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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. ...have Optimus Prime on speed-dial.
  2. Sure, but the set effect is automatically going to be twice your active defenses. Is that okay?
  3. My nitpick is she's shoehorning them into that 250 point box again.
  4. Thor has a major advantage on his STR Min for Mjolnir: one must be worthy.
  5. Or you can roll the full locations with the cover taking the hit if required.
  6. No. You take a Ranged Disarm ability based off your ability to shoot. Destroying their gun, then you'd need something other like Dispel, but there's no inherent reason that shooting a gun would destroy it.
  7. Generally, unless you pay for it, you don't get free benefits.
  8. ...and give you a chance at pissing off the thugs higher-ups.
  9. Just because he can't be heard does not mean that he's mute. After all, In Space No One Can Hear You Scream.
  10. Worse comes to worst, you can always do a Sam and Dean.
  11. Where are you seeing that he's a mute? That would be a complication worth taking points for.
  12. Greywind


    American Football? Canadian Football? or International Soccer (football to the rest of the world)?
  13. Hornblower: Duty (2003) (TV) Played by Ioan Gruffudd (as Commander Horatio Hornblower) Horatio Hornblower 3 (2003) (TV) Played by Ioan Gruffudd (as Commander Horatio Hornblower) ... aka "Hornblower: Loyalty" - UK (original title) Horatio Hornblower: Retribution (2001) (TV) Played by Ioan Gruffudd (as Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower) ... aka "Hornblower: Retribution" - UK (original title) Hornblower: Mutiny (2001) (TV) Played by Ioan Gruffudd (as Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower) Horatio Hornblower: The Wrong War (1999) (TV) Played by Ioan Gruffudd (as Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower) ... aka "Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsters" - UK (original title) Horatio Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil (1999) (TV) Played by Ioan Gruffudd (as Acting Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower) ... aka "Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil" - UK (original title) Horatio Hornblower: The Fire Ship (1998) (TV) Played by Ioan Gruffudd (as Acting Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower) ... aka "Hornblower: The Examination for Lieutenant" - UK (original title) Horatio Hornblower: The Duel (1998) (TV) Played by Ioan Gruffudd (as Midshipman Horatio Hornblower) ... aka "Hornblower: The Even Chance" - UK (original title) "Alcoa Premiere" ... aka "Premiere, Presented by Fred Astaire" - USA (alternative title) - Hornblower (1963) TV episode, Played by David Buck (as Captain Horatio Hornblower) "Conflict" - Passage to Maranga (1957) TV episode, Played by Rex Reason (as Capt. Horatio Hornblower) Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951) Played by Gregory Peck (as Capt. Horatio Hornblower R.N) ... aka "Captain Horatio Hornblower" - USA (alternative title)
  14. "That's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth." Jayne Cobb, Firefly: Our Mrs Reynolds
  15. Start buying combat sense for all your villains so that no attack is ever considered "from behind".
  16. One problem is, the rules operate in a void. Not in any given campaign. A campaign will have an impact on how often certain limitations and advantages come into play. The rules can't account for them all.
  17. Depends on how often one fights a Reflector.
  18. Allows you all the skills learned prior.
  19. I agree, Hugh. Which can garner a Reputation Perk for the players.
  20. There are a lot of EMP builds. Mind Control vs Electronics (Shut Down), NND attacks, etc.
  21. Within reach is not necessarily adjacent. Adjacent is considered next to. In game terms this would imply the hex where you are situated, meaning that there are 6 adjacent hexes/character has 1" reach. Stretching changes reach, but it does not change the definition of adjacent. Using Growth, the character has a bigger footprint, giving more area to be adjacent to, and also increasing his reach. But nowhere does that change the definition of adjacent to anything that can be reached.
  22. Looking at both the powers and the combat rules, you are still limited to "adjacent". Not anywhere you please.
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