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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Apparently the Batman/Nike connection isn't such a stretch. That's from Burton's Bat-suit.
  2. Yeah, which is why Wonder Woman is regularly shown to carry a sword and be somewhat bloodthirsty of late. Hawkman took the Monocle's arm off with an axe. Not exactly CvK material.
  3. You have to pay points because in effect you're using a power to give them a defense.
  4. Not if you're playing in a game where killing regularly is acceptable.
  5. Having a big ego is not the same has having a high EGO stat.
  6. http://geektyrant.com/news/2013/3/11/popular-superheroes-get-corporate-sponsor-makeovers-art-seri.html
  7. Greywind


    A curl of cedar peeled up from the blade of the hand plane. Warren blew it loose and gauged the edge of the board with eyes and fingers. He didn't see any of his penciled line and, while it might need a few passes with sandpaper in places, it had a smooth edge. “How are you doing over there?” he called to his companion. Jason adjusted the light shining on the board he had been drawing on and made a few more marks with a pencil. He canted his neck until it popped and stretched his arms and back. “One large rose drawn on a hardwood board. Per your request.” Warren stepped up behind Jason and took in the image of the rose. His fingers moved across the board, getting a feel for the wood. “I like the border you drew for it. It'll be difficult to carve out, but I like it. I'm sure Leah will love it when she gets the chest.” Thorny braided vines encircled the rose Jason had drawn. “What are you going to do? Cameo or intaglio?” Jason asked. “Hmm. I hadn't really thought about it yet. What do you think?” Jason lifted the board and looked at the drawing from an angle. He laid the board back under the light. “Well, if you do it intaglio, be gentle with the edges of the petals. Go for more depth around the center.” Warren rubbed his chin. “What if we do it cameo?” “Two options. First you carve out the from the border.” His finger drew a circle following the border without touching the board. “And then you decide how thick you want the top to be, and take all the excess wood off the board that isn't part of the design.” “What's the second option?” Jason gave Warren an amused look. “Carve up another piece of wood. Something that will contrast with this,” he indicated the board. “Carve out the design and border and mount them on this.” Warren gave it some thought. “I'll have to think about it. What about the next design?” “What next design?” Jason asked with some confusion. “Well,” Warren said, “Christmas is coming and I was thinking, since we're already making one, we might as well go ahead and make one for each.” “'We'?” Warren smiled. “Well, yeah. Since I've already got you involved.” Jason sighed. “How many are you thinking of making?” “Leah, Kris, Kari, Trese, Ash, Dani, Lisa, Jenny, Addie. Maybe Charley.” Warren paused and gauged Jason's reaction. “Maybe Angelique. Marlene.” The pencil in Jason's hand snapped. Warren sighed. “She's still not talking to you?” “We talk,” Jason said quietly. “We talk about business. Once the business is done, we don't talk. Do you have any idea what it's like when the push of a button sounds like the slamming of a phone?” “Did she say why?” Jason dropped the bits of pencil into his case and fished out another. “She said she needed to regain her equilibrium. She wants time and she wants space.” He flipped open his sketchbook and let his fingers go where they would. “And you've given her both?” Jason didn't immediately answer. “Jase?” Jason pressed two fingers against his temple and watched the basic form appear on the paper. “As much as I don't want to. I've stayed in New York. Any meetings that require both of us present are telecoms.” Warren glanced at the sketch over Jason's shoulder. He could tell by the shape that Jason was sketching someone's eyes. With where Jason's mind was, he didn't doubt that it was another sketch of Marlene. “You know, Jason, there was a time that we used to talk. About anything and everything when something bothered one of us.” Warren released the piece of cedar from the clamp that held it and stacked it with others of similar size. “I miss it. What happened?” “You got married. I didn't want to drag my problems into your happiness and perfect life. I didn't want to whine about how everything I touch turns to ash.” “We aren't perfect, Jason. We fight. We argue.” Warren marked off another plank and fit it in the clamp. “You wouldn't believe the way she went off on me because I had put the roll of paper on the spindle backwards,” Warren said with a laugh. Jason merely nodded, the pencil in his fingers moving across the paper. “With...with the way you obviously feel about Marlene...with the way you've obviously felt about her for a long time, why didn't you try with her before?” “After what happened with Sandy? After getting dragged into Wildfire business? After...after everything that's happened, with everything we deal with, sometimes on a daily basis, how can you ask me that?” Jason was getting angry. “Well, I open my mouth and the words just tend to fall out." “Damn it, Warren. You're not funny.” Warren shrugged. “Sorry. It's just, for so long you've kept her at arm's reach, when everything we've been told, the two of you should have been together.” Jason closed the sketchbook, disappeared it and his pencil, and leaned back against the chair he was on, hanging his arm over the backrest. “I was trying to keep her safe.” Using a push broom to collect the shavings and sawdust he had created, Warren said, “But not Leah.” “Leah is one of us, Warren. She knows the risks we face. I didn't need any of our enemies going after her if they found out who I was.” Jason rubbed at his face. “Not that it matters. I've lost her again.” “How can you be sure of that, Jase? She just needs time to come to terms with the fact that she's almost a year younger than her driver's license reads.” Standing up and twisting to stretch his back, Jason said, “Because some of us don't get happy endings.” “Leah told me you said that to her.” “So much for confidentiality,” Jason half joked. Warren stared at him with disbelief. “You are so full of shit it isn't even funny. Leah cares about you. She pretty much proved that the day she sat out here freezing her ass off just to be close to you. In case you decided you wanted to talk. She proved it again when she hauled you out of the office for a weekend. I can't believe that the two of you spent the night in the same bed together and you never touched her.” “I touched her,” Jason said quietly. “What?” “I said I touched her. We went into a roadhouse for lunch once we found out that we needed a part for the car. They had a live band coming in later. When Leah got me out I told her that the weekend was hers. She wanted to listen to the band play so we came back for dinner and stayed until...” “Until what?” Warren was leaning on the broom, giving Jason his full attention. Jason waved him off. “The band played a lot of old pop country. I recall Two More Bottles of Wine because that song, Leah got me up to dance with her. Don't recall too many of the others. Just Leah moving to the music until they played...” Jason searched his memory. “A Trisha Yearwood song, I think. Like We Never Had a Broken Heart.” “Ouch,” Warren winced. “And then what happened.” “She pulled me down and kissed me. She had tears rolling down her cheeks. Then she ran out the door. When I got back to the room Leah had herself locked in the bathroom with the shower running. When she came out about an hour later, she said she didn't want to talk about it and she was going to sleep. I took my shower and laid down. I couldn't sleep, so I was going over reports on my pad. Leah laughed in her sleep.” Jason moved to the loft door. The top half was open to allow the breeze to pass through. “I set the pad aside and rolled over to look at her. I asked her why she was there. She rolled into me, burying her face in my chest and throwing an arm and a leg over me.” Jason shook his head at the thought. “I put my arm around her. Her hair was still damp and smelling like her favorite shampoo.” Jason shrugged. “Then I kissed her on her forehead and tried to sleep.” Racking the broom with the rest of his tools, Warren chuckled and said, “Wow. That's almost like taking advantage of her.” “No,” Jason said shaking his head. “I did that with Trese.” “What?”
  8. Funny thing is, the cost for each was almost reversed. The Enemies for Hire was $2. The AC was just shy of $10. Cover price on the AC is $3 and the other was $15.
  9. Found a copy for $2 and an AC that I was missing. Fast ship, too.
  10. I don't know what, but I'm aware that Greater Than Games found a way to deal with the shipping costs for their kickstarters.
  11. http://www.amazon.com/Enemies-Hire-Champions-James-Davis/dp/1558062270
  12. Gravity powers can be simulated with Entangles.
  13. Well, if you call it "Burning Heart" I'm sure Survivor would want royalties.
  14. You realize that was just Lion-o's way of getting Cheetara's attention, don't you? And she got tired of it.
  15. Bruce Wayne, but they opted for dinner at the mansion.
  16. SHIELD agents putting on a Kevlar vest is not the same as Tony Stark putting on Iron Man.
  17. That's an argument of expectations. Powered Armor can just as easily be OIHID. The whole damned system is opened to abuse. Which is why there is a GM.
  18. Depends on what you base it on. In The Adventures of Superman (George Reeves) there was a whistling sound when he flew. Later incarnations, comics included, he's a blue and red streak when he's flying, with commensurate noise/wind whistle.
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