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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. I'd say that any damage already taken would have to heal.
  2. Given the example, both Cyclops and Havok are heroes and they don't get along.
  3. Power Girl was the Earth-2 Supergirl
  4. Depends on whether or not the siblings get along.
  5. As a GM, if I request the roll be made, it defaults as a 0 Phase action. From that point, the character can choose to spend more time "looking" or whatever the roll is for.
  6. If it isn't hardened, yes, it will reduce resistant.
  7. My thoughts? Have the hamster show up to reclaim his balls.
  8. Because you specifically brought the various cinematic Batman in to voice your argument in post #90.
  9. 1) Except Bruce deliberately flipped the branding iron into the smoke bomb supply. If it happened in America every death would have been a manslaughter charge. The only reason that he saved Ducard/Ra's was because he thought they were friends. 2) Ducard/Ra's did not jam the controls of the train so that it could not be stopped. Nor did he have the support strut blown out from under the track. Both of those actions were instigated by Batman. Who then refused to pull the sole remaining victim off the train. A 20 point CvK in effect is: I will not, through action or inaction, allow the death of another. And I've never seen either Batman or Superman as any degree of "overconfident". Confident in their own abilities, yes. Foolhardy, no.
  10. Just because you can build something, doesn't mean that you should. That's been tossed around since 1st.
  11. Sounds like your stretching build falls under "abusive build" and should be re-looked at because of. That's a flaw in the game being played. Not in the system.
  12. Except that the overconfident will take on the odds anyways, fully knowing that they will lose, but not expecting it. "Hey, I can take 'em." or the more popular, "Watch this. Hold my beer." Telling the truth in such a way as it will not be believed. Happens in a lot of stories. "You lied to me." "No, I didn't. I told you the truth." "But the way you told me, it led me to believe that it wasn't the truth." "That is not my problem." I don't know. Using my own characters as reference here, with a 12d6 2xAP as his main attack, Pulsar will not use that at full against anyone. He will dial it back, spread it, etc. UNLESS he is at a point where he fully intends on killing someone. He will not do that without some justification in his own mind, and being fully aware that he will have to deal with the consequences if he screws up. And there is what I believe is the sticking point. You don't seem to feel that there should be consequences. "Hey, he was a bad guy. He deserved it if he couldn't take it."
  13. It isn't designing someone to get killed. If you look through all the books available from 1st Ed on, you will find that there are characters that fit into every niche and that the powers range from minor, like the one cop who happened to find out the hard way that he was "bulletproof", to world-shaking, such as Dr. Destroyer. Some builds are not optimized for combat. That isn't to say at some point they won't find themselves IN combat, just that they aren't prepared for it. There are some who have mental issues and are drawn to the flash of the super-set, much as there are mental cases that are drawn to celebrity. To be part of that world, they will don the flashy costume and not really think through all of the possible consequences.
  14. He was directly responsible for the death of Ra's al Ghul. He burned the house down. Probably also killing the guy he refused to execute. He was responsible for the death of Ducard/Ra's by choosing to make no effort to save him. He was indirectly responsible for the death of Rachel Dawes. A fact that he was beating himself up over, which led Alfred to burning her last letter.
  15. But it did kill him. The broken leg kept him from being able to run away from Two-Face. Trying to refer to the cinematic Batman's as having a CvK, imho is asinine. That went out the window with Batman using machine guns, bombs, and tossing big, burly guys down bell towers. The only thing that Nolan's Batman wouldn't do is use guns or directly kill someone. That doesn't mean that he wasn't indirectly responsible for them dying. Nolan's Bats has maybe a 10 point CvK.
  16. No. Don't tell the players unless their characters see something to indicate. The characters need to figure it out. There is a reason a lot of hero teams keep databases on known villains, how they operate, and battle reports involving them. "Bitz Blastum cut loose with what he described as his full power. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get a statement from the target without a ouija board."
  17. Greywind


    QM, added my character thread to my signature. I'll work on keeping that updated. I'll edit the first post there to do a cast list. Work for you?
  18. And yet some can't. Like I said before, in my world scores are all over the place. I'd really hate to see what your character would do at a costume ball where everyone is in a costume. The only thing the mgs on the Batmobile did was open up a hole in the bay door. The bombs that came out from the wheel hubs were a whole other matter.
  19. You know massey, I'm going deaf. Not blind. The characters involved are Goldbrick, Goldmind, and Goldrush. Gold - gilt.
  20. Greywind


    Giving it another moment's thought, Brad hoisted himself off the picnic table and ambled towards the door. There was laughter coming through the screen door. Marlene was caught up in a hug from Kris that he was sure violated the standard doctor-patient relationship. “And every thing is fine?” Kris asked, releasing Marlene and brushing back a lock of Marlene's reddish blonde hair. “I'm...fine, Kris. Physically. I just...thought it was about time that Jason and I talked.” “Kind of warm for a jacket, don't you think?” Kate asked. Brad saw Marlene blush and drop her head to hide a smile. He shook his head. Women. “I'm fine, Kate,” Marlene said quietly. Brad tugged open the screen door and was presented with a view of the dark haired woman's tanned legs. “He is just so adorable, Kate. Can I hold him?” He found her voice pleasant and wondered how his name would sound coming from her lips. “Sure you can, but I got to tell you, it's more fun when they're smaller,” Kate teased the woman. “You haven't been out since the wedding. You should visit more often.” The woman laughed. “I'll try, Kate. Honest.” “Trese?” Marlene called to her. When Trese looked up, Marlene nodded her head towards the kitchen. “Can we talk?” Red hair flashing with the nod of her head, Trese said, “Sure,” and got up from where she was sitting. Brad made his way through the room to the kitchen where he liberated a few bottles from the refrigerator. “Don't you think you've had enough, Brad?” Ash asked. “I'm fine, mom.” Ash raised an eyebrow at him. “How many have you had already?” Leah asked. He thought for a moment. “Eight.” “Your brain is obviously still working to the best of its ability,” Ash said. “You took two six-packs out earlier.” Kris shook her head. “One of these days you're going to find your limit.” “I keep hoping. I haven't been drunk since high school.” He twisted the top off a bottle and held it out to the dark haired woman. Had nobody said her name? “Hi.” She smiled at him. Damn, she's gorgeous. She had Aaron sleeping with his head on her shoulder and she took the proffered bottle. “Thank you, Mr. Michaels.” He stopped for a moment. “Okay. What's the joke?” “Joke?” She looked confused. “How do you know who I am?” “There's no joke, Mr. Michaels. I worked for the better part of the last ten years as Jason's personal assistant. Part of my job was being aware of who he interacted with regularly.” “You're Beth?” “You seem surprised. What is it? Am I not good looking enough?” “No. I mean yes. I...you're gorgeous!” “Thank you, Mr. Michaels.” “Brad, please. Would you be interested in dinner?” “I appreciate the offer, but tonight I am here for a friend and to meet this little one,” she said with a smile, bouncing Aaron lightly. Brad shrugged. “Tomorrow?” “Tomorrow I'm supposed to meet some old friends that I haven't seen since I left.” “You're from around here?” “Born and raised.” “How about Monday? I have some pull with your boss. I'm sure I could get you the day off.” He ignored the snickers and giggles from the assembled women. “Mr. Michaels...” “Brad.” “Brad,” she agreed. “I know exactly how much pull you have with my boss. I dare say that I would have a much better chance of getting Monday free by telling Jason straight up that I'm taking Monday off.” “You can do that?” “I am one of the few people that work for Jason that can tell him whatever I feel if it is warranted.” “Why do I get the feeling you don't want to go out?” "Well, Brad, in the first place, you haven't bothered to ask if I'm involved. Since you didn't ask, I can only assume that the answer either doesn't concern you...” “I'm sorry. Are you seeing someone?” “...or you don't care if I am.” Beth dropped her chin to the top of Aaron's head and raised an eyebrow at Brad. “Let's just say I'm working on it.” “Oh.” He caught a glimpse of green being passed from Ash to Leah. “What? Don't tell me you were betting on me!” “Betting on whether or not you'd hit on Beth at first sight,” Ash confirmed. “Betting on whether or not you'd crash and burn doing it,” Leah added. “Milkshakes at Rosie's tomorrow!”
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