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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2014/09/artist-kevin-weir-creates-ghostly-animated-gifs-using-archival-photos-from-the-library-of-congress/
  2. Greywind

    M&M ranking

    My M&Ms are either "edible" or "gone".
  3. Plot device = no points required. Make a note.
  4. I'm judging by the episode about Lion-o's Trials where he had to outrun her.
  5. If she's from Gold Digger, that would make her Tifanny'Gia
  6. Not seeing anyone that resembles her from the character list, Bubba. You sure?
  7. Speed Buggy Lightning McQueen The artillery are from Super Mario Brothers Not sure who the second cheetah girl is. Cheetarah wouldn't last in the race. She's more of a sprinter than distance at speed.
  8. Enemies: Wyvern has generic OAF on his flight for his wings. So the intent is there from the beginning.
  9. Or, do as you did, pop into the forums and ask questions. We're generally a helpful bunch.
  10. Stronghold is based on the Vault. The Raft came after the Negative Zone prison failed.
  11. From a game aspect, while in the base, the character will (should) have access to paraphernalia that will reduce the costs, allow her to extend the time the spell would last, etc. Part of having a lab available.
  12. Greywind


    Stepping into what had been his father's home office, Jason quietly closed the door against the laughter of Jessica and her family. “Connect to the tower.” He slipped around the desk and lowered himself into the waiting chair. “Connecting,” Mentor said. Jason rubbed at his forehead, lost in thought for a moment. “Pull the security files on Jessica's assault and prepare to transfer them to the tower. Flag the files so that Knight knows I have a copy.” “Guardian Tower. Nightwing speaking.” “Secure the line,” Jason ordered. “The line is secure,” Mentor responded. “Jason? What's up?” “Where's Callahan?” Jason's fingers loosened the knot of his tie. “Screw it,” he said quietly, disappearing the tie before reappearing it and tossing it on the desk. “Callahan? He's out on a hunting trip.” “Transfer the file. Michaels, I'm sending you a file. Track the archer down and get him to look over that file.” Jason unbuttoned the collar of his shirt. “He isn't going to like that. You know how he gets when he's hunting.” “Michaels, right now, I don't care. This is a personal matter and he needs to start being a team player. I need to pick his brain and his expertise. You track him down. You get him to look over that file. And you get him in touch with me after he's done.” Jason's tone was cold. “This isn't a request.” “Yeah. Sure. Not a problem. File received.” Jason sat back in the chair. “Disconnect and put the file up on the screens.” The room went dark and one wall lit up with photographs of Jessica and the interior of her car. His eyes flicked from one picture to another, committing them all to memory. “Access Wildfire, Mentor. Search for any and all whose preference is archery. Even if it is secondary. Get me a list.” “Yes, Jason.”
  13. Greywind


    Jason just stared at the girl laying in the bed. Marlene looked up at him for a moment before she turned her attention back to the security chief. “No. Thanks, though.” She, too, turned to the prone girl as Knight walked away. They stood silently for a few moments before Marlene tugged on his hand. “Come on. Let's go meet the family.” They turned back the way they had come. When they were out of earshot of the officer, she said quietly, “You want to do that thing where you heal, don't you?” Jason gave her a sad look and nodded. “You can't. Not like this.” “I know,” he said and checked his watch. In the waiting room a man with a military haircut sat with his arm around a small, dark haired woman. A little girl knelt at a table, coloring a picture in a coloring book. The girl reminded Marlene of Jessica. Trese sat watching the girl color. When Marlene and Jason came in, she looked up with a smile. “Marlene, Jason, this is Jacob Randall, Jessica's brother,” Trese said out of politeness, knowing that they both realized his relationship with their reason for being here. “And his wife, Sally,” she continued. “And this,” she put her hand on the little girl's back, “is Samantha.” Jake stood and held out his hand. “It's just 'Jake',” he said. Marlene took his hand. “I'm sorry we had to meet under such unfortunate circumstances, Mr. Randall.” Jason shook his hand in turn. “She wrote saying how much she liked working for you. How could something like this happen?” “I don't know, but I promise you that the persons responsible will be found and dealt with,” Jason told him. Jason looked down when Samantha tugged on his pant leg. She looked up at him with questioning eyes. “Is my Aunt Jessie going to be okay? They won't let me see her. She said she had a surprise for me.” Jason knelt down. “I'm sure that she is going to be just fine, Samantha. I know what the surprise is. She was excited about seeing you.” “Will you tell me?” He smiled at her. “I don't think Jessica would like that, Samantha. It's her surprise for you.” Samantha thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement. “It's okay. I just wish I could talk to her.” “Well...” Jason was interrupted by his phone chirping the arrival of a text. He pulled it out and read the message quickly before slipping it back into his pocket. “I'll tell you what, I promise you that you'll see Jessica later today and she'll be perfectly fine and happy to see you.” Samantha threw herself at Jason, wrapping he arms around his neck. It took a few moments before Jason wrapped his own arms around the girl. Jake and Sally passed a concerned look between themselves. “I don't think you should be making a promise like that,” Jake said. “Mr. Randall,” Beth said, “I have been working for Mr. Scott for a long time. He will not make a promise that won't be kept.” “Jason, I was thinking. Instead of a motel, why don't we let them stay in the guest house?” Trese asked. “I think that's a wonderful idea,” Marlene said. “Jessica will be staying in her room, since her apartment will be off-limits with the police investigation going on. Trese, why don't you make the arrangements?” Trese shot an annoyed look at Marlene before smiling. “I guess I walked into that one,” she said, pulling out her own phone.
  14. Greywind


    Theresa sat up and became more aware when Leah pulled off the main road. The track they were following looked like it had been recently plowed clear of snow. Blue and red reflectors marked the lane to either side. Leah drove the Rover at a careful pace. Man-made light broke through the trees here and there before a final turn that brought them within sight of Jason's cabin. Light poured from large windows, illuminating a pickup truck with a snow plow mounted on the front. What Jason called a cabin struck Theresa more like a palace. A shadow crossed the light coming from the opened door and a figure descended the steps. Jason opened his door and climbed out of the Rover. “Michael,” he said, holding his hand out. The shadowy figure grasped the outstretched hand and the men shook. “Mr. Scott. Everything you requested has been stocked. I doubled up on the food supplies, just in case that storm we've been threatened with hits.” “Hello, Michael,” Leah said, coming around the front of the car. “How is your mom?' “Miss Capwell,” Michael said with a smile and nod of his head. “She is doing very well, thank you. I think me having some direction in my life has helped her.” Theresa slipped from the back seat. The first thing she noticed was the biting cold. She pulled the coat she was wearing closer. Then she realized that she still had Jason's coat on. He was standing there in a flannel shirt and didn't seem to mind the cold at all. Michael seemed familiar to her some how and he turned his attention to her when she opened the door. “You must be Miss Gardner.” “I must?” “Grandfather told me you had unexpected company. That was another of the reasons that I bought more food.” “Grandfather?” Theresa was beginning to feel like an idiot, barely able to repeat what someone else said. “Michael's grandfather is the sheriff, Theresa. Leah, why don't you two go in and we'll get the stuff out of the car,” Jason suggested. * * * * * Jason closed the door behind Michael after making sure the man made it safely into his truck. They heard the engine catch and the tires crunch snow when he headed down the lane he had plowed on his way up. “Why did he say not to wander?” Theresa asked. Leah smiled. “Lions and tigers and bears. Oh, my,” she sang. Theresa gave her a funny look. “More like 'mountain lions and wolves and bears', but the idea is the same. This is a wilderness area, Theresa. In the winter food is sometimes scarce and the cats and wolves will hunt people if they're hungry enough,” Jason explained. “Oh,” she said quietly. “What happens now?” “Now?” Jason looked at her for a long moment. “Now, how about a bath? It must have been a while since you've had a real chance to clean up.” She gave him a grateful look. “Too long.” “Leah, why don't you pull stuff out for dinner while I get her settled?” Leah gave him an amused questioning look. “My weekend. Remember? I'm not cooking.” “Didn't say you were. I just asked that you get stuff out so I can cook.” “Well, I suppose I can do that much,” she said, turning to open the refrigerator. Jason lead Theresa down the hall to the bath room. She held her bag with both hands tight against her body. “I don't have anything to wear,” she said despondently. “Everything I have with me is dirty. Until earlier, this shirt and jeans were in the best shape. Now...” Stopping to look at her, Jason said gently, “One thing at a time. Okay? First, we get you cleaned up so that you feel better.” He stepped into the bathroom with Theresa in tow. “That's a big tub,” she said quietly. The bathtub looked like it could accommodate five of her. Jason smiled. Pulling towels and washcloth from a linen closet, he said, “When you're older, you might understand why.” Looking confused for a moment, Theresa looked at him for a long moment. “Oh!” she exclaimed, blushing. She looked around for a moment. “Where's the door?” “Ah, a friend of mine got a little carried away. She didn't realize her own strength.” He went out into the hall from where Theresa heard a door open, and then a few seconds later, close. Jason reappeared with a wolf throw hanging from a rod. He set the rod into hooks above the door. “There's soap and shampoo in the cabinet there. Pick your flavor.” Theresa opened the indicated door. “There's so many different kinds.” “Lots of female friends with different preferences,” he said by way of explanation. “Run the water to your liking. I'll see what I can find for you to wear.” He slipped from the room, allowing the curtain to fall into place. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Theresa said, “He's not what I expected.” She took a closer look at herself. Her hair was lank and dirty. Her face, while cleaner than it had been in the bar, was still a far cry from being fresh. Her fingers traced the cut in her shirt. Tears stung her eyes. “It's just a stupid shirt,” she said quietly. She pulled it over her head and tossed it next to her bag. Fingers wiped at her eyes. Sitting on the edge of the tub, she said, “I like it hot. Not too hot.” She reached for spigot. Water running, tested for temperature, Theresa shucked her jeans off. Those she lay on the counter and took in the long cut in the leg. She checked her bare leg and saw a light scratch running up where the knife had passed through the denim. Seeing it and realizing it was there made it start to ache. Jason's hand passed by the curtain and set sweat pants, shirt and socks on the counter. Theresa squeaked. “You okay?” he asked. Giggling to relieve tension, Theresa said, “You startled me.” “I'm sorry. Set your clothes here by the door before you get in tub. I'll collect them in a few minutes and we'll get your stuff cleaned up as best I can. Okay?” “Yeah, sure, I guess. Is it okay if I...” “Anything you like, Theresa. As long as it doesn't involve anyone breaking a law.” Theresa grabbed a bottle of bubble bath and poured plenty in under the water flow.
  15. Listening to some Survivor. Saying goodbye to Jimi.
  16. The GMs I've played with won't even make it to the "or..." They will design it or they will use a standard character sheet.
  17. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0961.html
  18. I don't agree with that. You might get a 300 point truck, but the GM is going to have the say as to where the points go. You're just getting the truck. Not designing it.
  19. Well, sure, for you it'll only be 4. What about the guy with a defense of 20?
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