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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Thor doesn't know paramedics or medicine. Don Blake does. And yes, they were 2 separate characters.
  2. Power Skill: Shield Tricks Not to be confused with: Power Skill: S.H.I.E.L.D. Tricks
  3. I got tired of time travel when it seemed every Star Trek movie involved it.
  4. Then simply put, there is no counter power that will lock shape shift without a lot of mental acrobatics and probably hand waving.
  5. Batman stopped having the yellow behind the plate when he bounced back from the Knightfall storyline. Robin (Dick Grayson) wore his family's circus costume.
  6. Doesn't have to be. There are advantages that can be applied to the shape shift ability that will change that. Which is why I said earlier, it all depends on how both powers are defined. And let's leave presidents out of this. No need to bring in politics.
  7. Actually, it was reduced from the chest plate to just the mini-ARC reactor.
  8. Shifters are a rarity as it is. Hand waving something minor doesn't bother me.
  9. But is the power active when they are in a form? Or is the power only active when they are changing form?
  10. Because nothing is stopping them from using their own power to change shape again.
  11. Like I said, depends on how both powers are defined and how the GM would rule based on intent. Mind Control can be overcome with an EGO roll.
  12. So does Suppress as a power denial.
  13. Depends on how the Shapeshift is defined and how the Suppress is defined.
  14. "When I was your age, I built my own world. Nowadays, you young'uns want everything handed to ya."
  15. Rifts generally sucks because most of their books seems to be reprinting parts, in whole, of other books in the line. How many times do I need the rules for X that they appear in 20 different books?
  16. "Well, why not?" isn't exactly book legal.
  17. The role-playing occurs when you find a group of like-minded people and they talk in character, act in character, etc.
  18. Marvel came around before the Adam West Batman.
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