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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Couldn't possibly be because it is Dinklage, could it?
  2. Adventurer's Club #4: The Gilt Complex by Dennis Mallonee Three extremely powerful villains that are equally as fragile.
  3. GMs are known to do things unexpected. The Gilt Complex comes to mind.
  4. I was thinking Gizmo of the Fearsome Five.
  5. Because Greywind is feeling too lazy to go look for the old one.
  6. Do a search on the forums for character threads. A lot of people started their own.
  7. Seems to me that it would depend on which tribe the character associates with. And if you think all tribes ended up in the deserts, I'd suggest you do research on the subject.
  8. The only difference between a hero and a villain is what you do with it in your game.
  9. And the only thing that shows it comes from Vader in that scene is that he is the only one with Luke. If they were in a crowd you'd never notice.
  10. Sometimes I try to roll the dice with my left hand, but being right-handed, it's kind of awkward.
  11. And at no point is there anything to indicate Vader is responsible, except that he and Luke are there alone and Luke ain't doing it to himself. IPE. Otherwise, there would be a glow or some other SFX to indicate what is going on. We're all nerds here of one flavor or another.
  12. No, he didn't. He stood there. Might have looked at what he was going to toss, but he just stood there unless he and Luke were crossing sabers.
  13. It strikes me that players don't regularly see it as part of their concept, and so ignore it. That does not mean that it is overpriced, just that they don't want it. The only person that can explain the "why" is Steve Long. And we all know how he feels about discussing game design philosophy.
  14. There comes a point where it is the responsibility of the GM, and not the game system, to ensure that a character gets sufficient utility from its abilities.
  15. Everyone knew it was Vader doing it because of his reputation as the last Jedi. Otherwise, yes, he has full IPE. Gestures, while aiding the user are not always necessary for the effect. If I recall correctly, during the fight on the cloud city, didn't Vader just stand there while force throwing everything that wasn't bolted down at Luke? Now, attacks require that the origin point and the end point are identifiable. You do not have to have a visible attack trail. Otherwise there is an inherent problem with snipers. Ego or otherwise. And if the origin point isn't visible due to something like Indirect, then people aren't going to know where it came from.
  16. Whether or not you can exceed the AP limits is strictly a GM call within his/her campaign/world.
  17. For the same effect, Indirect does not need CSLs nor does it need the GM to decide what surfaces are appropriate.
  18. Black Tom Cassidy with his shillelagh.
  19. Vader had Gestures and Invisible Power Effects on his VPP. As to which you choose, that all depends on the concept of the character. Not whether or not it gives you the most bang for your buck.
  20. Personally, I think Vader had a fairly large VPP and made stuff up as he went along and his GM just rolled with it. Force choke had a line of sight range, which Vader had. You still aren't proving your allegation that it is over-priced. Just because you keep saying it is, is not going to convince anyone of it.
  21. She bit his head off afterwards.
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