. With GoO gone, it may not be available.
  14. Because the council hasn't assigned any heroes to it yet.
  15. I'd like to point out with all the problems the board (and by extension Dan Simon, since it's his server from what I understand) that Dan was busy trying to keep the board alive. At any point in time, and from some of the responses he got in posts about those problems, he could have decided that the board wasn't worth his time and effort and just let it die, leaving the site purely as the Hero Games information and store site. Any responses from Dan, whether here, about the HD package, whatever, are on his time. Not the company's. If you don't like his answers, don't ask him questions.
  16. If you know your players are going to do that, set your standards lower. If you want a max of 8, tell them a max of 5 or 6.
  17. Even aluminum bats need replacing from time to time.
  18. As Cassandra likes to point out, villains never fight fair. There are some villains that the heroes tend to spoil their plans rather than beat conclusively. Personally, I've never used Dr. Destroyer. Or Menton for that matter. I use the character compendiums as ideas for my own characters, or in a pinch, if I like the character, I'll throw them in.
  19. If you take a Hunted you don't feel a sense of rivalry when that Hunted puts in an appearance? You take the complications just to make the character more mechanically powerful? I've never seen players require a reason to get their characters to do some really cool actions. We had one character that would always do an acrobatics check before doing something. He ended up with the catch-phrase of "...And look cool doing it." And it worked really well. And one of the funniest moments with that character was when this Acro check critically failed. Flubbed flip, which led to him not getting his attack in, which led to another character telling him that "he looked cool doing it." The incentive is the game and group experience. A player shouldn't fall behind the curve simply because s/he chose not to take Complications. At this point, I see what you're suggesting as a way to deliberately be unfair towards that player. They shouldn't be docked XP for playing just as much and just as well as everyone else. The only thing that they are really lacking without Complications are the means to have a story that centers around them. Why buy off the Complications? Granted the means are already there; spend XP, reduce or eliminate the points in the Complication. Rather, over the course of the game, have some of the Complications change to something else to reflect changes in the character. This is covered in a lot of materials for Hero. The Ninja is Hunted by another Clan/horde of weaker ninjas. As the game progresses, that horde changes to "a lot", to "some", to "a few". The points don't change in the Complication, but the other ninjas grow in power and skill in their own right. I had one character running around in my world that had a nemesis. Every time they ran into each other, a pretty epic brawl broke out, but for one reason or another, neither one was able to get a decisive victory that would lead to either prison for the villain or death for the hero. When if finally happened and the hero beat the villain, it was in a bathroom. If you've seen Casino Royale, it actually ended up a lot like that. Only the hero also succumbed to his wounds and another character took credit for defeating the nemesis.
  20. At least that means the Legion has no end of recruits.
  21. Disads/Complications help during character creation to flesh out the back story of the character. Why is X after our hero? Why does our hero a hang-up about such-and-such behavior? This helps the player and the GM figure out where the character fits in the world. Why give one character bonus XP because something that he created comes up when it affects the entire group? One of the things that drew me in to the Hero System was that everything was defined for the character. There was no playing fast and loose with the character's abilities or powers. Like I said earlier, if I wanted simple in builds I'd be still playing V&V or looking at M&M.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfCeG0WmEfk
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