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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Actually, the Wealth perk does just that. Based on how many points a character has gives an idea of how much disposable income the character has.
  2. He is personally immune to both his own and Havok's. The impact of the power doesn't do any damage, but the knockback can still hurt.
  3. Sometimes, depending on the item's nature, you can plot whole stories behind it. Mystical artifact? Another wizard wants it, hires someone to acquire it, etc.
  4. Cyke has a low-level of absorption that usually doesn't get statted in any game system. He was blasted by Storm with lightning so that he could absorb and process it so that he could use his optic blast. If you're going to model Cyke with a multipower, then you'll want to have one major blast slot when he is lacking glasses/visor and have lock out on all other slots in the event he his lacking his control mechanism (glasses/visor).
  5. They did. They found new ways to eff up continuity based off Crisis.
  6. Then reduce the cost of speed.
  7. Whatever feels right. Check the intelligence of the opposition and their means to disarm.
  8. Or you could allow players to buy speed outside of the 2-4 range if you want more granularity in actions.
  9. System already covers fractional speed, since the cost is 10 for +1 SPD.
  10. Watch The Message ep of Firefly
  11. Then the GM could require the players to take Mystery Complication of X points, to fill in as he chooses, so that what happens in the first couple of game sessions can be used to fill in the Complication list.
  12. Maybe "morp" is the sound it makes when it's changing.
  13. But, and has always been the case, you do not get points for complications generated through game play.What you can do (with GM's permission), is change existing complications to reflect game play.
  14. Is it for bonus damage or just bypassing the character's inherent PD/ED?
  15. Blue booking: One or a few of the players describing activities of their characters in written form, outside of the role-playing session, creating a sort of ongoing character history and resolving actions that don’t involve the rest of the group.
  16. If any of your players are writers, consider blue booking as an option for "non-adventure" times.
  17. I'm pro comic book. What matters is that they tell good stories and not just churn out crap to force customers to buy more.
  18. Yes, they could, but it requires the limitation against using lethal force lifted from the rings themselves, which only the Guardians can do.
  19. Batman was also trained by the best masters that he could find. And in more than just boxing and ninjutsu.
  20. If the GM sets the points for the game at 400. You get 400. If you are required to have 50 points of Complications and choose not to take them, you only have 350 points to build with.
  21. How can it cost more than allowed? Jan's shrinking isn't all the massive. A lot of her other powers are tied to the shrinking, like her bio-blast.
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